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Thread: Anavar-only cycle, I have questions !

  1. #1
    niktions is offline New Member
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    Sep 2014

    Question Anavar-only cycle, I have questions !

    Hey people,

    I've already done an anavar -only cycle about 8 months ago. below is how I ran the cycle...

    Week 1:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 60mg ED

    Week 2:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 75mg ED

    Weeks 3-6:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 100mg ED

    Weeks 7-8:
    - Aromasin 25mg ED

    Supplements used while on cycle: protein powder, creatine mono, multivitamin, omega3, a hell of a lot of green tea, melatonin.

    Cycle used to: gain strength, bulk a bit (was in a calorie surplus).

    I actually got more knowledge about anavar-only cycles and I want to know what you think of this cycle instead of the last one I ran...

    Week 1:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 75mg ED

    Weeks 2-6:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 100mg ED
    - Aromasin 25mg ED

    Weeks 7-9:
    - Nolvadex 25mg ED
    - Aromasin 25mg ED

    What you think..?

    (I use aromasin because my natural test tend to shut down very easily. As soon as I finished my first cycle on anavar, started using aromasin, I got so much better. I was depressed while on var and a knowledgable member told me aromasin would have helped!)
    Last edited by niktions; 09-14-2014 at 03:35 PM.

  2. #2
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by niktions View Post
    Hey people,

    I've already done an anavar -only cycle about 8 months ago. below is how I ran the cycle...

    Week 1:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 60mg ED

    Week 2:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 75mg ED

    Weeks 3-6:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 100mg ED

    Weeks 7-8:
    - Aromasin 25mg ED

    Supplements used while on cycle: protein powder, creatine mono, multivitamin, omega3, a hell of a lot of green tea, melatonin.

    Cycle used to: gain strength, bulk a bit (was in a calorie surplus).

    I actually got more knowledge about anavar-only cycles and I want to know what you think of this cycle instead of the last one I ran...

    Week 1:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 75mg ED

    Weeks 2-6:
    - Anavar/Oxandrolone 100mg ED
    - Aromasin 25mg ED

    Weeks 7-9:
    - Nolvadex 25mg ED
    - Aromasin 25mg ED

    What you think..?

    (I use aromasin because my natural test tend to shut down very easily. As soon as I finished my first cycle on anavar, started using aromasin, I got so much better. I was depressed while on var and a knowledgable member told me aromasin would have helped!)
    So you are shutting down your test and not replacing it!!

    Using an Ai which helps control your E2 for pct

    Bad idea.
    Last edited by itsjayman02; 09-14-2014 at 05:15 PM.

  3. #3
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You're going to get flamed big time..... Terrible cycle

  4. #4
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niktions
    Hey people, I've already done an anavar-only cycle about 8 months ago. below is how I ran the cycle... Week 1: - Anavar/Oxandrolone 60mg ED Week 2: - Anavar/Oxandrolone 75mg ED Weeks 3-6: - Anavar/Oxandrolone 100mg ED Weeks 7-8: - Aromasin 25mg ED Supplements used while on cycle: protein powder, creatine mono, multivitamin, omega3, a hell of a lot of green tea, melatonin. Cycle used to: gain strength, bulk a bit (was in a calorie surplus). I actually got more knowledge about anavar-only cycles and I want to know what you think of this cycle instead of the last one I ran... Week 1: - Anavar/Oxandrolone 75mg ED Weeks 2-6: - Anavar/Oxandrolone 100mg ED - Aromasin 25mg ED Weeks 7-9: - Nolvadex 25mg ED - Aromasin 25mg ED What you think..? (I use aromasin because my natural test tend to shut down very easily. As soon as I finished my first cycle on anavar, started using aromasin, I got so much better. I was depressed while on var and a knowledgable member told me aromasin would have helped!)

    I think it's horrible I advise you to do your research.

  5. #5
    jesse4466's Avatar
    jesse4466 is offline Member
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    Anavar only lol. Try testosterone .

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why do you want to do the same thing that didnt work the 1st time??

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Not good the first time. Doing it twice is crazy.

  8. #8
    Craze1's Avatar
    Craze1 is offline Junior Member
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    Testosterone should be your base on every cycle, Especially bad to do an oral only cycle.

