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Thread: alcohol while on a cycle?

  1. #1
    jeep187's Avatar
    jeep187 is offline Associate Member
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    alcohol while on a cycle?

    I was wondering what the effects of alcohol were while you're on a cycle? I haven't drank while on this cycle and it's my first, but going out for wife's birthday and would like to have a couple of beers with her.Any input is appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well if you want to have a couple beers for her birthday I think you can slide by, just do so responsibly and do not get drunk. I would recommend a light beer with low carbs and low alcohol content. If you want to take the risk, that is up to you, but here are some of the side effects that could come with it..

    Alcohol raises your BP, so do most AAS, not a good combination usually. Alcohol also dehydrates you and water is something you need a lot of off cycle, and even more of on cycle. Also, the hangovers are not good when you are trying to give it your all in the gym.

    An upset stomach from a hangover could also ruin your diet. Also, alcohol is not good for your liver, and neither are a lot of AAS. I wouldn't want to put any extra strain on my liver than I already had on it.Also, since your liver is so over-worked from the alcohol, it doesn't have much time to convert glucose to glycogen, even though beer does have the carbs in it to be available for that. So it slows down your metabolism.

  3. #3
    jeep187's Avatar
    jeep187 is offline Associate Member
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    Thank you. Wasn't planning on getting drunk. Just a couple of beers. Hell it's been so long I might not even do that. Thanks again!

  4. #4
    jdc91gt's Avatar
    jdc91gt is offline Senior Member
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    A couple of beers on cycle is simply like eating a doughnut during cutting. A bit counterproductive but certainly not tragic. Enjoy your wife's birthday!
    rplante7 and Craze1 like this.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeep187 View Post
    I was wondering what the effects of alcohol were while you're on a cycle? I haven't drank while on this cycle and it's my first, but going out for wife's birthday and would like to have a couple of beers with her.Any input is appreciated. Thanks
    inebriation is a common side effect.
    jdc91gt likes this.

  6. #6
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdc91gt View Post
    A couple of beers on cycle is simply like eating a doughnut during cutting. A bit counterproductive but certainly not tragic. Enjoy your wife's birthday!
    ^^^ x2

  7. #7
    Fullthrottle1999 is offline New Member
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    I only drink when cutting

  8. #8
    Mp859's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fullthrottle1999
    I only drink when cutting
    whys that ?

  9. #9
    Fullthrottle1999 is offline New Member
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    Avoid unnecessary fat gain. Better nutrient partitioning

  10. #10
    jeep187's Avatar
    jeep187 is offline Associate Member
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    Had a great time with the wife. Ate like a beast but didn't end up drinking. It was still fun. Thanks for the info!

  11. #11
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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  12. #12
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your fine, don't make it a habit.
    If you drink while cycling it is a waste and you mine is well send me the gear and the Johnny walker blue.

  13. #13
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    I drink once every 2-3 weeks during cycle. No big

  14. #14
    michael30's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    I drink once every 2-3 weeks during cycle. No big
    Depends how much your drinking? If your getting waste every 2 weeks then yes it could have a very negative effect.

  15. #15
    Rob93 is offline New Member
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    Hey Im new to the forum and just wanted some advice on a cycle im thinking of running in January. Im 510 167 pounds been training off and on for 3-5 years hard last 4 months.

    Dbol wks 1-4 40mg ed
    Test e wk 1-12 500mg ew mon-thur night 250mg injection
    LGD 4033 wk 1-8 10mg ed
    n2 Guard wk 1-4
    HCg Generate wk 5-12
    Aromasin 12.5mg eod wk 1-14

    as for PCt weeks 14-18

    Clomid 50/50/25/25
    Aromasin 12.5mg eod
    HCg Generate
    Ostarine 25m a day.

    Also I will keep 1 bottle of nolva on hand just in case.

    This will be my first cycle

  16. #16
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob93 View Post
    Hey Im new to the forum and just wanted some advice on a cycle im thinking of running in January. Im 510 167 pounds been training off and on for 3-5 years hard last 4 months.

    Dbol wks 1-4 40mg ed
    Test e wk 1-12 500mg ew mon-thur night 250mg injection
    LGD 4033 wk 1-8 10mg ed
    n2 Guard wk 1-4
    HCg Generate wk 5-12
    Aromasin 12.5mg eod wk 1-14

    as for PCt weeks 14-18

    Clomid 50/50/25/25
    Aromasin 12.5mg eod
    HCg Generate
    Ostarine 25m a day.

    Also I will keep 1 bottle of nolva on hand just in case.

    This will be my first cycle
    Bro go make ur own thread.
    MrRightT likes this.

  17. #17
    Rob93 is offline New Member
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    how do I make my own thread?

  18. #18
    Justin1988's Avatar
    Justin1988 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob93 View Post
    how do I make my own thread?
    make new thread? maybe

  19. #19
    thomasfreddy is offline Junior Member
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    Press the back button from here
    Then go to the top of the page and there
    Is a banner which sais
    Post new thread .... Click on that mate

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    A can of beer's about 160 calories and a slice of bread is about 170 calories. If you're comfortable eating white bread when you're on cycle you should be fine drinking some beer. Both beer and white bread has no fiber and is pure sugar. Your body will take the excess sugar and turn it into fat. It just can't help itself, that's the way your body works. I work too hard to shred that fat off my abs. The pleasure of a couple of beerss isn't worth it for me to break my diet. My .02
    jdc91gt likes this.

  21. #21
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeep187 View Post
    I was wondering what the effects of alcohol were while you're on a cycle? I haven't drank while on this cycle and it's my first, but going out for wife's birthday and would like to have a couple of beers with her.Any input is appreciated. Thanks
    A few beers wont hurt you at all. Its doing it daily,,,getting drunk,,,having hangovers and missing workouts that cause the problems.

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