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Thread: Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Ok, so awhile ago I posted about my BP being high. I have been monitoring at home, and realized it was time for a Docs visit.

    Well it ends up my Bp wasn't as out of control as I though. I brought my home monitor with me to match it to hers. So she measured mine at 130/78. Which isn't horrible. Heart rate though as about 100 cause of the aniexty of being at the docs. So after she measured I did mine with my home monitor and it was 150/110. So obviously this thing is a piece of junk.

    But now heres my issue. Shes putting me on an anti anexity for a little while. But she also wants me to get bloods done for her. And come back in two weeks to see how the medicine s doing and to go over bloods.

    I am currently almost 4weeks into a cycle though.

    test p 75mg eod
    tren a 100mg eod
    T3 50 ed

    The blood test will cover

    Creatine kinase
    Comprehensize metabolic

    Now obviously my numbers will be scewed beause of my cycle.....but now what do I do. Do I go through with the blood work for her? I understand timing is bad. Wha I don't know is how I could explain these numbers if she asked.

    Any help is appricated.

    (sorry my spelling sucks)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Lipids will probably be up. CBC should be fine. I dont think it will effect your tsh either, it didnt mine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Lipids will probably be up. CBC should be fine. I dont think it will effect your tsh either, it didnt mine.
    So shouldn't be worried about getting this work done then?

  4. #4
    The T3 would definitely affect your TSH level.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Is your anxiety really bad? If not I'd say throw that crap away.. Don't have to worry about developing worse anxiety or addiction, or the blood test in that case.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    The T3 would definitely affect your TSH level.
    True, mine was elevated but he didnt mention T3 so I left it out.
    AST (SGOT) could be high, mine was a little.
    RDW was also high.

    It just depends on what all they will test and most of the time you can write it off to having a drink or two the night before or two or??? and they will just retest in 1-3 months.

    Do you take melatonin? It's supposed to be good for anxiety.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-08-2014 at 06:50 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Is your anxiety really bad? If not I'd say throw that crap away.. Don't have to worry about developing worse anxiety or addiction, or the blood test in that case.
    Anxiety isn't that bad.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    True, mine was elevated but he didnt mention T3 so I left it out.
    AST (SGOT) could be high, mine was a little.
    RDW was also high.

    It just depends on what all they will test and most of the time you can write it off to having a drink or two the night before or two or??? and they will just retest in 1-3 months.

    Do you take melatonin? It's supposed to be good for anxiety.
    I do not take melatonin. ..I will look into it.

    Might not take the script but she's considering the bloods and next visit as my yearly check up anyways. So I most likely will still take the bloods.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Anxiety isn't that bad.
    Id definitely say its not worth the risk then, people with mild anxiety often come off worse using anxiety medication. it could likely be dealt with without the help of prescription drugs, and you wont need to worry about the test!

  10. #10
    I would say do the blood work. It's always better to have data so you can make decisions. I wouldn't tell her about your AAS use. If the doc knows your on AAS there's a really good chance she'll record it in your medical history. She'll try to minimize her liability. Then in the future you come down with a major illness, the HMO could read your record and say that it was due to your AAS use and refuse to treat you.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I would say do the blood work. It's always better to have data so you can make decisions. I wouldn't tell her about your AAS use. If the doc knows your on AAS there's a really good chance she'll record it in your medical history. She'll try to minimize her liability. Then in the future you come down with a major illness, the HMO could read your record and say that it was due to your AAS use and refuse to treat you.
    I understand all that.

    What I am confused is for example my thyroid being out of wack because of the t3 I'm taking. How would I explain this to her. Or like my rbc being high. What do I say that won't cause more tests or her to think.i need to be on more medication.

    Or am I over thinking this.

    Just never needed to do bloods for a doc while on cycle

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    North Central U.S
    I would wait until off cycle. I would tell your doc at uor yearly appt. that you feel more comfortable with some natural remedy for awhile before just taking prescription drugs. Mean while that will give you sometime to finish cycle and get to a reset ( normal ). Otherwise she will be going off skewed numbers and there for her judgement would be skewed not knowing the whole truth. IMO

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    If you can push it off it's probably best since you may have to try to explain a few things and like I have had to do in the past then go for other test but honestly for me it worked out to be the best. Due to my elevated SGOT levels I got a full liver workup including ultrasound showing everything was fine. They also checked out the kidneys and other organs. No signs of kidney stones or anything else.

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