Hey Everyone,
I'm 27 years old and have been lifting for 3-4 years. I have come to a cross roads with my health and need some advice from some experienced users. I have insane shoulder pain in my right shoulder for the last 2 years. I have had 2 surgeries and possibly going on a 3rd if it doesn't get better which it hasn't. I have tried every form of treatment available trust me. I've tried every supplement, prescription, physical therapy, books available. My shoulder just wont get better. This obviously effects my muscle gains and any real progress from lifting. It's honestly the most depressing thing I've ever gone through, when the best Dr's and Surgeons can't fix you.
So in my last attempt to heal/avoid a 3rd shoulder surgery I have ordered Alflutop. I've heard great things and am interested to see if it will help. Unfortunately, it's on back order so it may take a few more weeks to get it. My questions to everyone is the HGH department. I have read several articles on this forum that have stated HGH has helped them with injuries. My question is should I try it? And at what kind/dose. I know there are blue tops, red top, etc. I want to know the most affordable option and best "color" would be best for my injuries.
PS I know someone will say I don't need HGH. To that I say I have tried every medicine available with no progress. Athletes have more extreme injuries than I have yet are able to come back in 1/4 the time. So there is plenty of success on it. I am purely using it for injury use. I don;t want to blow up and get fat like Barry Bonds etc. from taking it.