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Thread: First cycle on its way

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    First cycle on its way

    I've been talking with my friend and decided to start my first cycle. Here's what I ordered.
    • Cyp - Going to run 600 mg
    • HCG - Need advice on how to run this
    • PCT - clomid and arimidex

    Going to buy liquid stane to have on standby as well just incase. Read something on how much hcg before but can't find it now. Thanks
    Last edited by Kriptix; 10-22-2014 at 08:17 AM.

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    No ai during pct. PCT should be clomid and nolva.
    hcg - 250iu's-2x/week
    Stane should not be "on hand". It should be taken. Your goal should be to keep your estrogen levels withing clinical range even though you are on cycle. This will not happen without using an ai.

  3. #3
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    What are your stats and cycle history? Please revise your cycle layout into weeks and read up on what a pct protocol is and what one looks like on paper as well as Hcg. This can be found in the stickies. At that point we can better help with you with your plan and answer questions.

  4. #4
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    May 2014
    Ok I'm a little confused. My friend, who's been using for 13 years (not saying I think your wrong just letting everyone know) says he uses arimidex when he feels "excessively watery" during cycle and into PC. He said he prefers it over nolvadex. So is he wrong in this part? Also I thought liquid stane was used in a case where you develop gyno, not as a preventive.

    @buster I dont know my stats. I need to figure out how to have my doc moniter my levels without letting him know what I'm doing. This will be my first cycle
    Last edited by Kriptix; 10-22-2014 at 10:47 AM.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kriptix View Post
    Ok I'm a little confused. My friend, who's been using for 13 years (not saying I think your wrong just letting everyone know) says he uses arimidex when he feels "excessively watery" during cycle and into PC. He said he prefers it over nolvadex. So is he wrong in this part? Also I thought liquid stane was used in a case where you develop gyno, not as a preventive.

    @buster I dont know my stats. I need to figure out how to have my doc moniter my levels without letting him know what I'm doing. This will be my first cycle
    If he feel too "watery" then he is doing it wrong.
    AI is too prevent the excess E2 who cause excess water retention.
    In PCT you arent supose to have excess Estrogen therefor no need for AI.

    Exemestane(aromasin) is an AI like arimidex therefor is used for the same reason. So it is use as a preventive also.

    Nolvadex isnt a AI therefore wont do shit against water retention.

    And your stats means:
    Your age:
    Years training:
    Your 1RM on the big three can be interesting too.

    You dont need a dr. to know that.

  6. #6
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    Ok just an update I was confused between what you guys were saying and my friend. Turns out everyone's on the same page. I thought estrogen kept forming in your body but learned it only forms if you increase your test intake. So ill be taking
    600mg cyp
    .5mg Amiridex eod

    Pct I have 60 clomid and 5000 iu hCG to "kickstart my nuts" <-- my friends saying

    As for my stats, sorry I thought stats meant my blood work levels, they're
    Height: 6'2"
    Bf: roughly 28%
    Years training: 14+ years on and off
    Last edited by Kriptix; 10-24-2014 at 08:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Man you are huge. Are you really going to cycle at 30 percent bodyfat? You'll need that AI!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kriptix
    Ok just an update I was confused between what you guys were saying and my friend. Turns out everyone's on the same page. I thought estrogen kept forming in your body but learned it only forms if you increase your test intake. So ill be taking 600mg cyp .5mg Amiridex eod Pct I have 60 clomid and 5000 iu hCG to "kickstart my nuts" <-- my friends saying As for my stats, sorry I thought stats meant my blood work levels, they're Age:32 Height: 6'2" Weight:310 Bf: roughly 28% Years training: 14+ years on and off
    the sides of test with 30% bf are high. Drop the body fat to 15%
    No ai during pct. PCT should be clomid and nolva.
    hcg - 250iu's-2x/week
    Stane should not be "on hand". It should be taken. Your goal should be to keep your estrogen levels withing clinical range even though you are on cycle. This will not happen without using an ai.
    all the threads in pct section recommend the use of ai. what is the logic behind not using it?
    Last edited by SOL!D5NAK3; 10-24-2014 at 03:27 PM.

  9. #9
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Pct is nolva and Clomid. HCG is to be used on cycle and not for PCT

  10. #10
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    Hey guys. I understand the risk of sides are greater with higher bf% but I've talked with several guys who pinned at higher bf% and got some good results. Thanks for all your input. It has helped me out greatly. I think I finally found the correct cycle. Here's what I got.
    • CYP - 300mg 2x/week
    • hCG - 250iu 2x/week
    • Amiridex .5mg EOD (chose .5 over .25 cause of the increase e2 from my bf%)

    PCT will be clomid and nolvadex (just ordered nolva today). I'm waiting next monday to start cause I'm gettibg my pre bloodwork done. If anyone sees anything wrongful with my layout plz let me know. Thanks again everyone.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kriptix View Post
    Hey guys. I understand the risk of sides are greater with higher bf% but I've talked with several guys who pinned at higher bf% and got some good results. Thanks for all your input. It has helped me out greatly. I think I finally found the correct cycle. Here's what I got.
    [*]CYP - 300mg 2x/week[*]hCG - 250iu 2x/week[*]Amiridex .5mg EOD (chose .5 over .25 cause of the increase e2 from my bf%)

    PCT will be clomid and nolvadex (just ordered nolva today). I'm waiting next monday to start cause I'm gettibg my pre bloodwork done. If anyone sees anything wrongful with my layout plz let me know. Thanks again everyone.
    Them several guys are not you and the name of this game is to minimise the possibilty of side effects!!

    You have asked for advice and it has been given so good luck if you choose to still cycle.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsjayman02 View Post
    Them several guys are not you and the name of this game is to minimise the possibilty of side effects!!

    You have asked for advice and it has been given so good luck if you choose to still cycle.
    And? I'm posting what I'm gonna be doing incase I muck'd something up. I've also been told I only need hCG and clomid for PCT whereas on here everyone says hCG only during cycle. I'm not trying sound like a dick, but I'm sure you can understand the confusion and nervousness im having after getting completely opposite advice from one to another.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kriptix View Post

    And? I'm posting what I'm gonna be doing incase I muck'd something up. I've also been told I only need hCG and clomid for PCT whereas on here everyone says hCG only during cycle. I'm not trying sound like a dick, but I'm sure you can understand the confusion and nervousness im having after getting completely opposite advice from one to another.

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