i took my first in injection Sunday its now Thursday . My arm still very red very sore and swollen a bit. Is this normal?
i took my first in injection Sunday its now Thursday . My arm still very red very sore and swollen a bit. Is this normal?
Yes, post injection pain can last up to a week before it gets better. If you did it in your leg it would be hard to walk and red also.Originally Posted by CARDFAN
today is my arm day , will it help to work my arms good?
I'll tell you the best solution
Pin your glute.
ok forgive my as i am new to this , but what is and how do you pin your glute?
Really? Glute is your ass check as in gluteus maximus.
It's still an injection like any other spot you choose.
ok i am learning ,thanks guys . i was just concerned because the redness moves around quite a bit .
Can you tell us other factors like needle size, and what was being injected? Same needle that you drew the oil with?
Also to anyone reading this, what factors should be taken into consideration to avoid PIP. How important is alcohol prep pad on both the vial and pin location?
I am using test enanthate with 1 inch needles
used alcohol to clean as well, was a new needle
For glute shots make sure to use upper outer 1/4 of flute..less chance of hitting a vein. Always try to pull back to see if you are in a vein. If you are in a vein the syringe will start to fill with blood. I am a big guy and use 1.5 inch needles for glute pins.
When i pin my arms I use an insulin syringe that I fill with a regular syringe. Reduces scar tissue to muscle but takes longer to inject.
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