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Thread: Testonon 250

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Testonon 250

    How you doing fellows. This is my first theard. I have Testonon 250 from TTOKKYO. I plan on taking 100mg every two weeks for the next 10 weeks. I am 5'11 and weigh 176 lbs and my goal is at least 195lbs.

    My questions are:
    Is 100mg biweekly sufficient?
    What kind of gains should I expect?
    How much carbs and protien do I need?

    Any other information will be appriciated.

    By the way, this is an excellent web site. Props for the creator and those that participate in this web site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    you will not gain. all you will do is shut down your own test levels
    this come out to 50 mg a wk that nothing post your age and I will tell you what to do

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ha Ha 50mg EW.......No No No!

    Post your stats and training experience. I tink you may have a little time to wait before your ready for AAS, do some research bro. Your first post could have been better if you had read some of the other threads on the board.

  4. #4

    Re: Testonon 250

    Originally posted by elprimo750
    I plan on taking 100mg every two weeks for the next 10 weeks. I am 5'11 and weigh 176 lbs and my goal is at least 195lbs.

    My questions are:
    Is 100mg biweekly sufficient?
    What kind of gains should I expect?
    How much carbs and protien do I need?

    By the way, this is an excellent web site. Props for the creator and those that participate in this web site.
    I'll tell you this, you won't gain those 20 lbs off 100 mgs. First off, like someone else said, it'll just shut down your natural test levels. Second, that's what .4 cc's ? You goin cheap on me here or what? If you got the Ttokkyo Testanon, you'll need at least 3 bottles (3 will be 15 shots - 7 1/2 weeks).

    As for your gains, expect to get out what effort you put in.

    I got more to say to this, bu it's 5:16 am and I'm tired...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'm 28 at 176lbs. I'm a first time user. But just to make sure. I have a 5 ml bottle and I injected 1 ml today. I'm assuming thats 100mg. This bottle is all I have. Should I get more? I was told to take 1cc (I assume thats 1ml) ever two weeks for ten weeks.

    As you can see, I'm new to all this.

    I'm mainly a runner and swimmer but now I want to bulk up. I train with 205 on the bench, 235 on squats and 40 on bi's. That's just to give you an idea of my strength.

    Thanks for your help but apparently, I need more help.
    Last edited by elprimo750; 12-11-2001 at 04:36 AM.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by elprimo750
    I'm 28 at 176lbs. I'm a first time user. But just to make sure. I have a 5 ml bottle and I injected 1 ml today. I'm assuming thats 100mg. This bottle is all I have. Should I get more? I was told to take 1cc (I assume thats 1ml) ever two weeks for ten weeks.

    As you can see, I'm new to all this.

    I'm mainly a runner and swimmer but now I want to bulk up. I train with 205 on the bench, 235 on squats and 40 on bi's. That's just to give you an idea of my strength.

    Thanks for your help but apparently, I need more help.
    Ok, since it's Testanon 250 - that means there's 250 mg per cc / mL - not 100 like you were thinking. And yes, I think you should get more. Everyone else should (and better or it's their ass!) agree. For a beginner, you can go 1 cc a week, but recommended is 2 cc's a week for 8 to 10 weeks. Also, if that bottle is all you have, you're only getting 5 shots out of that. And no, you don't want to do it every 2 weeks for 10 weeks. You want it at least 2 times a week, say Sunday (after church) / Thursday, Monday / Friday, etc.........

    Ok, enough...first thing's first - you need more research my friend. Stick around the board and people will assist. You can also learn a lot by just watching / reading what others post. I learn new shit everyday even though I'm the smartest man alive!

    Also, you should be warned that excess cardio while on juice isn't recommended either. Remember - your heart is a muscle too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Everyone made the same mistake you are doing right now. Stop the AS and do a little more research all you are doing is shutting down your own bodys natural test production and replacing it with synthetic test you will see no gains in the little amount you are doing. Save your money and get a real cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    sin city
    I should flame you for only having one bottle of testanon but I will control myself

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Scooby avatar! I like it, i like it!!!

    As far as Mr. Testy goes, ya bro, research is what will get you good gains. Whoever told you to take that once every 2 weeks do not know what they are talking about.

    Also, where is your nolvadex? What about clomid for post cycle? Bro. . .read up, and before you know it, you WILL be ready to take the plunge. . .put the hold on the cycle for a while though. Better safe than sorry.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Man, you guys are awesome. Your willingness to help is stunning and I really appriciate it.

    Alright, I'll get another bottle and my next cc will be four days later (Friday). But you mentioned clomid for my post cycle. Should I get that too? How much of it should I get?

  11. #11
    Man, you guys are awesome. Your willingness to help is stunning and I really appriciate it.
    we know we know....

    Alright, I'll get another bottle and my next cc will be four days later (Friday). But you mentioned clomid for my post cycle. Should I get that too? How much of it should I get?
    At least 30 tabs

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