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Thread: Female problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Female problems

    My wife went with me to the doctor. She explained carefully to him that she was 55, had her last period in December 2013. She explained that she goes with me to the gym 4 days per week and pushes weights. She explained that she has all the symptoms of low testosterone, that she starts to sweat every time she eats anything or drinks anything and that she eats a calorie deficit of 700 calories per day, but she hasn't lost a single gram of weight for 4 months now.

    He took a new blood test, and we got the results back today. Not only did he fail to get her testosterone, he didn't even bother to get her estrogen either.

    He told her that there is absolutely no problems with her blood and told her tat they don't test women for testosterone, nor do they test post-menopause women for estrogen.

    He tells her that perhaps he can give her some estrogen cream . . .

    The blood results are all in Dutch (for what they are worth) I'll try to translate the ones I can.

    Here are the possible relevant ones : -

    Creatinine - 0.89 mg/dL
    E-GFR (CKD-EPI) - 74 ml/min/1.73m2
    Uric Acid - 4.5 mg/dL

    Calcium 2.43 - nmol/L
    Phosphorous 1.05 - 1.05 nmol/L

    Protein - 73 g/L
    Cholesterol total - 150 mg/dL
    HDL-cholesterol - 45 mg/dL
    Non-HDL-cholesterol - 105 mg/dL
    Ratio tot chol /HDL -chol -3.33 mg/mg
    LDL-cholesterol calculated - 82 mg/dL
    Triglycerides - 115 mg/dL

    GOT (AST) - 17 U/L
    GPT (ALT) - 17 U/L
    Gamma-GT - 13 U/L
    Alkaline phosphatase - 79 U/L

    Glucose niet nuchter - 72 mg/dL

    C-reactive protein - 0.5 mg/L

    Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - 1.58 mU/L

    Cortisol ouchtend - 12.4 ugm/dL

    I'm not sure if these results are the real thing or if they aren't 'adjusted' to suit the EU, like global warming results.

    My wife needs to lose 10 kgs, cardio weightlifting and eating a high protein low-calorie diet, just isn't working. She is always tired, her weights have gone down and she's starting to ache (remember we've been doing this for over a year now) we aren't over-training. She has no interest in sex (just as well because I've got the same problem at the moment). She has problems in concentrating and not a lot of interest in anything which is not like her.

    It's getting worse. It might be testosterone, thyroid, estrogen, we have no idea and the doctors over here stubbornly refuse to even consider that there is a problem

    Can anyone out there, especially you ladies, give a bit of help here?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    go to pharmacy and with less tan 100€ you can get test, t3, prolactin and E2.

    your wife is 55, what do you expect??? make her go on TRT??? let her take T3??
    or let her take some AI???? I think no doctor will give a shit, if she has low test, or T3, he'll say its the age. but for you own interest, you can get it done in local pharmacy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Local pharmacy? This is BELGIUM, not the USA. This is where all the crazy EU rules and regulations come from - like banning vacuum cleaner over 1600 Watts, you know, the ones that actually WORK!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I'm living in spain, and here you can get the test done without problems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Its a long drive from here to Spain!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Baldur2630 View Post
    Its a long drive from here to Spain!
    I mean, its always EU... have you asked?? in Belgium, where do you do the HIV+ test for example??? here you can do every test you want at local pharmacy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I mean, its always EU... have you asked?? in Belgium, where do you do the HIV+ test for example??? here you can do every test you want at local pharmacy.
    Belgium is the EU country with the most red tape and B.S. EVERYTHING is regulated. They would regulate when you breathe if they could. Chemst wants a presvription for just about everything. You can't buy Paramol, Solpadien, Neurophen Plus - stuff you can buy over the counter even in the UK isn't available here without a prescription. If you anted an HIV Test you would have to go to a doctor.

