I'm about to start my first cycle. E for 12 weeks. I have my PCT in line (nolva), and I also have (adex) for any on cycle issues.
My question is are there any other on cycle support supplements I need. Has anybody heard of "Blockade" by Assault Labs? Would taking that be necessary or overkill? It has stuff for liver protection, blood pressure regulation, prostate and joint support.
I'm 27, 6'3, 242, bodyfat about 12%. I've been working out seriously since I was 14, seriously from age 20. I'm a competitive amateur powerlifter with a 450 no-wraps squat, 295 paused bench and 640 deadlift at 220 (I've competed 6 times). When I was 22 I ran two ph cycles with a product called tren extreme. I've never injected or run anything other than ph's. My diet is in check, training routine is in check.
My goals: Increase strength
Reason for cycling: I've honestly always wanted to. I'm excited to see some good strength gains.
My cycle: teste/500 week (monday/thursday), post- nolva at 40/20 for 4 weeks (40 w1/2, 20 w3/4), no HCG. I have adex on hand for any estrogen related issues.
edit: great spam filter lol, can't post anything.