I've read that tren can have some pretty bad side effects. Yet I see that a lot of people seem to like it. So what's the deal?
I've read that tren can have some pretty bad side effects. Yet I see that a lot of people seem to like it. So what's the deal?
Everyone is different. Some cant handled the mood swings. Some get agitated easily. Night sweats can be a b*tch. They are called night but in fact it's all day anytime. You can be talking to your boss and all of the sudden your brow starts dripping with sweat. There can be a lot of other sides also
I get really insecure on Tren. It causes me to fight with my wife to the point of almost getting a divorce. I've tried Tren twice and both times I almost ended in divorce. The other sides for me weren't terrible but losing my wife isn't really worth using it. At a lower dosage it isn't too bad but when I bring it up to 400mg/week I can't handle it.
Anger is not an issue even if I feel more prone to agressive behavior than usual.
Sleep sucks bad, for a little while its bearable after extended period of time it is awfull...
Sweating and loss of cardio vascular capacity is a bitch... I have difdiculty to have sex due to the lack of cardio.
My heart is racing at any moment of the day my rest heart beat is 85-90...
Blood pressure is up also...
Its strong drug...
My bros experience with the substance is basically me and him are having breakfast and as he picks up his fork you can see his whole body just shake, sort of like clen but not to that extreme and sweat literally just forms out of no where.
As well as waking up with a wet patch on the pillow and a drenched shirt.
Haven't seen the anger management issues in anyone that I know uses yet, if anything they look calmer lol
The way it's sounding tren isn't going to work for me. On this first cycle of test c and deca I have more aggression. It wasn't to bad and I actually liked it. I already had night sweats and I don't need them to get worse lol
For me, the worst part is the sweating and what it does to my lipid profile. I sweat all day and all night. I can be sitting on the couch in my underwear watching a game and I'll be sweating. Also, it wrecks your HDL and LDL. Now, those come back in a few months but it still worries me.
One of my biggest issues is having to turn down all that booger the gym girls try to slap on me! All that vein popping shredded rip your ****ing head off muscular look and that tren attitude mmmmm I love it love it ! Hahaha ! No for real I think the cardio issues is one of the biggest problems for me. I like the aggression and able to funnel that into a positive but I sure do like to breathe real good and deep all the time!
even small doses for me make me grumpy. impulsive. I seem to act before I think. which can potentially get me into some trouble. I'm usually a pretty happy guy, and tren seems to take that away, replacing it with edginess.
.......but I do like the anabolic properties. Now, if I lived in a cave and didn't have to interact with others, then I would be ok with taking it.
Aggressive impact of Hdl/LDL, lipids, tryglycdrides
I don't think I could deal with the lack of cardio. The job a do can be very demanding physically. I probably wouldn't be much fun to be around on tren.
Cardio is hell on Tren. Even doing easy work can be a chore as you're gasping for air all the time.
My prostate swells up and I run to the bathroom constantly. I start obsessing about stuff. It's temporary but still very in convenient.
Makes me paranoid about everything. And as the cycle goes on my sleep just goes to shit. By the end I have to be taking all kinds of pills to be able to get a maximum of about 5-6 hrs sleep.
Everyone's different. You may or may not have any issues with it. The cardio issue people talk about, at times I've noticed I breath a little heavier but I've never had it affect my ability to do cardio. As well, I've never had any issues regarding behavior - I'm the same with or without it. I do tend to run a little warmer and sweat a little more but nothing unbearable.
It's really no different than anything else. Some people have acne issues with certain steroids while others have none. I do often wonder if people sometimes experience worse side effects with things like Tren because they think themselves into it...they expect to have them and as a result they do. Our minds can really screw us up. That said, I'm not implying that certain side effects only occur due to a mental persuasion but I do wonder at times about its role. Impossible to really prove but something I've wondered about due to my own experiences.
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