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Thread: Newbie looking for advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Newbie looking for advice

    Hi I'm looking to start my first cycle in January,

    Currently I'm 23, 6 foot 2 and weigh around 15 stone (210 pounds). Body fat around the 13% mark

    Been hitting them GYM for around 2 years now but looking to progress in myself and would also like to perform in competitions. In the GYM 5 days a week, cardio is not a big part of my work out if anything, I usually wake up and have a hour walk I'm the morning before heading off to work. But if advised to up this I will do so.

    On a very natural diet. Get all my vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs and fats from meat, fruit and veg.

    Calorie intake around the 3500 mark at the moment and having 3-4 meals a day. Can up this if required.

    I'm looking to start with test cyp, deca durabolin and dbol stack.

    After the cycle clomid and nolvadex . Going to invest in some arimidex just incase.

    Looking to be doing a 12 week cycle. With a 5-6 month break before the next cycle.

    If anyone has any advice or knowledge they would like to share it would be much appreciated.

    Going to be stocking up on milk thistle (protect against that dbol) and the obviously keep up the healthy living and eating with an extremely low salt content.

    Going to be giving blood when possible to keep my blood 'fresh'.

    Really looking forward to it, I would like to gain more mass and a leaner look.

    Once again I would like all suggestions from you guys as you know more about this stuff than me.

    Thanks in advance guys.

  2. #2
    First cycle: always TEST ONLY!!
    Adex not just for "just in case"....

    Plenty more will chime in, with appropriate links, but, if you spend a few hours reading "stickied" threads, such as "the young and steroids" (you're right on the line, age wise, but, if your stats are legit....), and "why it is important to run an AI while on ", you WILL find ALL of the answers to your questions...:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thanks Red, sorry to sound thick but why Test only for the first cycle? Someone suggested deca durablion to take in my first cycle.

    Edit: I did read the young and the steroids but I believe that I may have peaked. All my stats are correct, I'm looking for 100% truthful answers--last thing I want is to put my body in serious harms way
    Last edited by dghartley; 10-17-2014 at 01:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Firstly, testosterone is amazing, in combination with a solid training program, and a good diet. It really is all you need, to make impressive gains.

    Secondly, muddying the mix, with more compounds, makes it almost impossible, for a first time user, to diagnose side effects. A 19nor, such as nandrolone (deca), may raise prolactin levels, and be tricky to manage with adex alone, necessitating the use of more ancillary drugs.

    Keep it as simple as possible, so that you can focus your attention on training and diet. Save second compounds, and orals, for future cycles, when gains may be coming slower than they did on your first cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thanks that makes perfect sense to be fair.

    Guessing that after the cycle clomid. nolvadex and arimidex is alright?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    I agree with Red, the idea here is to get used to each compound before you introduce another one. For me, it is mainly figuring out how much to take while balancing the gains versus risks and controlling my estrogen levels all the same. Once I feel I can do that with a compound I explore others.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thanks guys, I'm excited to get started but I think a bit more research and advice is needed before rushing into anything

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by dghartley View Post
    Thanks that makes perfect sense to be fair.

    Guessing that after the cycle clomid. nolvadex and arimidex is alright?
    Clomid Nolva, after (PCT)
    Adex, while on cycle.
    It's debatable, but many now agree that adding hcg is also important.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thanks again guys, some great advise that I look forward to putting into practice

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