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Thread: Advice on Aromasin dosage for Test P cycle

  1. #1

    Advice on Aromasin dosage for Test P cycle

    Hi guys,

    If I am to run Test P at 100 mg EOD or even 150 mg EOD, how should I dose my AI?

    Due to the half life of Exemestane, I'm thinking ED at 12.5mg - but is this too much? Will it crash my E2?

    Does anyone have any experience of Test P and Aromasin?


  2. #2
    I haven't used test p with aromasin. But I have with test e and c. I dose at 12.5 e3d. I don't suggest 12.5 ed.

  3. #3
    25mg per day. This is what i use on a standard cycle. I also use 12.5mg per day on TRT (125mg test cyp/wk). It's my favorite AI.

    Exemestane is one of the most misunderstood AI's available today. Check out JimmyInkUp thread outlining the use and results of this inhibitor. It may shed some light on the parroted information that seems to plague most bbing boards.

  4. #4
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    Dec 2010
    I do 25mg ED at 200mg of test per week. Everyone is different. Start at 12.5mg ED and adjust from there.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    I do 25mg ED at 200mg of test per week. Everyone is different. Start at 12.5mg ED and adjust from there.
    I'd recommend this too, only I'd also recommend blood work. Adjust your dose based on test results, not by how you feel from day to day.

  6. #6
    Cool, but I'll have to go by guessing unless I get bloods done 2 weeks into my cycle?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    I do 25mg ED at 200mg of test per week. Everyone is different. Start at 12.5mg ED and adjust from there.
    Wow, that seems a lot for just 200 mg per wk. What's your E2 reading?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by kinetixtrainer View Post
    I haven't used test p with aromasin. But I have with test e and c. I dose at 12.5 e3d. I don't suggest 12.5 ed.
    It's so difficult to judge.

    The other posters on this thread all run different amounts on LESS test!?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Cool, but I'll have to go by guessing unless I get bloods done 2 weeks into my cycle?
    That's exactly what I would do, get bloodwork done 2 weeks in. At least for estradiol. 4 weeks in if you were using test e or c. The tests are cheap and easy through ************* if they're in your area. Spending an extra $50 shows you if you need to adjust your dose. I wish I had known about that when I was getting started with AAS.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Wow, that seems a lot for just 200 mg per wk. What's your E2 reading?
    My estradiol was at 60.7 pg/mL (range 7.6-42.6) a couple months ago on 375 mg/week test e and 12.5 mg/day aromasin (research chem version). Also 1000 iu/week of HCG, which can raise the number.

    I bumped the aromasin up to 12.5 mg twice a day and retested last month. E2 was at 36.5, in range this time. The main difference I noticed is that I'm much hornier at this dose. Estradiol kills my sex drive if it gets too high.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by m314 View Post
    My estradiol was at 60.7 pg/mL (range 7.6-42.6) a couple months ago on 375 mg/week test e and 12.5 mg/day aromasin (research chem version). Also 1000 iu/week of HCG, which can raise the number.

    I bumped the aromasin up to 12.5 mg twice a day and retested last month. E2 was at 36.5, in range this time. The main difference I noticed is that I'm much hornier at this dose. Estradiol kills my sex drive if it gets too high.
    Interesting, but with the half life of Test P being so short, I'm thinking I could tank my E2 becuae it's in and out of the system quickly.

    Out of interest, why did you run that particular amount of HCG?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Interesting, but with the half life of Test P being so short, I'm thinking I could tank my E2 becuae it's in and out of the system quickly.

    Out of interest, why did you run that particular amount of HCG?
    I've been on test and HCG since 2008. 1000 iu split into 3 weekly shots gives me the best results. "Results" meaning ball size and fullness. I've read that going over 1000 iu/week can desensitize the testes, making them less responsive to HCG (or leutenizing hormone) afterwards. I drop the test dose down to 200 mg/week between cycles, but I keep HCG at 1000 iu/week year round.

    I don't think it's easy to tank your E2 levels with 12.5 mg of aromasin per day. Even if you're natty. EOD shots with test prop at your doses means you'll always have supraphysiological levels of testosterone on cycle. It's good to get blood work just to be sure.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Wow, that seems a lot for just 200 mg per wk. What's your E2 reading?
    Before I was taking ar-r 15mg Aromasin ED with an UGL brand Test at 175mg/week. I got prescribed Test at 200mg/week and had to up my dosage of Aromasin because I started getting sensitivity in the nipples and a lump. My estrogen was at 40 on a normal scale of 52 being the cut off prior to switching test brands.

