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Thread: Test Cyp + Var Cycle. PCT Questions and Dosage Questions!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Test Cyp + Var Cycle. PCT Questions and Dosage Questions!

    Hey guys thanks for taking the time to read this and offer any advice you might have.

    Age: 22
    Height: 6ft 6
    Weight: 240 lbs
    Body Fat: Roughly 15%
    (any other info required feel free to ask)

    done one cycle prior which was Sust and EQ and i did low dosages for 3 months only. worked out for about 2 years now consistently with meal planning and have received good results but just recently decided i would like to cut my body fat and put on a little more lean muscle. i work out at a Golds Gym so a lot of the cycle information i was given was based off of people in the gym.
    currently planning on taking 750ml 2x a week for 4-6 months. 50mg anavar daily (25mg in the morning 25mg an hour before workout). i am about a month and a half in and am debating on stopping orals (your thoughts if this is too soon?) I have Arimidex and take 1mg every two days. I also have Nolvadex for my PCT and curious what you feel is an appropriate amount of time to take it after coming off a cycle like this. i currently also take the general supplements (Pre, Post workout drinks, BCAA's, Livercare, Multi-vitamines, and Ripped Freak which is a hybrid fat burner)

    please let me know what you think of this cycle and if you feel its too long/too high of dosage. or if you feel for my goals a different test/oral might be better. also i have consumed zero alcohol during this cycle and am wondering if its necessary i continue that for health complications

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    12 - 14 weeks tops then begin pct. Get off the orals and rely on your injectable. Nov only for pct is a bit weak. Clo@100/50/50/50 and nov@ 40/40/20/20 would be better. I didn't see any mention of hcg...... Very important. You are young at 22 but I am not going to lecture.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    I also think 750 mgs a week is way touch for second cycle. 500 mgs is actually plenty.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BDM View Post
    Hey guys thanks for taking the time to read this and offer any advice you might have.

    Age: 22
    Height: 6ft 6
    Weight: 240 lbs
    Body Fat: Roughly 15%
    (any other info required feel free to ask)

    done one cycle prior which was Sust and EQ and i did low dosages for 3 months only. worked out for about 2 years now consistently with meal planning and have received good results but just recently decided i would like to cut my body fat and put on a little more lean muscle. i work out at a Golds Gym so a lot of the cycle information i was given was based off of people in the gym.
    currently planning on taking 750ml 2x a week for 4-6 months. 50mg anavar daily (25mg in the morning 25mg an hour before workout). i am about a month and a half in and am debating on stopping orals (your thoughts if this is too soon?) I have Arimidex and take 1mg every two days. I also have Nolvadex for my PCT and curious what you feel is an appropriate amount of time to take it after coming off a cycle like this. i currently also take the general supplements (Pre, Post workout drinks, BCAA's, Livercare, Multi-vitamines, and Ripped Freak which is a hybrid fat burner)

    please let me know what you think of this cycle and if you feel its too long/too high of dosage. or if you feel for my goals a different test/oral might be better. also i have consumed zero alcohol during this cycle and am wondering if its necessary i continue that for health complications
    You want to cut your bf = eat less and do cardio!!

    Add lean muscle keep training another 2 years.

    There is no need to cycle at your age and stats.. not what you want to hear but just saying.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Not sure what your long term goal is but if you are 6'6 and 240 at 15% You are skinny for an athlete (football). If you were to hold your BF constant and put on say 10 lbs of mass you reduce BF% and become "bulkier" or "less skinny".

    For me at 6'4 when I was 240 I was way too skinny to play linebacker and just right to play Tight End. At 252 I was just right at linebacker (10-15% BF) and looked very massive. At 6'6 You are looking at 260-270 lbs to be at that bulky strong weight.

    As for your cycle. 750 x2 a week is a lot. just a gram a week is a lot. Ponder that.

    Var makes my veins pop. Got nothing from it I did not get from test except the vascularity. I mean it does vascularity big time. Test gave results.

    If you do decide to do the test as planned be ready to donate blood a few times. You will need it or you will get sides. I see guys on here go up to 56 on HCT and not get serious sides....I am not like that. Better to give and not find out if you are or are not.

    Good luck and strong lifting.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    right on thanks. suggestions for hcg? i have clomid also i will take. ( by 100/50/50/50 are you meaning those doses for those days in a row?)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    definitely going to rethink my cycle and dose down.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by BDM View Post
    right on thanks. suggestions for hcg? i have clomid also i will take. ( by 100mg everyday for week#1/50mg everyday for week#2/50mg everyday for week#3/50 everyday for week#4 are you meaning those doses for those days in a row?)
    4 weeks of PCT.

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