    If your scared of the needle then best not to do AAS.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Generally, it's not advisable to run an oral only cycle. The only possible exception is anavar . I've run var only cycles in the past with good results. I would run 80mg to 100mg ed for 6 weeks. I wouldn't ramp the dosage. You do need a full PCT cycle with Nolvadex and Clomid. Be sure to take some liver support like milk thistle. Var is a very weak steroid and IMO it's really not worth the money they charge for it. I would rather run an 6 to 8 week Test Prop cycle. You get more results for less money in the same amount of time. My .02

  10. #10
    rplante7's Avatar
    rplante7 is offline Junior Member
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    Im not sure what the aromasin is doing for you as anavar doesn't convert to E2

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Take the advice from your previous thread Test E 500mg EW / Anavar 75mg ED, I have questions! , at your stats you don't need steroids and when you stop thinking you do and address the issues why your not big then you will start making progress. Don't disregard my advice there are two reasons why your so small and not taking steroids isn't one of them.

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Take the advice from your previous thread Test E 500mg EW / Anavar 75mg ED, I have questions! , at your stats you don't need steroids and when you stop thinking you do and address the issues why your not big then you will start making progress. Don't disregard my advice there are two reasons why your so small and not taking steroids isn't one of them.

    But if he starts a few more similar threads eventually someone might say it's a good idea and he is g2g then he can ignore all the negative responses he didnt want to hear.

  13. #13
    niktions is offline New Member
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    I am here to LEARN, like everyone else. I am here because I want to do a cycle that limits problems, while using other people's knowledge about steroids .

    I am not "small" anyways, I've done a few natty comps before but I want to run an online fitness website now and to compete with everyone online, you have to be different OR at least "look like" you're at the same level of others.

    Just guide and show me a cycle that would make sense for ME, @ 22 years old, even if i'm young!

    Oh! And BTW! I am not afraid to pin lol.

  14. #14
    niktions is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Generally, it's not advisable to run an oral only cycle. The only possible exception is anavar. I've run var only cycles in the past with good results. I would run 80mg to 100mg ed for 6 weeks. I wouldn't ramp the dosage. You do need a full PCT cycle with Nolvadex and Clomid. Be sure to take some liver support like milk thistle. Var is a very weak steroid and IMO it's really not worth the money they charge for it. I would rather run an 6 to 8 week Test Prop cycle. You get more results for less money in the same amount of time. My .02

    Thanks for your answer man.

    I know i'm young, only 22, and already do steroids . The reason of taking anavar was because it's very mild on the system, and weak.

    Which is why I think it's actually "OK" to do anavar-only cycle at my age.

    Just tell me. If my system shuts down in middle of my VAR cycle, do you advise me to take proviron until I finish the cycle?

    And when I do finish the 6 week cycle, should I continue to take proviron + 25mg ED nolva & 25mg ED chlomid..?

    Thanks in advance,
    You're really helping me!

  15. #15
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    There it is, idiot says it's ok and all other info has been discarded.
    Back In Black likes this.

  16. #16
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niktions View Post
    You're really helping me!
    No, just giving you the answer you wanted from the beginning.

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niktions View Post

    Thanks for your answer man.

    I know i'm young, only 22, and already do steroids . The reason of taking anavar was because it's very mild on the system, and weak.

    Which is why I think it's actually "OK" to do anavar-only cycle at my age.

    Just tell me. If my system shuts down in middle of my VAR cycle, do you advise me to take proviron until I finish the cycle?

    And when I do finish the 6 week cycle, should I continue to take proviron + 25mg ED nolva & 25mg ED chlomid..?

    Thanks in advance,
    You're really helping me!
    What an idiot. Youth is wasted on the young. I swear the IQ must drop every year. You get 100 people telling you NO and one person telling you it's not advisable but.... and all you heard was Yeah it's a great idea, go for it.

    You had better make a new account when you come back in a couple of months wanting to know how to fix your ED because if you dont you are going to get a sh*t load of crap from us telling you I told you so.

  18. #18
    Baxter35's Avatar
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    On top of all this, he wants to start an online fitness channel to dispense all his knowledge to the masses!

  19. #19
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    On top of all this, he wants to start an online fitness channel to dispense all his knowledge to the masses!
    Well that should take all of about 30 seconds so at least he wont have to spend much.
    Baxter35 and Khazima like this.

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