So earlier this year I (5'7", 160lbs, 15%) completed my first test only cycle below:
400mg/wk Test E for 12 weeks
500 iu HCG for 12 weeks
0.20 mg Arimidex EOD for 14 weeks
After completing my cycle I did the routine PCT (Nolva/Clomid) and my blood work 2 months later came back practically the same as before I did my cycle so I consider it a success.
I am now ready to start my 2nd cycle in about a month and am considering adding one or two additional steroids to the mix. I'm debating between tren, deca, and recently winstrol.
Option 1 Tren: Based on my research tren comes in at least two popular esters (tren ace and tren enanthate). What is the half life of each? I am considering taking 300mg/wk of tren and 150mg/wk. The reason for the low level of test e is because I want tren to be the foundation of such a cycle and the test would only act as a supplement to reduce sides (e.g., tren dick.).
Option 2 Deca: I have joint inflammation and so when I read that deca is known to alleviate such problems I became very interested. First, would a 300 mg/wk deca + 200 mg/wk test E be more effective at promoting muscle gain than just 500 mg/wk of test E? (i.e., is deca+test more effective than just test?) Second, Deca comes in two popular esters: decanoate and phenyl-prop. What is the approx. half life of each?
Option 3 Winstrol: I had never even considered adding Winstrol until I recently saw an anabolic/androgenic rating chart that listed winstrol at 320 anabolic/30 androgenic. To me this seems phenomenal because you get three times the anabolic muscle building qualities with just 1/3rd the androgenic side effects (hair loss, aggression, etc.). First, are these numbers really accurate of Winstrol's properties? I thought I'd heard somewhere that winstrol was rather weak at building muscle. Second, what forms does Winstol come in and what are typical dosing levels?
Option 4 Tren or Winstrol + Deca: Another option is stack a second steroid like tren or winstrol to test for increased muscle gain and to also add a low level of deca for joint pain relief. What are your thoughts on:
300 mg/wk tren (Weeks 1 - 12)
150 mg/wk test (weeks 1 - 12)
75 mg/wk deca (weeks 1 - 12)
0.25 mg EOD Arimidex (Weeks 1 - 14)
0.75 mg/wk Cabergoline (weeks 1 - 14)
500 iu/wk hCG. (Weeks 1 - 14)
Thanks guys for any and all help.