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Thread: Please for the love of all things holy someone HELP me.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Please for the love of all things holy someone HELP me.....

    New here.. I need some help!! I have never tried any type of steroid or HGH. I was in a car accident a few years back and left my right arm paralyzed for a period of time and had to have surgery, after everything the Dr. told me I am good to go. Cut to the chase, I have lost almost all muscle in my deltoid, and tricep only in my right arm. I have been working out for quite awhile now say about a year- year and half. I get so depressed and quit for a few weeks at a time and get started back. I have seen very little improvement since starting. I have tried to work out both arms at the same time, as well as doing extra work with the right deltoid and tricep to build it up, but its going very slowly. I have tried numerous workouts and trainers as well as proteins and supplements with some benefits. I need something that will help build the muscles back fast before I loss my mind. Im 28 year old Male, 5'9" 210lbs. BMI around 30 If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    bf percentage should be below 15% if your plan was to cycle and there threads for that in the stickies you should check out but I think you should just stay patient man you said you making progress additional work on that arm may have helped but you need rest to grow many people forget that whats you diet like? you won't grow if your not eating

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    The accident was in Jan 2005. I work out and then get depressed and quit for a while. I've tried numerous types of diets, the one I found best for me was the Jim Stoppani 12-week shortcut to size diet. I've tried about everything to help build just my right arm up and nothing seem to work at any speed at all. I understand I cant just take some magic stuff and come out like the Hulk in a month or so. Over the last 7 years I haven't gained much muscle in my right arm, I gain and loss everywhere else pretty fast. Are you saying not to go the Vitamin-S route until i get back to 15% BF? Can you recommend anything else to help.

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