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Thread: First cycle anxiety/concerns/help

  1. #1
    deezdrama is offline New Member
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    Sep 2014

    Question First cycle anxiety/concerns/help

    I been lifting weights on and off for the past few years, I got serious about a year ago and bought a nice oly bench, weight tree, dip stations, pullup bar, tri bar, ez curl and 400lbs of weights and setup in my basement.

    Ive been training hard 3x a week , fullbody . Ive been going heavy and lift untill failure,
    Im 5' 11" and gained alot of mass the past few months.... went from 185 to 210 lbs by lifting hard and eating like a pig.
    And when I started I could only bench 155# now im up to 265#... I was putting on 10# every couple weeks on my bench but am starting to plateau out.
    Ive also gained some fat though
    I went from about 15% bodyfat to 20% but plan to cut come spring.

    My arms are super long so they are lacking behind my chest, which has always came easy. so Ive been toying with the idea of doing a single cycle and really trying to bulk and lift hard this winter before cutting in springtime.

    Ive been reading and researching but still have alot of concerns.

    Firstly , I suffer from anxiety and so lifting weights has been a great way for me to release these negative thoughts and get into a better mindframe after workouts. Im 33 and have borderline high bloodpressure but think its just from my stress/anxiety.

    So with this in mind Ive read Primobolan is the safest with little side effects but also that it is very weak when taken alone.

    Test Enanthate seems to be the most common big gainer I keep reading about.
    If I do a single cycle to bulk this winter , should I be concerned?

    I want a human grade lab grade test but after checking a hundred different sites im just more confused and concerned about finding a safe quality test, so this concerns me that it might trigger my anxiety. I still have more research to do.

    Also what would a good dose be? ive read 250 all the way to 500-1000mg per week.
    Is clomid the only PCT thats really necessary or is there others I should have on hand?

    Thanks for any suggestions or info
    Last edited by deezdrama; 09-18-2014 at 02:22 AM.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sounds like you already have all the answers since you know what is the strongest and safest..

    Maybe first stop believing everything you read from other sites. Read lathe sticky notes at the top.

    Last edited by lovbyts; 09-18-2014 at 02:59 AM.
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  3. #3
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by deezdrama View Post
    I been lifting weights on and off for the past few years, I got serious about a year ago and bought a nice oly bench, weight tree, dip stations, pullup bar, tri bar, ez curl and 400lbs of weights and setup in my basement.

    Ive been training hard 3x a week , fullbody . Ive been going heavy and lift untill failure,
    Im 5' 11" and gained alot of mass the past few months.... went from 185 to 210 lbs by lifting hard and eating like a pig.
    And when I started I could only bench 155# now im up to 265#... I was putting on 10# every couple weeks on my bench but am starting to plateau out.
    Ive also gained some fat though
    I went from about 15% bodyfat to 20% but plan to cut come spring.

    My arms are super long so they are lacking behind my chest, which has always came easy. so Ive been toying with the idea of doing a single cycle and really trying to bulk and lift hard this winter before cutting in springtime.

    Ive been reading and researching but still have alot of concerns.

    Firstly , I suffer from anxiety and so lifting weights has been a great way for me to release these negative thoughts and get into a better mindframe after workouts. Im 33 and have borderline high bloodpressure but think its just from my stress/anxiety.

    So with this in mind Ive read Primobolan is the safest with little side effects but also that it is very weak when taken alone.

    Test Enanthate seems to be the most common big gainer I keep reading about.
    If I do a single cycle to bulk this winter , should I be concerned?

    I want a human grade lab grade test but after checking a hundred different sites im just more confused and concerned about finding a safe quality test, so this concerns me that it might trigger my anxiety. I still have more research to do.

    Also what would a good dose be? ive read 250 all the way to 500-1000mg per week.
    Is clomid the only PCT thats really necessary or is there others I should have on hand?