    You think the pharmacy could / would take blood? A friend had a major problem on Friday evening. He had drunk a few beers and he couldn't urinate. He was in real pain, so I took him to the Emergency room at 22:30. After waiting for about 10 minutes until someone came to the window. I had to dig in his clothes for his eID.

    They eventually put him on a table and said they would contact a doctor. He arrived 25 minutes later (apparently doctors don't work at weekends). Eventually they stuck a catheter in him. He had to go back to the Hospital on the Monday. He tells me they stuck a tube up his arse to check his prostate. When he go home, he developed a bladder infection and they also managed to give him hemorrhoids! We managed to get some antibiotics for the infection from a doctor, and I took him to an acupuncturist, who cleared up his hemorrhoids and fixed his swollen prostate.

    Here you get NOTHING with a load of b.s. We are on our own, that's why I posted this because we really would like some advice

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    somewhere near London

    I see an endocrinologist in Brussels that will sort your wife out with all the right tests, and the necessary treatments, but the downside is that he is not cheap. His name is Thierry Hertoghe, and his office is in Uccle, just south of Brussels city centre. You can find him at Dr. Hertoghe.

    Have a look and if you have any questions, please ask them here or in PM and I will happily share my experience.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I live in Europe and I can order blood work from any lab without prescription, just need to have a good understanding of what tests to be run. I just say i want to do private bloodwork and give them the details. No questions are asked.

    Only problem is that I need medic prescription for insurance to pay it. So it gets expensive.

  10. #10
    The regulations here in the U.S.'s not looking so bad after hearing about EU.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    No kidding

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Baldur2630 View Post
    My wife went with me to the doctor. She explained carefully to him that she was 55, had her last period in December 2013. She explained that she goes with me to the gym 4 days per week and pushes weights. She explained that she has all the symptoms of low testosterone, that she starts to sweat every time she eats anything or drinks anything and that she eats a calorie deficit of 700 calories per day, but she hasn't lost a single gram of weight for 4 months now.

    He took a new blood test, and we got the results back today. Not only did he fail to get her testosterone, he didn't even bother to get her estrogen either.

    He told her that there is absolutely no problems with her blood and told her tat they don't test women for testosterone, nor do they test post-menopause women for estrogen.

    He tells her that perhaps he can give her some estrogen cream . . .

    The blood results are all in Dutch (for what they are worth) I'll try to translate the ones I can.

    Here are the possible relevant ones : -

    Creatinine - 0.89 mg/dL
    E-GFR (CKD-EPI) - 74 ml/min/1.73m2
    Uric Acid - 4.5 mg/dL

    Calcium 2.43 - nmol/L
    Phosphorous 1.05 - 1.05 nmol/L

    Protein - 73 g/L
    Cholesterol total - 150 mg/dL
    HDL-cholesterol - 45 mg/dL
    Non-HDL-cholesterol - 105 mg/dL
    Ratio tot chol /HDL -chol -3.33 mg/mg
    LDL-cholesterol calculated - 82 mg/dL
    Triglycerides - 115 mg/dL

    GOT (AST) - 17 U/L
    GPT (ALT) - 17 U/L
    Gamma-GT - 13 U/L
    Alkaline phosphatase - 79 U/L

    Glucose niet nuchter - 72 mg/dL

    C-reactive protein - 0.5 mg/L

    Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - 1.58 mU/L

    Cortisol ouchtend - 12.4 ugm/dL

    I'm not sure if these results are the real thing or if they aren't 'adjusted' to suit the EU, like global warming results.

    My wife needs to lose 10 kgs, cardio weightlifting and eating a high protein low-calorie diet, just isn't working. She is always tired, her weights have gone down and she's starting to ache (remember we've been doing this for over a year now) we aren't over-training. She has no interest in sex (just as well because I've got the same problem at the moment). She has problems in concentrating and not a lot of interest in anything which is not like her.

