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Thread: Spasms Under Right Rib Cage

  1. #1

    Spasms Under Right Rib Cage

    I am 5'10, weigh 182 and am 15% bodyfat. I am in the middle of week 6. Last week I started experiencing what feels like a muscle spasm directly below my rib cage on my right hand side. It doesn't hurt when it happens, its just really uncomfortable. This happens anywhere from 1-8 times a day. Has anyone had this problem or know what it is? or whats causing this? and is it serious? Any response is better than no response. I have my cycle below. Thank you

    1-13 Testosterone Cypionate : 500mg/week (250mg M & Th)
    1-6 Dbol : 20/30/30/40/40/50mg ED
    1-6 NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine: 2400mg ED (protect my liver)
    7-13 NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine: 1200mg ED
    1-13 Arimidex : .25mg EOD
    4-13 hCG : 500iu/week (250iu M & TH)

    PCT (start 18 days after last pin)
    Nolvadex : 40/20/20/20
    Clomid: 75/50/50/50
    NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine: 600mg ED

  2. #2
    Have you tried increasing your intake of Taurine? 3g to 5g daily

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