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Thread: 2 questions. help please!

  1. #1

    2 questions. help please!

    I posted these in their correct sections a few days ago, but did not get any replies. I'll try again in this section, I guess.

    1.) How much fat should I consume throughout the day with 30-60iu's NPH shot in the AM. 4iu's generic GH will be run with it.

    2.) I need a recipe for liquid sdrol


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    30-60 ius?

  3. #3
    well i'll start at 30, yeah. good?

  4. #4
    I'll bump this once with my diet ideas. Gonna shoot for 150 fat 550 pro 735 carb. I'll probably get about 60-75 fat on the NPH and the rest at night when it wears off.

    Please help me guys! Thought I could get some good responses since this is such a high-traffic forum

    edit: Wow... just realized how much chocolate malt-o-meal, oatmeal, and whole wheat pancakes i'm gonna have to eat to hit those carbos
    Last edited by BloodD; 09-26-2014 at 05:42 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Quote Originally Posted by BloodD View Post
    I'll bump this once with my diet ideas. Gonna shoot for 150 fat 550 pro 735 carb. I'll probably get about 60-75 fat on the NPH and the rest at night when it wears off.

    Please help me guys! Thought I could get some good responses since this is such a high-traffic forum

    edit: Wow... just realized how much chocolate malt-o-meal, oatmeal, and whole wheat pancakes i'm gonna have to eat to hit those carbos
    You copy and paste it in the nutrition section.
    Nutrition pro's are hiding in the weeds there

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by derekkpapa1 View Post
    You copy and paste it in the nutrition section.
    Nutrition pro's are hiding in the weeds there
    are they good with intermediate acting insulin, though?

  7. #7
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    Jul 2013
    Have you run insulin before?

  8. #8
    yeah. alot of rapid

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    550 pro sounds completely unnecessary, then again I know literally nothing about slin. How heavy are you?

  10. #10
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    Why insulin?? What are your stats looking like? Are you experienced enough to be running that? Little room for error there and its the reason why i wouldn't go near it. Especially since i think every goal is easy to accomplish when ones diet is completely in check. Also, 550 protein is a bit nuts IMO.
    I dont know what to say. Good luck. hehe

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    This is a car crash waiting to happen, drop the generic gh its complete shit and don't touch slin oh and sort your diet out wooooooooooooww

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    This is a car crash waiting to happen, drop the generic gh its complete shit and don't touch slin oh and sort your diet out wooooooooooooww

    Whoah, what's wrong with the diet??? A very similar diet has been working very well for me over the years. The nutrition section did not respond to me, by the way.

    I guess i'll start looking at pharma grade GH. The stuff I have is tested and works extremely well for the price. There's definitely alot of GH in there (and some stuff that is not GH haha). Pharma would be better though, obviously.

    And what are the other components of the "car crash?"

  13. #13
    last bump before I head straight for the "car crash"

  14. #14
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BloodD View Post
    Whoah, what's wrong with the diet??? A very similar diet has been working very well for me over the years. The nutrition section did not respond to me, by the way.

    I guess i'll start looking at pharma grade GH. The stuff I have is tested and works extremely well for the price. There's definitely alot of GH in there (and some stuff that is not GH haha). Pharma would be better though, obviously.

    And what are the other components of the "car crash?"
    I just dont get how these guys seem to think HGH is in some way similar to aas where anyone can make it or even like peptides. The difference is night and day. There are not companies out there producing generic HGH. It's EXTREMELY expensive to manufacture. It's extremely delicate so if someone was to get real HGH and try to cut/dilute it with something else splitting the powder into other vials more than likely you are going to destroy any/all of the active HGH doing so.

    What you are getting in best case senario is a cheap peptide imitation that will mimic some of the sides that people associate with HGH such as raising your IGF-1 levels but not the true effects of real HGH.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I just dont get how these guys seem to think HGH is in some way similar to aas where anyone can make it or even like peptides. The difference is night and day. There are not companies out there producing generic HGH. It's EXTREMELY expensive to manufacture. It's extremely delicate so if someone was to get real HGH and try to cut/dilute it with something else splitting the powder into other vials more than likely you are going to destroy any/all of the active HGH doing so.

