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Thread: Does prolactin only increase if E2 increases?

  1. #1
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    Does prolactin only increase if E2 increases?

    My blood tests tell me they do, as whenever i have high e2 or prolactin my E2 is high also.

    But now ive been told that either can increase without the other. SO you can have high prolactin and low normal or high E2

    so what if your on 125-250 test and a big dose of deca /npp or tren and your E2 is in check?

  2. #2
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    For me, you can have no E2 and high prolactine. I did the test. Was on 500 test E, 400 tren E. was taking nolva as AI
    Gyno fired up. Upped dose to 40mg ED, gyno still there. Started 12,5mg stane ED along nolva, gyno still there. Discontinued test for 3-4 weeks, libido went away but gyno still there and getting bigger. Started caber, gyno got better, started test 500 again, and suspended nolva, and gyno was still under control. In my experience, always take caber when on Tren, no matter what.

  3. #3
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    Lol andrea i stopped reasing after you said you were taking nolva as an AI, i just cant take you serious anymore.
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  4. #4
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Lol andrea i stopped reasing after you said you were taking nolva as an AI, i just cant take you serious anymore.
    First of all, here in spain, and over all in latin country, its common to use nolva as an AI. Maybe because the difference of the price between nolva and Adex. Second, I used nolva more for an experiment purpose. I wanted to test, if I get more bloat, maintaining gyno under control.
    But listen, do whatever you want, I did the experience, and I tell you, never trust that Prolactine directly depends from E2, because IMO its wrong, I thaught the same, but its simply wrong. I wasn’t even able to get an erecction due E2 crash and no test, but prolactine was still high! If you don’t trust me, do the experiment for yourself.

  5. #5
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    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    First of all, here in spain, and over all in latin country, its common to use nolva as an AI. Maybe because the difference of the price between nolva and Adex. Second, I used nolva more for an experiment purpose. I wanted to test, if I get more bloat, maintaining gyno under control.
    But listen, do whatever you want, I did the experience, and I tell you, never trust that Prolactine directly depends from E2, because IMO its wrong, I thaught the same, but its simply wrong. I wasn’t even able to get an erecction due E2 crash and no test, but prolactine was still high! If you don’t trust me, do the experiment for yourself.
    Nolva isn't an AI, doesn't matter what country you're in.

  6. #6
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Prolactin is only an issue if it is an issue. I have read of 0 posts on this forum or any other that even suggests that prolactin is an issue when E2 is in check. My Prolactin is 895 ish and top end of scale is 230. Does not move a bit when E2 is 89 or 940. Prolactin is a natural substance in the body. Why males have it who knows. Some people find when E2 is high you will lactate from your nipples. I have never seen this personally but there is enough data I have read to support it can happen.

    It is all highly individualised when it comes to this. I can tell you 100% I had zero issues with 3x range E2 and 3-4x range Prolactin. When I spoke with my doc about my naturally high prolactin his exact words were....It is only a problem if it is a problem.

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