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Thread: Quick Question for Test E Cycle members

  1. #1

    Quick Question for Test E Cycle members

    Hello, during my first cycle (test E 300/week) I chose not to run AI due to the low dose(I have it on hand so don't call me irresponsible) however I experienced some bloat early on in the cycle. Probably no more than 5-10 pounds of water weight but it was very irritating so early on. Any way long story short I cut out all creatine and stopped most excess fats(except for the nec amounts with flaxseed oil and such) and now in week 7 of my cycle I'm seeing most of the weight disappear except for a troublesome 3-4 pounds on my stomach :/ best place to hold it I know right.

    My actual question here is for those who have competed a successful test E cycle please let me know how many pounds of water weight you lost after coming off the juice. Please just list your # of pounds lost, thanks so much guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    No AI = no control of sides (bloat)
    run the ai

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Also get some blood work

  4. #4
    My appointment is early next week with the lab near my town; however, as I am quite comfortable with how my body is accepting the test at this point I am reluctant to add another substance(AI). I feel great and lifts are solid...if these few pounds will leave on their own after my cycle I'm not trying to add AI for such a non-problematic side. Although I am new to all this and if you feel that the AI would benefit me ill consider.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by musclesmuscles View Post
    My appointment is early next week with the lab near my town; however, as I am quite comfortable with how my body is accepting the test at this point I am reluctant to add another substance(AI). I feel great and lifts are solid...if these few pounds will leave on their own after my cycle I'm not trying to add AI for such a non-problematic side. Although I am new to all this and if you feel that the AI would benefit me ill consider.
    There's a thread in here somewhere on the importance of including and AI on cycle. I strongly suggest you read it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa

  7. #7
    Thank you for the link...I was looking and came across and was a lil confused on why anyone would quote such an uninformative thread but it looks like I had the wrong one.

    What dosage of arimidex should I start with(I will obviously adjust as I feel) but to start what would be a good dosage considering I'm in week 7 and already down to 13-14% body fat(measured yesterday) 199 pounds 6.1feet. Only side is water weight?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    .05 eod is a good rule but everyone is different and blood work is only true tell

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    .25mg start with ...

    Thats what I started with. I am very gyno paranoid. So end of week two I went up to .50mg just to be safe and if I can make it till the start of week 5 I am going to get BW done and I might drop back down if my E2 is ok.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-17-2014 at 07:22 AM.

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