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Thread: new member seeking help

  1. #1

    new member seeking help

    Hello there ive been lurking the forums alot lately

    So as a start heres my information and past history

    Age : 21
    Height: 174 cm or 5'7 ft
    Weight : 91 kg

    Okay so I been on and off working out for the past 3 years but due to injury I stopped working out therefore I gained alot of weight about 121 kgs at june 2014

    Now I been diagnosed with prediabetes I decided to loss weight and so I have done I lost about 30 kgs which like 65 lbs in 3 months

    Now my issues that im seeking help with are the following :
    1. Alot of stretch marks and I mean alot of them e
    2.extra skin like god damn I have loads
    3.I need general opinion and estimation of body fat cuz I live in a retarded place and I cant find fat calipers or any person that has knowledge about roids planning to take anavar only cycle will it he worth it and yes I have read the youth and steroids dont post it

    my past cycles
    : Clenbuterol only in 2011sept
    2.deca /dbol /winny cycle in 2011 december
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2014-10-16 16.12.42.jpg 
Views:	227 
Size:	695.9 KB 
ID:	153381Click image for larger version. 

Name:	InstaSize_2014_9 _ 1411837.jpg 
Views:	223 
Size:	449.5 KB 
ID:	153382
    Please I accept critizing and im welcome to other things just need help from more than one member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleexave View Post
    Hello there ive been lurking the forums alot lately

    So as a start heres my information and past history

    Age : 21
    Height: 174 cm or 5'7 ft
    Weight : 91 kg

    Okay so I been on and off working out for the past 3 years but due to injury I stopped working out therefore I gained alot of weight about 121 kgs at june 2014

    Now I been diagnosed with prediabetes I decided to loss weight and so I have done I lost about 30 kgs which like 65 lbs in 3 months

    Now my issues that im seeking help with are the following :
    1. Alot of stretch marks and I mean alot of them e
    2.extra skin like god damn I have loads
    3.I need general opinion and estimation of body fat cuz I live in a retarded place and I cant find fat calipers or any person that has knowledge about roids planning to take anavar only cycle will it he worth it and yes I have read the youth and steroids dont post it

    my past cycles
    : Clenbuterol only in 2011sept
    2.deca /dbol /winny cycle in 2011 december
    <img src=""/><img src=""/>
    Please I accept critizing and im welcome to other things just need help from more than one member
    Cycling at 18

    Stopped working out till june 2014

    And wanting to do an oral only cycle!!

    No one on here will advise you on a cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    You are a dumb ass. That simple.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleexave View Post
    Hello there ive been lurking the forums alot lately

    So as a start heres my information and past history

    Age : 21
    Height: 174 cm or 5'7 ft
    Weight : 91 kg

    Okay so I been on and off working out for the past 3 years but due to injury I stopped working out therefore I gained alot of weight about 121 kgs at june 2014

    Now I been diagnosed with prediabetes I decided to loss weight and so I have done I lost about 30 kgs which like 65 lbs in 3 months

    Now my issues that im seeking help with are the following :
    1. Alot of stretch marks and I mean alot of them e
    2.extra skin like god damn I have loads
    3.I need general opinion and estimation of body fat cuz I live in a retarded place and I cant find fat calipers or any person that has knowledge about roids planning to take anavar only cycle will it he worth it and yes I have read the youth and steroids dont post it

    my past cycles
    : Clenbuterol only in 2011sept
    2.deca /dbol /winny cycle in 2011 december
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2014-10-16 16.12.42.jpg 
Views:	227 
Size:	695.9 KB 
ID:	153381Click image for larger version. 

Name:	InstaSize_2014_9 _ 1411837.jpg 
Views:	223 
Size:	449.5 KB 
ID:	153382
    Please I accept critizing and im welcome to other things just need help from more than one member
    Obviously, lurking does not equate to reading and learning in your case.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    The land down under.
    Lurking with your eyes shut ? I'll say what the rest are thinking .

    You're to young to even think about aas ,
    You should read all the stickies,
    You need to sort out a suitable diet,
    Also telling us not to link you to a extremely important sticky that you would greatly benefit from is some what rude and insulting,
    Running anavar only is retarded, you should know this " mr lurker ",
    Also saying you need help from us but you haven't even helped yourself yet,

    Get the basics down, we put health first around here.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleexave View Post
    Hello there ive been lurking the forums alot lately

    So as a start heres my information and past history

    Age : 21
    Height: 174 cm or 5'7 ft
    Weight : 91 kg

    Okay so I been on and off working out for the past 3 years but due to injury I stopped working out therefore I gained alot of weight about 121 kgs at june 2014

    Now I been diagnosed with prediabetes I decided to loss weight and so I have done I lost about 30 kgs which like 65 lbs in 3 months

    Now my issues that im seeking help with are the following :
    1. Alot of stretch marks and I mean alot of them e
    2.extra skin like god damn I have loads
    3.I need general opinion and estimation of body fat cuz I live in a retarded place and I cant find fat calipers or any person that has knowledge about roids planning to take anavar only cycle will it he worth it and yes I have read the youth and steroids dont post it

    my past cycles
    : Clenbuterol only in 2011sept
    2.deca /dbol /winny cycle in 2011 december
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2014-10-16 16.12.42.jpg 
Views:	227 
Size:	695.9 KB 
ID:	153381Click image for larger version. 

Name:	InstaSize_2014_9 _ 1411837.jpg 
Views:	223 
Size:	449.5 KB 
ID:	153382
    Please I accept critizing and im welcome to other things just need help from more than one member
    So wat you are really saying is.That you dont want to hear the truth.All you want to hear is from the guys who dont know much.And will say go for it.Bottom line bro if you dont want the truth.DONT ASK THE QUESTION!

  7. #7
    Lol do you read the stuff you say..I asked simple question if any alternatives than diet will help none answered any of my questions so much thanks for the help.. nothing regarding the 4 points I posted anyhow if you come here to write down that im a dumb ass please leave the thread I didnt come here to evaluate my personal thought and yeah I did a cycle at 18 a clen cycle and I didnt get hurt or anything thanks for your concern but amazingly at 18 with clen I lost about 48 kgs in 7 weeks thanks..and I didnt stop working out I couldn't workout you might have an idea of facing permanent lumbar paralysis but oh wait im too dumb and I should of continued and ended up disabled rather than getting fat again none solved my issue nor answered my question which is clearly whats this form section is about

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    The land down under.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleexave View Post
    Lol do you read the stuff you say..I asked simple question if any alternatives than diet will help none answered any of my questions so much thanks for the help.. nothing regarding the 4 points I posted anyhow if you come here to write down that im a dumb ass please leave the thread I didnt come here to evaluate my personal thought and yeah I did a cycle at 18 a clen cycle and I didnt get hurt or anything thanks for your concern but amazingly at 18 with clen I lost about 48 kgs in 7 weeks thanks..and I didnt stop working out I couldn't workout you might have an idea of facing permanent lumbar paralysis but oh wait im too dumb and I should of continued and ended up disabled rather than getting fat again none solved my issue nor answered my question which is clearly whats this form section is about

    Not interested in spoon feeding you, in regards to your questions I did answer them the " non anabolic " questions I did not,

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleexave View Post
    ....if you come here to write down that im a dumb ass please leave the thread I didnt come here to evaluate my personal thought...
    A bit of punctuation and phucking sentence structure might go a long way towards being taken seriously! "Talking" like a dumb ass kid will surely result in being treated like one.

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