Hello there ive been lurking the forums alot lately
So as a start heres my information and past history
Age : 21
Height: 174 cm or 5'7 ft
Weight : 91 kg
Okay so I been on and off working out for the past 3 years but due to injury I stopped working out therefore I gained alot of weight about 121 kgs at june 2014
Now I been diagnosed with prediabetes I decided to loss weight and so I have done I lost about 30 kgs which like 65 lbs in 3 months
Now my issues that im seeking help with are the following :
1. Alot of stretch marks and I mean alot of them e
2.extra skin like god damn I have loads
3.I need general opinion and estimation of body fat cuz I live in a retarded place and I cant find fat calipers or any person that has knowledge about roids
4.im planning to take anavar only cycle will it he worth it and yes I have read the youth and steroids dont post it
my past cycles
: Clenbuterol only in 2011sept
2.deca /dbol /winny cycle in 2011 december

Please I accept critizing and im welcome to other things just need help from more than one member