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Thread: Cycle Layout Questions

  1. #1

    Cycle Layout Questions

    First Cycle Plan how does it look?

    -1-12 Test Cyp 250 (twice per week)
    -1-6 halo
    -1-12 Hcg 250 every twice per week
    -1-14 Adex 0.25 twice per week
    -15-18 Pct: clomid/novla

    A few questions. Can I combine the Test and Hcg in the same pin or should I split up? If I split up do you recommend sub Q for both?

    Age: 34
    BodyFat: 9-11%
    Height: 6'1"

    Looking to bulk as cleanly as possibly with gaining mass. I currently count all cals/macros. TDEE is about 2900, looking to eat at about 10-15% surplus.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by thunderstruck90 View Post
    First Cycle Plan how does it look?

    -1-12 Test Cyp 250 (twice per week)
    -1-6 halo
    -1-12 Hcg 250 every twice per week
    -1-14 Adex 0.25 twice per week
    -15-18 Pct: clomid/novla

    A few questions. Can I combine the Test and Hcg in the same pin or should I split up? If I split up do you recommend sub Q for both?

    Age: 34
    BodyFat: 9-11%
    Height: 6'1"

    Looking to bulk as cleanly as possibly with gaining mass. I currently count all cals/macros. TDEE is about 2900, looking to eat at about 10-15% surplus.
    Dosages on pct?

    You can combine hcg and test. Becareful...water will.move much faster through ur pin. Some combine some just do on different days. If separate. test IM...and hcg sub q.

    I would drop halo for your first run and see how u react to the test. U should gain nicely with proper diet.

    And for future reference. ..I'm not experienced enough with halo. But should not run orals over 4 weeks.

    Also how much do you weigh and where r u getting your bf number from. 9-11 is pretty damn lean.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Dosages on pct?

    You can combine hcg and test. Becareful...water will.move much faster through ur pin. Some combine some just do on different days. If separate. test IM...and hcg sub q.

    I would drop halo for your first run and see how u react to the test. U should gain nicely with proper diet.

    And for future reference. ..I'm not experienced enough with halo. But should not run orals over 4 weeks.

    Also how much do you weigh and where r u getting your bf number from. 9-11 is pretty damn lean.
    Doasge: clo 75/50/50/50
    Nov 40/20/20/20

    I have ran halo once before with some success at 6 weeks, it was standalone. I have a few bottles of the new halo nano id like to try. It is farily mild and does not kick in untill week 3 or so.

    I use 7 site skin fold and a bod pod and take the average to get my body fat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by thunderstruck90
    First Cycle Plan how does it look? -1-12 Test Cyp 250 (twice per week) -1-6 halo -1-12 Hcg 250 every twice per week -1-14 Adex 0.25 twice per week -15-18 Pct: clomid/novla A few questions. Can I combine the Test and Hcg in the same pin or should I split up? If I split up do you recommend sub Q for both? Age: 34 BodyFat: 9-11% Height: 6'1" Looking to bulk as cleanly as possibly with gaining mass. I currently count all cals/macros. TDEE is about 2900, looking to eat at about 10-15% surplus.
    Yes, you can combine tes and hcg. First cycles are typically tes only but I see you chose halo as a kickstart. How much are you looking to run? Usually reserved for a strength goal and not really ideal for putting on size. Adex @ .25 eod is more like it.

  5. #5
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    Also run your hcg right up until 3 days prior to pct.

  6. #6
    Yes thats my plan for adex. I wrote it incorrectly, thanks! Looking to run halo at:
    50 first week, 75 second, 100 weeks 3-6

    I have been going by austinite cycle for beginner thread and that said to stop hcg at week 12. Is taking it too 3 days prior better?

    Also is the above does enough to keep me going while on the cycle as my wife and I are trying to conceive?

  7. #7
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    Yes, hcg right up until 3 days prior to pct. your hpta will be shutdown so your natural tes production will be shutdown as well. It's not impossible to conceive but certainly isn't the most conventional way.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Yes, hcg right up until 3 days prior to pct. your hpta will be shutdown so your natural tes production will be shutdown as well. It's not impossible to conceive but certainly isn't the most conventional way.
    Thanks for the response. I'm thinking of waiting a few months for this cycle and starting a TRT regiment of HCG only with some adex to help us along. I'd like to add some Test C as well but feel it may hurt my natural production as well. I started a new thread in TRT section as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by thunderstruck90 View Post
    Yes thats my plan for adex. I wrote it incorrectly, thanks! Looking to run halo at:
    50 first week, 75 second, 100 weeks 3-6

    I have been going by austinite cycle for beginner thread and that said to stop hcg at week 12. Is taking it too 3 days prior better?

    Also is the above does enough to keep me going while on the cycle as my wife and I are trying to conceive?
    No, it's not better. The point of taking the HCG while on cycle is to keep the leydig cells in your nads stimulated so that when your pituitary starts producing the LH hormone, your testicles respond to it by making test.

    Now here's the part you should pay attention to. HCG has a half-life of 2-3 days. That means that you still have half of what you injected still in your body working. In one study I read where it was being used on women trying to conceive in an in vetro fertilization program, they could detect serum HCG levels up to 14 days after the last injection.

    Disappearance of exogenously administered human chorionic gonadotro... - PubMed - NCBI

    Now, if your body has an excess of an LH analogue (which HCG is), it's not going to be producing more LH. So all you're doing is prolonging recovery by taking it that close to your PCT.

    And as far as you trying to conceive with your wife, HCG probably isn't the best choice. HMG is probably a better choice. But this isn't really relevant since getting your wife pregnant shouldn't be a priority while you're running a cycle.

  10. #10
    Agreed, thanks!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong
    No, it's not better. The point of taking the HCG while on cycle is to keep the leydig cells in your nads stimulated so that when your pituitary starts producing the LH hormone, your testicles respond to it by making test. Now here's the part you should pay attention to. HCG has a half-life of 2-3 days. That means that you still have half of what you injected still in your body working. In one study I read where it was being used on women trying to conceive in an in vetro fertilization program, they could detect serum HCG levels up to 14 days after the last injection. Disappearance of exogenously administered human chorionic gonadotro... - PubMed - NCBI Now, if your body has an excess of an LH analogue (which HCG is), it's not going to be producing more LH. So all you're doing is prolonging recovery by taking it that close to your PCT. And as far as you trying to conceive with your wife, HCG probably isn't the best choice. HMG is probably a better choice. But this isn't really relevant since getting your wife pregnant shouldn't be a priority while you're running a cycle.
    But the practice is sure fun

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