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My wife went with me to the doctor. She explained carefully to him that she was 55, had her last period in December 2013. She explained that she goes with me to the gym 4 days per week and pushes weights. She explained that she has all the symptoms of low testosterone, that she starts to sweat every time she eats anything or drinks anything and that she eats a calorie deficit of 700 calories per day, but she hasn't lost a single gram of weight for 4 months now.
He took a new blood test, and we got the results back today. Not only did he fail to get her testosterone, he didn't even bother to get her estrogen either.
He told her that there is absolutely no problems with her blood and told her tat they don't test women for testosterone, nor do they test post-menopause women for estrogen.
He tells her that perhaps he can give her some estrogen cream . . .
The blood results are all in Dutch (for what they are worth) I'll try to translate the ones I can.
Here are the possible relevant ones : -
Creatinine - 0.89 mg/dL
E-GFR (CKD-EPI) - 74 ml/min/1.73m2
Uric Acid - 4.5 mg/dL
Calcium 2.43 - nmol/L
Phosphorous 1.05 - 1.05 nmol/L
Protein - 73 g/L
Cholesterol total - 150 mg/dL
HDL-cholesterol - 45 mg/dL
Non-HDL-cholesterol - 105 mg/dL
Ratio tot chol /HDL -chol -3.33 mg/mg
LDL-cholesterol calculated - 82 mg/dL
Triglycerides - 115 mg/dL
GOT (AST) - 17 U/L
GPT (ALT) - 17 U/L
Gamma-GT - 13 U/L
Alkaline phosphatase - 79 U/L
Glucose niet nuchter - 72 mg/dL
C-reactive protein - 0.5 mg/L
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - 1.58 mU/L
Cortisol ouchtend - 12.4 ugm/dL
I'm not sure if these results are the real thing or if they aren't 'adjusted' to suit the EU, like global warming results.
My wife needs to lose 10 kgs, cardio weightlifting and eating a high protein low-calorie diet, just isn't working. She is always tired, her weights have gone down and she's starting to ache (remember we've been doing this for over a year now) we aren't over-training. She has no interest in sex (just as well because I've got the same problem at the moment). She has problems in concentrating and not a lot of interest in anything which is not like her.
It's getting worse. It might be testosterone, thyroid, estrogen, we have no idea and the doctors over here stubbornly refuse to even consider that there is a problem
Can anyone out there, especially you ladies, give a bit of help here?