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Thread: how would i know the prepp is safe?

  1. #1

    how would i know the prepp is safe?

    say i got a vial of some stuff and guy i got it from says its the bomb. well thats okay for him maybe, but how do i know if its really safe for use. i've been reading a lot of horror stories online about guys getting ripped off, being guinea pigs and so on. i just do not feel like taking any chances. normally i would take prescription stuff from my doctor alas this is not an option for me at this point in time. so i've got to take my chances abroad. ive heard about some brands like british dragon and thaiger pharma, is it safe to presume these are alright? know too, lot of fakers out there that rip there names but isnt original. just wanna know whats the take on this. any studies as to what and how these are produced for the most part i wanna know that its not adulterated with potassium cyanide or somethen

  2. #2
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    Apr 2008
    After you pin yourself you dont keel over in severe pain and die, then it's g2g.

    As the saying goes, you need to trust your source. Another good idea is to get hormone panel blood work done before you start a cycle and then again 4-6 weeks into the cycle. Your total and free testosterone will tell you how good or how much of the bomb your product is and of course a good way to keep an eye on your E2

  3. #3
    well yeah i trust my source. but i trust myself as well. no one could now if in a batch of 100 there may be one off shoot. just wanna have a way to make sure whats in the pop before i shoot. isnt there any way to check the quality?

  4. #4
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    Apr 2008
    Not really. You can get a test kit to see if it's real but it wont tell you if it's 10mg/mL, 100mg/mL or 500mg/mL.

    Only way to test the strength is to see how much it raises your test levels.

  5. #5
    So whats really in the solution, cant be all test so... whats the oil made of? Anything else in there?

  6. #6
    Really, i wonder how is the stuff actually produced. Tried googling it, only shows you some bs about how your body produce it. I wanna know because idk its funny.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2008
    Here you go, start reading if you want to know how it's made. Most gear out there is from UGL (under ground labs) meaning someone probably no different than you or me who makes it at home or in some cases have a small production like but not in a commercial capacity.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2011
    normally you can put a drop on your tongue, to know before how much of BA there's in it. but today, most UGL are using very low BA content even in short ester versions..
    Another thing, is to look at the color, the most of hormones except winstrol and tren, should be very clear and thick. IMO more clear, better the quality, although its not a law, there are yellow pharma tests out there. tren should be yellow/dark yellow and a Little thinner.

  9. #9
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    Color is very dependent on the oil/carrier and can be off from one batch to the next just because a different batch of GSO or whatever was used.

    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    normally you can put a drop on your tongue, to know before how much of BA there's in it. but today, most UGL are using very low BA content even in short ester versions..
    Another thing, is to look at the color, the most of hormones except winstrol and tren, should be very clear and thick. IMO more clear, better the quality, although its not a law, there are yellow pharma tests out there. tren should be yellow/dark yellow and a Little thinner.

  10. #10
    Wow, okay this cleared it right up for me. Kid you not, i had visions of oxen balls grown in a test tube or somethen. Seems like its a pretty straight forward process so i am not that worried anymore.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    normally you can put a drop on your tongue, to know before how much of BA there's in it. but today, most UGL are using very low BA content even in short ester versions..
    Another thing, is to look at the color, the most of hormones except winstrol and tren, should be very clear and thick. IMO more clear, better the quality, although its not a law, there are yellow pharma tests out there. tren should be yellow/dark yellow and a Little thinner.
    What should it taste like then?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 343geisa View Post
    What should it taste like then?
    Considering who the information is coming from I'm guessing something like the fluids of the pituitary gland of a cadaver.

    In case you are confused.

  13. #13
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    The Dude Abides
    343, what Lovbyts says is true, you really should trust your source. But that isn't a 100% guarantee that what you have is going to be good. Even if you know other people who have bought from your source and had positive experiences, it's doesn't mean you will have a good experience as well. There are selective scammers in this world.

    In addition to that, like Lovbyts said most of these are UGL's that are made by people who aren't experts in some kitchen. Some of those guys are as stupid as Andrea making it and you wouldn't normally trust anything they make. In addition to that, there is no guarantee that one batch will be as good as the next and there is a chance one batch would be just fine but another would be contaminated with some nasty bacteria.

    So as much as you trust your source, you also need a plan B. What if you get sick from this? Do you have health insurance? Do you have antibiotics? Do you have another source if the stuff doesn't have any gear in it? Think ahead for these instances.

