Hello, during my first cycle (test E 300/week) I chose not to run AI due to the low dose(I have it on hand so don't call me irresponsible) however I experienced some bloat early on in the cycle. Probably no more than 5-10 pounds of water weight but it was very irritating so early on. Any way long story short I cut out all creatine and stopped most excess fats(except for the nec amounts with flaxseed oil and such) and now in week 7 of my cycle I'm seeing most of the weight disappear except for a troublesome 3-4 pounds on my stomach :/ best place to hold it I know right.
My actual question here is for those who have competed a successful test E cycle please let me know how many pounds of water weight you lost after coming off the juice. Please just list your # of pounds lost, thanks so much guys.