    It's getting worse. It might be testosterone, thyroid, estrogen, we have no idea and the doctors over here stubbornly refuse to even consider that there is a problem

    Can anyone out there, especially you ladies, give a bit of help here?
    money in treatments, not fixing the actuall issue... I would find another doc, and endo, or going on own to get blood work and then showing doc ( keeping in mind he will prob still brush you off and you will have to try another...) good luck man

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I live in Europe and I can order blood work from any lab without prescription, just need to have a good understanding of what tests to be run. I just say i want to do private bloodwork and give them the details. No questions are asked.

    Only problem is that I need medic prescription for insurance to pay it. So it gets expensive.
    It's a long, long time since I visited this forum, my apologies. First an update : -

    Eventually, after much searching and bullying, I got a doctor to do a full blood analysis. My SHBG was high, my estradiol was low and my free testosterone was almost zero. Doc(?) sent me to an endo(?) at the hospital. He agreed that I needed TRT, but refused to prescribe anything because of my age and my high total testosterone! I asked him if I could buy anything myself, and the dumb asshole had to search the web to find out what was available because "he hadn't ever prescribed it!". He told me that I could try 250 mg Sustanon every two months. I left, disgusted.

    After research, I found a reliable supplier and started injecting 50 mg Test Cyp twice weekly. It didn't help at all. I upped the dose to 200 mg weekly, but then I found a mix of T cyp and T enan 400 mg/ml, so I did 3 injection, Sun, Tue, Thu of 70 mg.

    I started to feel better, I was losing fat and my weights started to go up a bit at the gym. My libido was still trashed.

    In December I started to add 2 IU daily of Somatropin (generic but from a reliable source), for anti-aging. I could only afford 2 IU daily for a month and then I had to drop it to 1 IU daily.

    My libido went through the roof. I've been working out now for almost a year since I started treating myself.

    My bench press has gone up from 55 kgs to 145 kgs (yesterday). ALL my lifts have just shot up.

    I'm still on the same dose of Testosterone, but now I only pin twice weekly, Sun and Wed. I'm still on 1 IU daily of HGH. I was advised to take 0.25 mg Arimidex either ED, EOD or E3D and I should experiment..

    I has more blood done in Feb everything looked OK, free t was up, SHBG still a bit high, E2 still a bit low, but better than it was.

    Then I started to have a problem. I think it best to open a new thread for this one.

  14. #14
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    Actually her doctor's diagnosis was quite good. Rarely are women given clinical testosterone for hormonal correction (especially outside the U.S.), and he did suggest the estrogen cream for your/her concerns. But more importantly, postmenopausal women suffer from a significant hormonal imbalance, which as an underlying system, very often impacts body weight. This condition is often expressed in the inability to lose weight regardless of the diet severity and exercise intensity.

    Remember, although caloric consumption is TYPICALLY central to weight maintenance and change, the influence of primary hormones is greater. Let me preface this by saying that it is NOT THE SAME, but this is best illustrated by the aas users' precontest diet. So potent is the anabolic state (the hormonal elevation/imbalance) that it largely preserves muscle mass. Now of course there are several other factors at play such as the high protein diet, significant weight training, etc., but said factors are also consistent with your wife's current program. I just read a great article on the topic, I'll try to find and post it for you.

    All she can really do is ride out the postmenopausal wave until her levels restabilize, as most do without the aid of meds, and she'll know when she's back. Definitely consider the estro cream, as it'll help the overall aspects of her imbalance...including libido, which if already intact will likely be enhanced.
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  15. #15
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    How is your wife now?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    How is your wife now?
    Absolutely amazing. She is doing reps at 400 kgs on the Leg Press, she benched 110 kgs (that's 243 lb) on Monday. She pushes more weight than any of the young people outside of the three of us who train together. I did 140 kgs on Monday and our other training partner did 180 kgs (he's only 47 years old).

    She hasn't lost much weight, still 72 kgs, but she isn't that worried any longer, she just lives to push more weight!


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