    Didn't need blood work to tell me my e2 was elevated after upping the test level 25mg more per week with prescription Test. Currently I'm doing 25mg of prescription Aromasin with 40mg nolvadex to eliminate the lump. I'll knock that down to 20mg nolva once it starts to clear up, then off. I'll get blood work to see where my e2 levels are and re-adjust the Aromasin if needed. Like I said, I'm super sensitive.

    I'm also using 1000iu HCG /week as m314.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    Before I was taking ar-r 15mg Aromasin ED with an UGL brand Test at 175mg/week. I got prescribed Test at 200mg/week and had to up my dosage of Aromasin because I started getting sensitivity in the nipples and a lump. My estrogen was at 40 on a normal scale of 52 being the cut off prior to switching test brands.

    Didn't need blood work to tell me my e2 was elevated after upping the test level 25mg more per week with prescription Test. Currently I'm doing 25mg of prescription Aromasin with 40mg nolvadex to eliminate the lump. I'll knock that down to 20mg nolva once it starts to clear up, then off. I'll get blood work to see where my e2 levels are and re-adjust the Aromasin if needed. Like I said, I'm super sensitive.

    I'm also using 1000iu HCG /week as m314.
    I can certainly see you are somewhat sensitive to AAS!

    Which leads me to wonder if there's anyway to judge your sensitivity to Test prior to cycling? I was told by my Endo that I have slightly elevated estradiol levels, so what do you think about starting Aromasin a few days before cycling?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    I can certainly see you are somewhat sensitive to AAS!

    Which leads me to wonder if there's anyway to judge your sensitivity to Test prior to cycling? I was told by my Endo that I have slightly elevated estradiol levels, so what do you think about starting Aromasin a few days before cycling?
    I think that would depend on which test you were using. For Cyp or Enan, starting the AI the same day you start your test will be fine as it'll take a few weeks even before your test levels become elevated. I never did prop, but if I was, I would start the AI a few days before to get it in my system.

  16. #16
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    Stane isnt neary as powerful in males as people think. The majority of the time when people take the time to get blood work they find the dose they thought they needed to be taking is too low. Not only is the dose to low but the frequency of administration isnt often enough. Stane is best dosed daily and at a minimum dose of 12.5mg in most cases. It is very hard to crash e2 levels with stane. When I take 600-750mgs test I need 50mg stane/day split into 2- 25mg doses (this is based on multiple blood work from multiple cycles).

  17. #17
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    I'm with you, aromasin is overestimated, 12,5mg ED seems the min dose for Gyno control, 25mg ED is better. I can control gyno with 25mg ED at 750-1000mg Test E. if my E2 are correct at that dose, I don't know, I only know gyno is under control. anyways, libido is always up.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Temporary Accnt View Post
    25mg per day. This is what i use on a standard cycle. I also use 12.5mg per day on TRT (125mg test cyp/wk). It's my favorite AI.

    Exemestane is one of the most misunderstood AI's available today. Check out JimmyInkUp thread outlining the use and results of this inhibitor. It may shed some light on the parroted information that seems to plague most bbing boards.

    Im suprised you need that much AI on low dose TRT

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Stane isnt neary as powerful in males as people think. The majority of the time when people take the time to get blood work they find the dose they thought they needed to be taking is too low. Not only is the dose to low but the frequency of administration isnt often enough. Stane is best dosed daily and at a minimum dose of 12.5mg in most cases. It is very hard to crash e2 levels with stane. When I take 600-750mgs test I need 50mg stane/day split into 2- 25mg doses (this is based on multiple blood work from multiple cycles).
    Interesting. I've never heard of anyone taking such a high dose. Did you get any sides?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Interesting. I've never heard of anyone taking such a high dose. Did you get any sides?

  21. #21
    Out of interest, do you take your stane with a fat source and at what time of day do you take it?

  22. #22
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    Yes, take with a meal containing some fat to enhance absorption. Time of day, whenever is convenient.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    Yes, take with a meal containing some fat to enhance absorption. Time of day, whenever is convenient.
    Cheers bud

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