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  1. #1
    BeingSwole's Avatar
    BeingSwole is offline Junior Member
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    Almost a week in with first cycle Test/dbol

    Five days in so far and things are going well. The Dbol at this early point has given me a 4lb increase and I'm at 226lb standing at 5'10. The only downsides are that since I'm not used to injections the area is sore for 2-3 days. My shots are administered by my wife who is a RN with 12 years experience. Smooth injection but a day after the soreness is annoying. Dbol back pumps started at day 3 and seemed to changed the way I walk but maybe that's mental.

    I felt the dbol in the gym on day 3. Almost had to hold back because I was doing too any reps. I can normally get 225lb bench for 25 but that day I did 25 with the last 5 being 2-3 second pause reps.

    Currently I'm taking 30mg spread throughout the day. Haven't used my Ai yet but I have it on hand. Would love to see what 40gm dbol would do but I'll wait until week 3 before bumping it up. If I bump up I probably will only do 4 weeks in total.

    Before I forget, I did shoulders today and started out heavy with compound moves. Then I went to isolation moves with light weight and the pump was "Z Best." I'm going to really have a good time and I'm hoping for all this goodness to continue.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Almost a week in with first cycle Test/dbol-image-596961466.jpg  

  2. #2
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sounds like pip to me. It is common and most of us experience it at some point. It can be caused by an array of things such as high BA amount. Just keep an eye on it. Sometimes the pip can vary from batch to batch. Looking good!

  3. #3
    BeingSwole's Avatar
    BeingSwole is offline Junior Member
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    Let's say I want to make sure by the end of this cycle that I've hardened out, what would you guys suggest that I can add with my test the last 5 or so weeks. Just thinking in advance just in case.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm surprised any results in three to five days.

    It could be more psychologically motivated than chemically induced at this point?

  5. #5
    Bodacious's Avatar
    Bodacious is offline Productive Member
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    I think you should start the AI at EOD and what about HCG ?

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