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Thread: Anavar Only Cycle Questions

  1. #1

    Anavar Only Cycle Questions

    AAS Choice: Anavar (Oxandrolone)
    PCT Choice: Nolvadex

    Physical Stats:
    23 years old
    145 lbs upon waking
    12-14% BF

    10-12% BF
    155 lbs upon waking

    Execution Plan:
    6 weeks of Anavar ED
    First couple of weeks (2-3 depending on progress) 30mg total split up twice a day, 20 mg in morning as i normally arrive to the gym between 10-12am; then 10mg at night.
    If no progress is being made possibly increase ED mg intake to 40-50 for the last couple of weeks.
    Upon Completion of 6 weeks ED Anavar cycle start Nolvadex (PCT)
    3-4 weeks 20mg ED
    Upon completion of Ananvar and Nolvadex do not cycle again for a minimum of 2 months

    Important Info: First off this is my first cycle ever. I have never cycled any type of aas before, not even similar supplements such as winny or clen. My goal here is to make my already muscular frame appear harder, slightly bigger and more lean. I in no way want to gain 20 or 30 lbs of mass which is why i chose anavar. I am not interested in supplementing with any AAS's that will yield such a result. Because anavar seems to be the safest aas on the market for my goals i feel it is a perfect fit for me (but I am posting this because i would like some professional and friendly advice) Please let me know what you think about this cycle. Wether it is a good fit for me or how i can make it better. Please remember my goals when commenting.
    I get a lot of mixed reviews about PCT some saying it is not needed while others say it is for this type of cycle. I want to maximize my results during and after this cycle so im thinking i should implement it. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You don't need steroids I know you may not want to hear what ive got to say because its going against everything you want but at 145lbs you need to build a base before starting steroids and in all honesty your a long way away from doing this. You need to look at your diet and training to further gains because if you address these two issues you can easily put on another 20-30lbs.

    Var only is a big no no anyway, it will shut down your natural test.

    you need to sort out your diet and training because steroids wont do a thing for you because you will lose everything after the cycle due to your diet and training not being able to support any new tissue being built.

  3. #3
    marcus300 thank you for the reply I really appreciate it.

    I realize after and even during my cycle I would need to consume more food than i currently am in order to sustain the gains i receive and I am prepared to do that. Plus all the research ive done has shown that any gains you do receive from avar, while not substantial, are usually permanent.

    My diet is very clean and I eat every 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours, being a hardgainer I must never go hungry.
    Plus wont I naturally want to consume more food as I start to gain on my cycle anyways because my body is working harder?
    As far as being shut down isnt that what the Nolvadex is supposed to help me with?

    I have attached a picture of myself to show my body type. I feel i have a pretty solid base at 145 but as i am new to all this im not gunna discredit you if you believe I will not benefit from this.

    Thank you again for your advice i really do appreciate it
    Last edited by jdizz; 09-12-2014 at 02:55 PM. Reason: trying to post my pic

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    No, the Nolva is not for shutdown. Shutdown occurs because with var your body will stop producing Test. You know, that stuff that makes you a man. If we shut down our natural production it must be replaced with exogenous test. Test performs many functions in the male body and you really don't want to go without it.

    Don't run cycles without test. Period. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Test in every cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    Solid physique bro

    Cycle properly, it will work out for the best

    Don't be scurd of the pin, or just don't hit AAs at all

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Solid physique bro Cycle properly, it will work out for the best Don't be scurd of the pin, or just don't hit AAs at all
    Agreed you need to add some test in there.

  8. #8
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    May 2011
    I actually really like the way you look before cycling. Much better than many look after taking something, IMO.

    My suggestion though would be to take Test, and take 300-500mg/w for 10-12 weeks. Your fear of gaining 30 lbs will not occur. The Anavar only cycle is a mistake IMO, and is not really worth taking alone for the gains it will provide. The way you will ultimately look on test, or anything else you take will be dictated by the way you eat and not what steroid you choose.
    My suggestion would be, if you have your mind made up already then go for it. You have a really nice base to jump in with and if done correctly, you will look pretty damn good after.
    Start by reading in the diet section all you can and tuning your diet for the look your after. After eating like this for a few weeks, then decide on ultimately taking something. Thats something IMO should be Test though.

    Good luck dude!

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdizz View Post
    marcus300 thank you for the reply I really appreciate it.

    I realize after and even during my cycle I would need to consume more food than i currently am in order to sustain the gains i receive and I am prepared to do that. Plus all the research ive done has shown that any gains you do receive from avar, while not substantial, are usually permanent.

    My diet is very clean and I eat every 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours, being a hardgainer I must never go hungry.
    Plus wont I naturally want to consume more food as I start to gain on my cycle anyways because my body is working harder?
    As far as being shut down isnt that what the Nolvadex is supposed to help me with?

    I have attached a picture of myself to show my body type. I feel i have a pretty solid base at 145 but as i am new to all this im not gunna discredit you if you believe I will not benefit from this.

    Thank you again for your advice i really do appreciate it
    No you got it wrong, you need to build a base from hard training and a solid diet this will take months and var wont help you do that because at this stage your going to lose everything you put on because your diet isn't good enough to support new tissue and probably your training isn't intense enough either. Var only is a no no anyway.
    You can build more mass/muscle without var if you know what your doing and you wont be shutting down your natural test which will hinder your gains and maintenance. Your 145lbs if your diet and training was in check you would be heavy, change it and give yourself a few months, then learn how to design a cycle properly/

  10. #10
    Last edited by jdizz; 09-13-2014 at 03:48 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In View Post
    No, the Nolva is not for shutdown. Shutdown occurs because with var your body will stop producing Test. You know, that stuff that makes you a man. If we shut down our natural production it must be replaced with exogenous test. Test performs many functions in the male body and you really don't want to go without it.

    Don't run cycles without test. Period. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Test in every cycle.

    I dont know to much about exogenous test; I will do more research; is it your opinion that i should instead run my first cycle with only some form of that? I have a very clean diet so I suppose if i keep my diet clean I wont get to bulky correct? My goal is to be around 155 lbs while losing 1-3% BF. I want to have a very aesthetic physique as oppossed to the bulky bodybuilder look, as i am looking to compete in the NPC's mens physique competitions.
    Also after running a test cycle will my natural test production be lowered even more than if i chose to run an anavar only cycle?
    Because the research ive done on avar says that my tets will never go back to wat it was but it can be very close and with the PCT it will help it go back to normal quicker.

  12. #12
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    How well and how fast you recover depends on many things and is different for every person. You are going to be shutting down your HPTA. There is no easy or hard shutdown, that's bro science. If your HPTA stops working it stops working. Period. What compound you use to make it stop working is not relevant.

    A proper PCT will help you recover faster. There is no guarantee you will recover completely. Or in 4 weeks, or 6 weeks. It depends on too many variables.

    But you have to get over this belief that some forms of AAS are easier to recover from then others. Once you shut down your HPTA it has to be restarted. Period. Anavar and test will both shut down your HPTA. Since test is what we need to be men, you should never go without it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jdizz View Post
    I want to have a very aesthetic physique as oppossed to the bulky bodybuilder look, as i am looking to compete in the NPC's mens physique competitions

    Your body will react according to your diet and training. Taking testosterone won't make you a bulky bodybuilder.

    The reason test is recommended, is because even anavar will shut down your test production. You have to replace that while on cycle or else the cycle will be in vain (little to no gains).

    A small amount of test would be acceptable. Something like 300mg a week would be fine. Since you're basing your cycle on an oral, test prop would probably be the best choice.

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