Hi I'm looking to start my first cycle in January,
Currently I'm 23, 6 foot 2 and weigh around 15 stone (210 pounds). Body fat around the 13% mark
Been hitting them GYM for around 2 years now but looking to progress in myself and would also like to perform in competitions. In the GYM 5 days a week, cardio is not a big part of my work out if anything, I usually wake up and have a hour walk I'm the morning before heading off to work. But if advised to up this I will do so.
On a very natural diet. Get all my vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs and fats from meat, fruit and veg.
Calorie intake around the 3500 mark at the moment and having 3-4 meals a day. Can up this if required.
I'm looking to start with test cyp, deca durabolin and dbol stack.
After the cycle clomid and nolvadex . Going to invest in some arimidex just incase.
Looking to be doing a 12 week cycle. With a 5-6 month break before the next cycle.
If anyone has any advice or knowledge they would like to share it would be much appreciated.
Going to be stocking up on milk thistle (protect against that dbol) and the obviously keep up the healthy living and eating with an extremely low salt content.
Going to be giving blood when possible to keep my blood 'fresh'.
Really looking forward to it, I would like to gain more mass and a leaner look.
Once again I would like all suggestions from you guys as you know more about this stuff than me.
Thanks in advance guys.