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Thread: Help needed, sore right nipple, possibly gyno.

  1. #1

    Help needed, sore right nipple, possibly gyno.

    Im 22 currently 3.5 weeks into my first 12 week test e cycle, currently doing 250mgx2 a week running arimidex EOD at 0.25mg, and taking 100iu of hcg daily. With clomid and nolva for pct. Today i have noticed under my right nipple to the side it hurts and I can feel a little lump. I have nolva on hand just incase of gyno, if this is gyno how much nolva should I take and for how long? Or do I just ramp up my AI to 0.50 EOD? Please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    you will know if its gyno because it feels tender. Thats the best way i could describe the feeling to when i got it not too long ago. The best way to feel for it, is by lifting up your arm, putting your hand behind your head and with the other hand feeling for a lump growth in there.

    Someone else will help you out with the dose of Nolva since i used Letro as soon as i felt it this time around. First thing you will notice when its working is that the soreness/tenderness will go away. This is a good sign and what you are aiming to feel.

    Good luck and its a good thing you noticed it right away. I left mine bothering me for a few months and while it has shrunk to almost nothing after treating it with Letro, the lump, even though small, will be with me for good.

  3. #3
    Appreciate the help mate, I did what you said and it felt pretty tender, hopefully someone can tell me the nolva dosage and for how long, where you using an AI when you got gyno? I thought 0.25 EOD would have been fine to keep gyno away, should have started at 0.5 I'm thinking now

  4. #4
    And how long did it take for your tenderness to go away?
    Last edited by Jordan101; 09-27-2014 at 04:24 AM.

  5. #5
    why don't you stick with dose of hcg " mentioned in first cycle planning " ?
    250iu every 3.5 day which mean 500iu per week
    increasing hcg dose also increasing the rate of getting gyno
    i don't know the dose you should take from nolva
    but i would increase the dose from arimidex ed at .25 mg to lower your Estrogen
    Last edited by khaled_mgsx; 09-27-2014 at 04:27 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan101 View Post
    And how long did it take for your tenderness to go away?
    It was actually pretty quick with the Letro. If i recall correctly, it didnt take much more than a week. After this tenderness went away, I then lowered the dose to 1/10th of what i took the first week and a half, and now take that dose every 3 days with nothing coming back. Still on cycle and its keeping me nice and dry while i was on Test/Deca.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan101 View Post
    Appreciate the help mate, I did what you said and it felt pretty tender, hopefully someone can tell me the nolva dosage and for how long, where you using an AI when you got gyno? I thought 0.25 EOD would have been fine to keep gyno away, should have started at 0.5 I'm thinking now
    No it was actually the first time i had to take an AI actually. So it was after my last cycle that this feeling came to my left side nipple. At the time i was outside of the country for 3 months so i had no choice but to deal with it. This is when i think i formed the little lump, and passed the point of no return, as far as it shrinking completely. It did get considerably smaller and would guess its about 25% of what it was when i started the Letro and if i dont point it out to someone, you cant really tell i have it. Luckily!!!!!

    The trick here is catching it early like you were lucky enough to do. This is where i went wrong. Dont ignore it though. Definitely try your best to eliminate it before it hardens like mine did.

  8. #8
    My doc recommended hcg at 100iu, and I read a lot of articles and found that 100iu/250iu was the go with but ended up going with the doc, your saying I should increase my AI to ED? Or do you mean increase my AI by .25 and have it ED?

  9. #9
    No worries mate cheers again for the advice!

  10. #10
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    Start reading here, this is probably the best information and explanation you will find.

  11. #11
    Thanks mate, so 40mg of nolva for a week then drop to 20mg til gyno is gone completely, and then should I increase my AI to 0.5 EOD then get my bloods checked to see if it's working? After reading that I'm still unsure about either changing my AI to 0.25 ED or ramp it to 0.5 EOD? And by having hcg at 100iu could that possibly be too much, I was under the impression that a lower dose of hcg eg 100iu is the best way to keep close to normal testicular function and a better recovery

  12. #12
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khaled_mgsx View Post
    why don't you stick with dose of hcg " mentioned in first cycle planning " ?
    250iu every 3.5 day which mean 500iu per week
    increasing hcg dose also increasing the rate of getting gyno
    i don't know the dose you should take from nolva
    but i would increase the dose from arimidex ed at .25 mg to lower your Estrogen
    HCG has no relationship to gyno.
    Up the AI, which I see you have done.
    40 mg daily of the nolva for a week and see how it is
    Some user require higher AI dosage. I know some need as much as 1 mg when using multiple compounds.
    Raloxifene is best for gyno at 60 mg daily.

  13. #13
    No worries thanks mate, started my 40mg of nolva and 0.5mg of arimidex today, should i keep my AI at EOD or Change it to ED?

  14. #14
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Give it a few days. Adjust if needed.

  15. #15
    Thanks appreciate the help

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan101 View Post
    No worries thanks mate, started my 40mg of nolva and 0.5mg of arimidex today, should i keep my AI at EOD or Change it to ED?
    Not saying u should go this route. But usually I change my dose to .25. Instead EOD at .5.....its the same difference I know but u will notice faster if its helping before your next blood work is due

  17. #17
    Just curious to know does getting gyno symptoms and running nolva until it's cleared up hinder any possible gains?

  18. #18
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    ^^^ no. Just means your estrogen got to high.

  19. #19
    No worries, cheers

  20. #20
    I started taking nolva 40mg Sunday morning and 0.5mg of arimidex, by Monday night the tenderness had gone and Tuesday the lump just under my right nipple had gone, I've continued taking 40mg nolva and 0.5mg arimidex, do I continue taking the nolva until it's been a week or do I drop it and just keep my AI at 0.5mg EOD?

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