Just came off a bulk a little over 4 weeks ago (up to 213) and have been cutting at 2350 since. So far I have lost 12 pounds and am currently sitting at 201 in the morning. I am 6'2 36 years old and have been training seriously for roughly 2 years (wasted some time before that). I plan on going another month on my cut before I start this cycle at which time I will bump to maintenance and then hit 4k somewhere around the 4 week mark. My plan is Test E 500mg/wk @ 250mg/ml for 12 weeks. Already have my Test in hand as well as Nolva and Arimadex. I don't plan on running HCG but I am concerned about the Adex as I have read a bunch of cycle logs describing increased heart rate and palpitations etc. I would like to avoid this if possible. Is there something less harsh? I want this cycle to be as simple as possible being my first. My goal is as much mass as possible without getting fat. I have my diet/macros in place and will be keeping detailed logs. I may run 15 weeks depending on sides and if I am steadily gaining at that point still. I don't really want to have just 3 weeks worth of Test still kicking around the house. Here are a few pics to see where I am currently.