Originally Posted by
marcus300 thank you for the reply I really appreciate it.
I realize after and even during my cycle I would need to consume more food than i currently am in order to sustain the gains i receive and I am prepared to do that. Plus all the research ive done has shown that any gains you do receive from avar, while not substantial, are usually permanent.
My diet is very clean and I eat every 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours, being a hardgainer I must never go hungry.
Plus wont I naturally want to consume more food as I start to gain on my cycle anyways because my body is working harder?
As far as being shut down isnt that what the Nolvadex is supposed to help me with?
I have attached a picture of myself to show my body type. I feel i have a pretty solid base at 145 but as i am new to all this im not gunna discredit you if you believe I will not benefit from this.
Thank you again for your advice i really do appreciate it