I have been cyxling steroids for around 5 years now and this year my hair has taken a hit. I must have the mpb gene. Iv sropped cycling and jumped on finasteride and it has slowed down hair loss so far after about 5 months but it hasnt stopped falling out yet.
After some research i have narrowed down to a few different cycle combinations that may be hair friendly as they call it.
I have tried most of these but it must be noted that i was switching straight from Ripped250 (which sparked a huge hair loss) to these other combinations at the time.
I was prepping for competition at the time as you.can see i was desperately trying to find any steroid that would at least help maintain til comp time without further hair loss. (Physique)
Here is my experience of 'hair friendly steroids':
First i went on to test prop 200mg/w and Equipoise 600mg/w (hair still falling out at same extendive rate as on the ripped)
I then dropped the test altogether and ran EQ solo and my hair loss slowed slightly but still 10 or more hairs everyrime i washed it.
I then tried anavar 75mg/d solo and my hair loss accelerated more so than wen on EQ.
I switched the anavar to Tbol 50/w and i saw similar effects as anavar still shedding although not as bad but after 4 weeks i stopped all steroids and have since fully recovered with pct.
I am torn between 4 options for a future cycle, any input woupd be appreciated.:
1. Test prop 300mg p/w (1ml mon/wed/fri) with finasteride. (Short cycle option 4-6 weeks)
2.equipoise 400mg p/w with HCG 500iu mon wed fri and finasteride. (Longer cycle 16+weeks)
3. Tbol 50mg/day with HCG 500iu mon wed fri and finasteride (8 week cycle)
4. Anavar 50mg/day with hcg 500iu mon wed fri and finasteride (10-12week cycle)
These are a few of the options i see available to someone like myself who has MPB geneand who values their hair!
These cycles are not useless as any steroid has profound effects on those with proper nutrition and training i have got great results from every steroid i have ever taken. Sure they wont cater for the heavyweight bodybuilder crew but they will substantially improve a fitness/physique type body.
Any experience on which route would hypothetically cause the least hairloss?