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Thread: Low Cortisol

  1. #1

    Question Low Cortisol

    Hey guys,

    My stats first:

    Age: 27
    Weight: 94kg
    BF: ~12%

    I've been cruising on 150mg Test E/Wk for about 4 weeks after a 12 week cycle of 400mg Test E / 600mg Mast E / 400mg Tren E per week plus 100mg Anavar ED for last 6 weeks.

    Just got some bloods back and notice that I have very low cortisol and pretty low DHEAS. Full details below:

    Testosterone: 25.9 nmol/L (range 9.7 - 38.2)
    Estradiol: 114 pmol/L (range 37 - 184)
    SHBG: 29 nmol/L (range 13 - 71)
    DHEAS: 2.4 (range 2.2 - 15)
    Cortisol: 94 nmol/L (range 200 - 700)
    TSH: 1.2 mIU/ml (range 0.5 - 2)
    FT4: 16.7 (range 11 - 21)
    FT3: 4.6 (range 3 - 6)
    TPO: 13.0 (range <35)

    I've done a bit of research into low cortisol, and in particular Addisons Disease, and I have a lot of the symptoms relating to the adrenal disorder (lethargy, dizzy, cravings for salt etc). I'm going back to the Doc to get it looked into further but just wanted to see if anyone knew what might be causing this, and if there is anything I can do to try and bring it back up?


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    somewhere near London
    Addison's is often caused by an autoimmune condition where your body destroys the glands and their capacity to make hormones, but can also be caused by the pituitary or hypothalamus not producing the proper hormones to stimulate your adrenals. Definitely see your doc, bc it needs attention.

    If you have other blood work, post it up because things like an excess of potassium or not enough sodium might be suggestive of Addison's.

    Presumably they will speak to you about your symptoms and give you an ACTH stim test to see how your adrenals react when chemically induced to produce cortisol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    It is normal to have low cortisol and DHEA while using exogenous sex hormones. You're probably not dying. Try getting a cmp first, and increase your water and salt intake. How about your BP and HR?
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 10-28-2014 at 04:23 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    somewhere near London
    Sorry, I'm so used to scrolling past the steroid usage stuff since I don't comment on that stuff that I didn't read and autopiloted. Bonaparte is right, of course, and you probably don't need to test that stuff when you're on a cycle.

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