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Thread: Thinking of doing first cycle ... gyno prone + maybe mpb

  1. #1

    Thinking of doing first cycle ... gyno prone + maybe mpb

    Hi guys, read few guides here and I am pretty certain I'd like to do first cycle soon ... Anyway a short backstory:

    24 years old, used to be fat then got in pretty decent shape natty ~2 years ago(took me about 3 years to get there) but now after not lifting I am skinny/fat again. 6'2 and around 180lbs
    Anyway I had pubertal gyno that didn't disappear on it's own so I got it surgically removed about a year ago - So I guess I am very gyno prone ?

    I mentioned to surgeon that I might be doing steroids soon and he told me that then we will probably see each other again He also said the only "returning costumers" were steroid users.

    Now, with proper "estrogen control" and having letro and everything on hand, any idea what are the chances I get gyno again ? It's no fun surgery and scar tissue stays for 6-12 months(making it even worse then before at first). I know there is always a risk but before I start it would be great to know my odds.

    MPB: I am 95% that I am not prone and I am still strong NW1 but my maternal grandfater and uncle have it... Could testosterone kick-start it ? Would it stop if I stopped taking test or am I then hooked on fin for eternity ?


  2. #2
    To add: My natural test levels before gyno surgery were 600ng/dl - and around 660 when I was lifting

    I also just read in another thread that it's recommended to have couple of years of training experience before which I have, but last time I lifted was over a year ago. How much difference does this really make ? I don't wanna do it natty again, too much time investment for the kind of results I want.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    So you haven't lifted in a year and you want to run a cycle? Not a good idea. I think you could reach most of your goals with a good nutrition program and a good training program

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    So you haven't lifted in a year and you want to run a cycle? Not a good idea. I think you could reach most of your goals with a good nutrition program and a good training program
    That's the best advice for someone who hasn't lifted in over a year, agreed

  5. #5
    How long would you guys recommend I go naturally again ?

    Truth be told, at this point it's all about time invested X results gained. I already did it naturally to where I was content with how I looked (though still far from what I wanted :P) not really looking to go down that whole road again.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by makeee View Post
    How long would you guys recommend I go naturally again ?

    Truth be told, at this point it's all about time invested X results gained. I already did it naturally to where I was content with how I looked (though still far from what I wanted :P) not really looking to go down that whole road again.
    You have to build a base from hard training and also strengthen your ligaments and tendons which all takes time. You cant rush it and in all honesty going on gear isn't going to be the answer to all your dreams learning how to train and eat properly is, so I would spend the next 12-18 months researching and building a base and pack on some natural mass. If you cant do it naturally you wont be able to maintain it after you have cycled. There is no quick and easy answer or process its all hard work and it takes time.

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