    What you are getting in best case senario is a cheap peptide imitation that will mimic some of the sides that people associate with HGH such as raising your IGF-1 levels but not the true effects of real HGH.
    This was true in the 90's. The equipment is getting cheaper and cheaper. I believe that there are a few very large companies in china that make the generics. The equipment that they use won't make pharmacy grade stuff but it is getting very close. I've seen some generics recently testing up to 40ug/L (std testing conditions, shoot 10iu fasted, wait 3 hours, know the rest). thats basically what genetropin will test at. The ones I use seem to consistantly test between 27 and 32 depending on the person who tested it.

    The stuff that tests at like 10ng/mL is definitley just some GH peptide with cjc1295+ the drug affinity complex to induce a bleed and hold it for the 3 hours. That stuff is bunk. Once you start testing like 15ng/mL and up it definitely has some real GH in it

    But for real though....I'm really trying to get some diet advice. So far all i have is "YOUR DIET SUCKS" with no explanation as to why.

  16. #16
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    Apr 2008
    The diet section is a tough crowd, even worse than the Q&A section. They want you to lay out your diet plan including Macros but once you have done that showing you are willing to do the work then there are people who will jump in and help you tweak it.

    We preach about not wanting to spoon feed newbies in the Q&A section but they have it down to a science. Thats why you dont see me in there very much, Im to lazy to do all that work figuring out Macros right now and know I'm no diet guru so I dont have much to offer most people except the basics.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 09-28-2014 at 01:11 AM.

  17. #17
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BloodD View Post
    Whoah, what's wrong with the diet??? A very similar diet has been working very well for me over the years. The nutrition section did not respond to me, by the way.

    I guess i'll start looking at pharma grade GH. The stuff I have is tested and works extremely well for the price. There's definitely alot of GH in there (and some stuff that is not GH haha). Pharma would be better though, obviously.

    And what are the other components of the "car crash?"
    Honestly, I think the biggest components of the car crash is you, and your know-it-all attitude which is preventing you from taking in any sound advice, other than what you want to hear. Every good advice that was mentioned to you, you discarded for something else, which would make no sense to a knowledgeable person.

    I have bumped into many people over the years with the same attitude and they usually dont get very far, or end up taking 5 times the amount of compounds needed, to try to make up for the lack of knowledge.
    I think if you erased from your mind everything you think you know, but dont really know and listened to half of the opinions given to you here, you would be able to reach your goals with minimum gear and just a good diet. Definitely not needing insulin, or HGH!

    Actually i dont even know why you started this thread if everything that was mentioned to you, you had an answer for. Unfortunately, all these answers you have are the wrong ones and the real components of the car crash.
    So there you have it. The only thing left to do now, is crash the car...
    Last edited by GGot FFina?; 09-28-2014 at 01:41 AM.

  18. #18
    ^^^Well i'm glad I can accomplish my goals on minimum AAS and a good diet. Wait...what are my goals again?

    Honestly, NOBODY HAS EVEN ATTEMPTED TO ANSWER MY QUESTION!!!! The responses have been so irrelevant that it blows my mind. I have a feeling that the next response in this thread is going to be "you should walk your dog three times a day instead of twice" or something along those lines.

    MARCUS300 touched on question 1 by basically saying "your diet sucks" with no reference as to why or how to fix it. Thanks alot bro. Let me reiterate my questions:

    QUESTION 1: How much fat should I consume on NPH and very low-dose GH?
    Here are my ideas: Gonna shoot for 150 fat 550 pro 735 carb. I'll probably get about 60-75 fat on the NPH and the rest at night when it wears off.

    QUESTION 2: I would like a recipe for liquid SDROL.

    And again, I don't think I know everything thus why I am asking questions. I would be beyond happy if somebody could just discuss question 1 with me. I am very open to ideas on this

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