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Thread: Advice on this cycle please

  1. #1

    Advice on this cycle please

    Okay so about to start a cycle of the Tren prop mast and was curious of educated opinions and advice.

    It's a total of 200mg test enanthate, 200mg tren enanthate, and 200mg masteron enanthate per cc

    1c every Monday and Thursday.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by fall7stand8 View Post
    Okay so about to start a cycle of the Tren prop mast and was curious of educated opinions and advice.

    It's a total of 200mg test enanthate, 200mg tren enanthate, and 200mg masteron enanthate per cc

    1c every Monday and Thursday.
    Okay I'm confused is it test prop or enanthate? Tren ace or enanthate? And is it a blend?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212
    Okay I'm confused is it test prop or enanthate? Tren ace or enanthate? And is it a blend?
    it's a blend of enanthate

  4. #4
    It's a blend

  5. #5
    Was told it was a heavy cycle.

  6. #6
    Just uploaded a pic. I've gained 25lbs of belly fat since my profile pic and I'm trying to get a look like yours Jim230027

  7. #7
    As well as yours tice1212

  8. #8
    Meant to reply lol sorry I'm new

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by fall7stand8
    Just uploaded a pic. I've gained 25lbs of belly fat since my profile pic and I'm trying to get a look like yours Jim230027
    you need to adjust your nutrition. There is no short cut

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    you need to adjust your nutrition. There is no short cut
    This^^ It sounds as if you need to trim down significantly before running this. If not, you run the risk of some exasperating any sides you may experience.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    What is your cycle experience and age? I agree about the diet thing. You lose fat by eating less and working out. Pretty simple process.

  12. #12
    OP whats your body fat % depending on that you may want to drop tren and pick up EQ because your cardio will be shit on tren and on EQ it will enhance it if im not mistaken as I have not yet tried EQ but will in my next cycle

  13. #13
    I'm 26 6ft 215lbs (I was 185-190 my last cycle) and did a few cycles when I was 24 and was very pleased.

    Yes I have been dieting and working out. Although I'm open ears for more tips.

    I got lazy and didn't really hit the gym for two years almost.

    I don't know my bodyfat and never have honestly. I sell cars so picture your typically car salesman with a little muscle and a beer belly. ��

  14. #14
    What do you mean my cardio will be shit on Tren? I ran Tren before and didn't think I had a problem. Slimmed down great and added awesome muscle.

  15. #15
    Once again guys I'm new so bare with me. The advice is greatly appreciated and looking forward to more.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by fall7stand8 View Post
    I'm 26 6ft 215lbs (I was 185-190 my last cycle) and did a few cycles when I was 24 and was very pleased.

    Yes I have been dieting and working out. Although I'm open ears for more tips.

    I got lazy and didn't really hit the gym for two years almost.

    I don't know my bodyfat and never have honestly. I sell cars so picture your typically car salesman with a little muscle and a beer belly. ?
    Visit the diet section

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