  14. #14
    What, are you serious? Thats disgusting!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    343, what Lovbyts says is true, you really should trust your source. But that isn't a 100% guarantee that what you have is going to be good. Even if you know other people who have bought from your source and had positive experiences, it's doesn't mean you will have a good experience as well. There are selective scammers in this world.

    In addition to that, like Lovbyts said most of these are UGL's that are made by people who aren't experts in some kitchen. Some of those guys are as stupid as Andrea making it and you wouldn't normally trust anything they make. In addition to that, there is no guarantee that one batch will be as good as the next and there is a chance one batch would be just fine but another would be contaminated with some nasty bacteria.

    So as much as you trust your source, you also need a plan B. What if you get sick from this? Do you have health insurance? Do you have antibiotics? Do you have another source if the stuff doesn't have any gear in it? Think ahead for these instances.
    What kinda bacteria could make it into one such batch? Isn't it supposed to be sterile. I've got access to antibiotics.

  16. #16
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by 343geisa View Post
    What kinda bacteria could make it into one such batch? Isn't it supposed to be sterile. I've got access to antibiotics.
    Anything can make it in a batch. These UGLs aren't being made in some sterile lab using a process that the FDA (or other governing body) deems as safe and fit for use on humans. They're being made by some guy in a kitchen somewhere. And there is no governing body saying the method of preparation he's using is safe. This is an illegal drug being made and sold on the black market. There is no guarantees, that's why doing your homework ahead of time is very necessary.

  17. #17
    But generally tho, its safe right? : I mean what are the odds for that happening.

  18. #18
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by 343geisa View Post
    But generally tho, its safe right? : I mean what are the odds for that happening.
    Well if it was that unsafe, none of us would still be doing this. But that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. And most of us have been burned at least once with bunk gear. As far as getting sick from it, I wouldn't be able to give you odds, but read the other threads on here dating back quite a while, you'll see it does happen.

  19. #19
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    I got a double infection less than a year ago from bad gear. It happens. There are precautions you can take and extra safety measures such as refiltering the oil before you inject.

  20. #20
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    another hint from my side, the first week, I wouldn't pin more tan 0,5ml at once. this will help to get out easier in case of bacteria. I always do that, after 4 days, if no PIP, you should be able to pin again the full quantity.
    For the concentration, you can only test it for testosterone by doing a BW. but normally its test one of the cheapest roids out there, its normally not bunk, there's always test in it. primobolan, tren, winstrol, masteron, are the most faked, many of them, simply have test in it. you can't find it out, until you get the specific sides.

  21. #21
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    Aug 2012
    I find funny that everyone is baching on UGL.
    Oh they arent sterile, they are all underdosed, its all crap..

    Seriously, it could be the case but it is so simple to make oil sterile that an infection should rarely be a concern.

    All the experience Ive had wih UGLs has all beeb positive. Always sterile, always well dosed(thats what BW shown).

    Of course there is scammers out there. But if you use your brain and dont buy from a unknow website or a strange dude in a alley who smell weed and piss then at least sterility should be good to know.

    Just saying that UGL are as good as pharma grade if you get find a good one. And the majority are sterile maybe a bit underdosed for some but at least the risk of infection isnt there.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    I find funny that everyone is baching on UGL.
    Oh they arent sterile, they are all underdosed, its all crap..
    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post

    Seriously, it could be the case but it is so simple to make oil sterile that an infection should rarely be a concern.

    All the experience Ive had wih UGLs has all beeb positive. Always sterile, always well dosed(thats what BW shown).

    Of course there is scammers out there. But if you use your brain and dont buy from a unknow website or a strange dude in a alley who smell weed and piss then at least sterility should be good to know.

    Just saying that UGL are as good as pharma grade if you get find a good one. And the majority are sterile maybe a bit underdosed for some but at least the risk of infection isnt there.
    I dont think that is what anyone was trying to say, only giving some clarity and warnings so he is aware.

    As for sterile??? I know there are a lot of places who think a .45 um filter is good enough but it wont catch a majority of bacteria. Luckily most of the time the gear is not bad and there is nothing to worry about but every so often.... They use the .45um because it's much quicker, the gear flows easier and the filter last longer.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-22-2014 at 08:41 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I think more of the risk with UGL is that some dont' dose it correctly or they will substitute different compounds and you have no knowledge. With pharm grade you're more likely to get exactly what you're thinking you're getting. I've used UGL with good success. It can be hit or miss though. I cut my last cycle short because when I switched from one batch to another (same source) the 2nd batch was bunk. That said, there was an issue a while back with bunk Prop coming from China so I don't blame the UGL is it was the problem with the raws they received.

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