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Thread: Dianabol advice for a football athlete?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Dianabol advice for a football athlete?

    Let me start with saying I can take advice, no need to go in on me for considering the use of D-Bol. I just wanted some advice from people who know much more than me. I play football, & I'm closing in on my junior year. Next year I will be a senior, and man, I wanna go D-1. I'm sure some of you have heard this story before, but hear me out.

    I'm currently 18 (I know, not fully done devoloping!). I'm 6'1.5 & weight 165. After my sophomore off-season I hit the weight room hard, got my bench from 135 to about 200 increasing other lifts on the way. (Struggle to increase powerclean, d-bol could help with that), and increased my weight from 150 to 180 by eating alot and using weight gainer supplements - all while hitting the weight room hard every day except for my rest periods. I took some creatine too but that was a boost, not a make or break supplement. I cut down to 165 during my the summer due to hard football practices everyday in the hot summer, probably losing 15 lbs of bad weight from the 30 lbs I put on. I'm a talented football player, and man, if I could just increase my strength to the next level and gain some weight (serious type numbers, maybe 190-200is since I'm 6'1.5, I'd be D1 bound man. (I am supposed to be about 6'3 when done growing)

    I'm considering buying D-BOL from a trusted source (maybe someone could reccomend a place?) and cycling it for the first time, & seeing how it works. I've heard of the side-effects, and I understand their serious, but is it really that bad? I mean - I don't want to make "steroids" a regular habit, just make some serious gains to increase my football speed and strength greatly (I know ill lose some of it when I stop). I'm already fast, but I need the strength, and a boost in speed would put me in an elite tier... Some advice from experianced athletes/bodybuilders.

    PS: I understand DIET COMES BEFORE EVERYTHING. PLEASE don't roast me and talk about how my diet should come before anything, I know!

    Should I avoid D-BOL? Or is it worth it? Do you guys have some opinions on some other ways I could see serious results without D-BOL if you think I shouldn't use it? I'm seriously considering it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Oh man where to start

    # 1 your way to young and using gear at your age may very well interrupt your developing body. You will be shutting down your HPTA and may damage your endocrine system. Not only will this effect the possibility of growing a few more inches it may cause life time problems ie. ED, depression ect. So many problems cycling at your age

    #2 D-bol will shut down your natural test production which will result in low testosterone symptoms that is not fun to have at 18.

    #3 dbol must be run with testosterone as a base along side HCG, an AI and a well executed PCT plan.

    #4 you probably have no clue what those are and as a result your putting your body at a huge risk for serious side effects. Dbol aromatizes very easily. Enjoy trying to treat your new female boobs which will come with that cycle.

    #5 There is ZERO chance you will hold on to any of your gains after your cycle as your diet and nutrition will not accommodate your ideal weight. This and you don't even know what PCT is.

    #6 ultimately you have no clue what your getting yourself into and you will end up doing more bad than good.... However with this being said you did find the right site. Check out the nutrition forum calculate your TDEE and learn to go with science. You have so many natural gains to be made. I repeat you will regret doing this cycle if you carry through with it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    ^^^^^^^^this above sums it up!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Cleanly you don't eat enough, train hard enough. All your doing is looking for the easiest way out will less work involved. Steriods are not for you. They are not magic. Look into a proper diet and u will hit your goals in no time

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by blemshow View Post
    Oh man where to start

    # 1 your way to young and using gear at your age may very well interrupt your developing body. You will be shutting down your HPTA and may damage your endocrine system. Not only will this effect the possibility of growing a few more inches it may cause life time problems ie. ED, depression ect. So many problems cycling at your age

    #2 D-bol will shut down your natural test production which will result in low testosterone symptoms that is not fun to have at 18.

    #3 dbol must be run with testosterone as a base along side HCG, an AI and a well executed PCT plan.

    #4 you probably have no clue what those are and as a result your putting your body at a huge risk for serious side effects. Dbol aromatizes very easily. Enjoy trying to treat your new female boobs which will come with that cycle.

    #5 There is ZERO chance you will hold on to any of your gains after your cycle as your diet and nutrition will not accommodate your ideal weight. This and you don't even know what PCT is.

    #6 ultimately you have no clue what your getting yourself into and you will end up doing more bad than good.... However with this being said you did find the right site. Check out the nutrition forum calculate your TDEE and learn to go with science. You have so many natural gains to be made. I repeat you will regret doing this cycle if you carry through with it.
    Appreciate this response!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Dude, you're 165lbs and over 6 feet. You have NO BUSINESS TAKING STEROIDS. I don't care what your excuse is, you don't have a foundation for it.

    You don't eat enough quality foods. You said you got up to 185 but lost it all due to those hard practices in the summer? I'm willing to bet those gains weren't lean muscle there. And I'm willing to bet you didn't eat clean. Go in to the diet section and read what some of the other athletes are eating. And when you increase physical activity, you have to increase food consumption. You can only gain if the calories consumed > calories used.

    By the way, you should be training just as hard in the off season as you do in the summer.

    On top of that, you're 18. Your body is making about as much testosterone as it ever will. You need to get your training and diet right if you expect to utilize it and make decent gains.

    And most importantly, don't be betting everything on you getting to play D-1 football. You know how many kids in high school play football? Most of them will never even come close to playing college ball let alone D-1 football. And I'm not trying to talk shit to you here. Your dream is most likely a pipe-dream and you'd be better off if you study hard, get good grades and get in to college on your academics.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    As it's been said you're not eating enough. I blew up when I did GOMED gallon of milk everyday. I simply wasn't getting enough calories. You don't need gear and if you take it you will grow. While on it. Then when you come off you'll shrink. You HAVE to learn to eat gear or no gear. Food is the most important "supplement" out there.

    Eat meticulous, train ridiculous for best results.

  8. #8
    I agree with everything said above. If you're over 6 feet and 165 you have tons of natural gains to be made still. Steroids at 18 isn't a good choice even though I can see how they appeal to you. You have you're senior year left of high school, so work hard in this off-season coming up, eat well and eat a ton, train smart for strength (1-5 rep workouts) and also speed work. Crush senior year and if no D-1 schools are looking at you, that's fine, go to a D-2 or D-3 school to play, continue to work hard and build your strength and physique and hopefully by your sophomore year, you can transfer to a D-1A or AA school. Only later on maybe in your twenties if you make it to that D-1 school and you play and are serious, would I advise a test prop/test sus (short detection time) cycle. But listen to the guys above, they know what they are talking about. Good luck in your football endeavors man.

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