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Thread: Hard,painful lump and fever like feeling on first test e shot

  1. #1

    Hard,painful lump and fever like feeling on first test e shot

    Just started on some test e, this is about my 7th cycle however its my first in about a year+.

    I did 550 mg on one shot which is about 1.75 CC's. The day after i felt the injection spot hurting and the flu like feeling(aches). I dont have an actual fever tho i feel like absolute shit but the thermometer reads max 99.

    The injection site is red, hard, size of a baseball and hurts like hell. Ive never had this reaction to test e but then again ive never blasted 550mg at the start of a cycle after 1 year clean.

    Also i shot up in my glutes and did legs right after including squats.. >_<

    Recommendations? Input?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Could be anything the gear or Injection technique Etc. you could have completely missed your muscle and I wouldn't Inject 2 cc in one place

  3. #3
    Maybe your syringe needle was infected?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by frank13 View Post
    Could be anything the gear or Injection technique Etc. you could have completely missed your muscle and I wouldn't Inject 2 cc in one place

    Agreed, all the way

    Is the spot warm? Watch it closely & jump on antibiotics if you have them on hand

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