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Thread: Peptides, IGF1 fragment etc.. How much gains to be had?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    WV, USA

    Peptides, IGF1 fragment etc.. How much gains to be had?

    Just wanted to hear your opinions on the gains that could be made if you stay the legal route and use peptides and other available compounds out there. I have read a fair amount about them, but they usually are used in combination with AAS's. How do you guys feel about them on there own?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I'll be running ghrp-2 with cjc 1295 w/o dac (mod grf 1-29) soon. Currently running TB500 for joint issues. I've read a lot of good things about this stack (ghrp2/mod grf) and have a friend who likes it, read a few bad things to. I'll be finding out for myself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    We don't really know what long term side effects can be with peptides. IMO the danger is not worth the gains. You won't get like a beast, prohormones are also legal and they are more efective, at least for temporary size.
    I tried IGF-1 LR3 at normal dosage, and fcked up my eyes because hipoglicemia 24/7 can be very tough on your system. It doesn't mean you'll fck up your eyes like me, but you might get another bad side, due that stuff is not properly researched yet, its still experimental.
    We don't really know how that stuff exactly Works, or If it even Works on muscles.
    I think, on that stuff, you have more bone and organs growth than actual muscle growth.
    If you are actually taking tons of steroids and you need a new boost, that could be the answer, but if its only for testing out instead of going down the ilegal way, think twice

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I think it depends on what you use. Like TB500 I think is good for healing. The stack mentioned above is like a low dose GH protocol, etc. I think like GH the stack is more effective with steroids but has some benefits on its own.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    WV, USA
    Thanks guys I appreciate the info. I don't know much about this side of the game. Most of my time has been spent researching AAS's. I know that GH has been known only to aid results when added to a well sorted AAS regiment.

    Again thank, I think I will just stick to a few light cycles. I am natural as of now. I am blessed with good genetics. I put on size pretty well, and won't go above 18%bf no matter what I eat. I am just a little shy of my goals for size.

    Currently 6ft 208lbs at about 12%. I want to be 225 at 5-7%bf even if only for one year just to reach my goal. Kind of check it off of the bucket list. I appreciate the info and think I will cycle for a year or so and then remain natural. Just want to reach freak status for a short time! Lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    GH can be very effective on it's own. Also, as with steroids different people react differently to peptides. A friend of mine finds a lot of benefits using the peptide stack I mentioned, others don't notice nearly as much.

    And don't listen to Andrea, as usual he's just talking random shyte from an experience he had with a chemical he used wrong. However I haven't seen the greatest feedback on igf-1 lr3.

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