    Thanks for any suggestions or info

  4. #4
    deezdrama is offline New Member
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    Age is 33.

    would stacking on a first cycle be too much? Should i just stick with 250-500 /w of test E?

    i know its all subjective but just not sure if i should stick to test e only to be safer, or stack it with something else to get the most gains possible since ill be shutting the ol ball factory off for a while maybe i should get the most out of a cycle.

    Can u mix 2 products stacked into one injection or do they have to be seperate?

    thanks for the fast replies!

  5. #5
    jdc91gt's Avatar
    jdc91gt is offline Senior Member
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    I would stick with test E. First, you don't know how you and your body will react to AAS's. Second, if something is not quite right, it's much more complicated to remedy because you have multiple variables going on. (Is the test? Is it the dbol ? Is it the primo? etc.)

    Even on a test only cycle, you should be taking an AI and I recommend hCG . And, of course, have a proper PCT set up.

    And, if you really want to do it right, you should work pre-, mid- and post-cycle blood work into your plan.

    Best of luck!

    P.S. Some things can be pinned together.

  6. #6
    deezdrama is offline New Member
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    ok, im set on 500mg /week test E...

    the AI, and SERM options and choices are what have me totally confused now.

    I want to do a simple cycle so dont want to be taking too many things unless needed.

    So.... Im assuming it will be ok to get an AI- but just to have on hand incase I need it. I know about half the camp say to take it while on test but other half says to have it just in case its needed which is the plan I have.
    (any suggestions for a pill based AI?)

    For PCT I was just planning on clomid since it seems common and easy to find, or is nolvadex better? Or should I take both?

    Thanks again for the feedback!

  7. #7
    ocman is offline Junior Member
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    Do yourself a favor and go back to post #3 and read the link, "My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle", that "itsjayman02" posted.

  8. #8
    deezdrama is offline New Member
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    What do you tell your Dr the bloodwork is needed for? Wont they suspect.... i guess if you have a cool Dr it wont matter but im the type who rarely goes to the Dr so not sure.
    Anyway... I appreciate the help.

    I want to make sure I do this right but its hard to find a source that carries the test and hcg and ai and pcts and the hardware..... and the cost is getting way above what I thought it would be.
    Maybe ill just piece it together slowly, or stay natty a while longer.
    A local source says ill be fine with test an ai and clomin but I trust the wisdom here more so if hcg and a multiple pct is neccessary then ill hold off untill I can find all the things I need or might just stay nat.

    thanks guys.

  9. #9
    Bodacious's Avatar
    Bodacious is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ocman View Post
    Do yourself a favor and go back to post #3 and read the link, "My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle", that "itsjayman02" posted.
    X2 I have read that at least 5 or 6 time by now.

  10. #10
    deezdrama is offline New Member
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    Lol, ive read it several times and appreciate the link to it and the posters knowledge and time taken to write it.

    Ill make sure along with the test e that I have hcg , an AI , and pct's on hand before I even think about starting a cycle.

    The info I cant find in the article or others ive read ......

    What do i tell the Dr I want the bloodwork for?

    Also another big deal for me is the amount of times ill have to pin myself. Since test e is oil based with a long half life could I not pin 500mg or 2ml (250mg per ml) only once a week instead of 250mg x 2 a week ? And can you draw your hcg in the same weekly pin of test e and take it both in one pin?
    250mg of test e twice a week would be 24 pins for a 12 week cycle
    add to that 250iu twice weekly of hcg and now we are up to another 24 pins for the hcg and 48 pins for a 12 week cycle.

    If one could get away with pinning test e (2 week half life if i remember ) only once a week with a single weekly 500mg dose AND be able to draw your hcg into this same weekly pin....
    you would be able to cutdown a cycle from 48 pins to just 12 pins for a cycle.

    Could anyone give me their thoughts or experience with this idea? Im not a needle-a-phobe but you could save some cost on hardware and wouldnt feel like a lab monkey sticking yourself so many times.

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