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Thread: LabMax Craze

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    LabMax Craze

    This labmax craze is getting out of hand. Every post when someone questions if there gear is real someone pops up telling the person to labmax it. If that person had a labmax why would he even question if its real or not, the labmax would give him the answer. What happend to the ol skool way of injecting and popping pills and using common sense to tell if the gear you're taking is good. Cycle i'm on now was suppose to be dbol, test, eq and tren. Turns out my guy gave me garbage dbol and I didn't have to labmax it to figure it out becuase I have taking real dbol and know what it feels like. I called him out on it and he replaced it for free with some more bogus BD pink dbols. At that point I decided I would never buy orals from this guy again.

    Simple, inject or ingest and hope for the best!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I think its more "common sense" to test something BEFORE you put it in your body.... just saying...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    You must be new to this game. People have been injecting and ingesting for decades before labmax. If you want to invest in labmax go ahead but all it tells you is if whatever you are sampling is indeed steroids. It won't tell you if its dosed properly, it wont tell you if the gear is dirty and it won't tell you if you are injecting or ingesting a poisonous chemical that can cause death. Labmax is worthless. If you want to test something send it off to a lab that can actually give you some vital information about the product.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    You must be new to this game. People have been injecting and ingesting for decades before labmax. If you want to invest in labmax go ahead but all it tells you is if whatever you are sampling is indeed steroids. It won't tell you if its dosed properly, it wont tell you if the gear is dirty and it won't tell you if you are injecting or ingesting a poisonous chemical that can cause death. Labmax is worthless. If you want to test something send it off to a lab that can actually give you some vital information about the product.
    I just assumed labmax tested for more than just "is there a given steroid in there" ... if that is the case then i do agree with you, but still think its crazy to take something you are unsure off personally.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Well - LabMax this & LabMax that

    Okay cool, you have proven that whatever your gear may be is what it is. That's cool - but, ummm - is it clean? Is it underdosed to shit?

    I just like LabMax for the point of - cool, my source is good enough to give me what they say they did. The rest - well

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    You must be new to this game. People have been injecting and ingesting for decades before labmax. If you want to invest in labmax go ahead but all it tells you is if whatever you are sampling is indeed steroids. It won't tell you if its dosed properly, it wont tell you if the gear is dirty and it won't tell you if you are injecting or ingesting a poisonous chemical that can cause death. Labmax is worthless. If you want to test something send it off to a lab that can actually give you some vital information about the product.
    I love this and totally agree. Labmax has it's place, but it only tells you one thing. I say do blood work, make sure everything looks good and just go for it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The Beach
    first of all who cares if people want to use labmax to see if the gear is at least real? most would probably agree thats the smart thing to do, everyone must not be as experienced as you to shoot something in their body and know if its "this or that". I just got labmax to at least see if my gear is real before I get everything . start a cycle, realize something doesn't feel right, then have to scramble around and find another source and what not. but congrats to you for being able to inject or take something and find out if its real or not.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Beach
    inject, ingest, and hope for the best!!! nice tag line… but if someone has the resources to pay a couple of extra bucks and find out if there gear is at least real… i would say 99/100 would say yes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    out there
    Quote Originally Posted by deerparkwater View Post
    inject, ingest, and hope for the best!!! nice tag line… but if someone has the resources to pay a couple of extra bucks and find out if there gear is at least real… i would say 99/100 would say yes.
    Look to each their own. This horse is good and dead no need to keep beating it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Recently I picked up some tbol from a very well known source. Didn't affect me right, actually it did absolutely nothing after 5 weeks. I hit up the sponsor, he apologized over and over and said it was actually anavar he sent, his supplier mixed up the powders. Also he said it was 96% pure. Seem like bs to you to? I labmax tested it, and it was dbol, had to be ridiculously low doses to. Instantly turned red, not yellow. So no you can't tell how pure something is, and no you can tell the dosage either, but in my case it was an awesome tool.

    Labmax testing everything is ridiculous, get a source you can trust (if that's possible in the ugl world) and stick with them. Or better yet buy Pharma gear. But there are certain situations where it comes in handy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I think Labmax is for good. I always cycled test-tren-masteron. And In my last cycle I got some weird results. It was Kalpa gear, supposed to be real from the biggest Kalpa dealer, but results and sides were very different from what I was used to. Night sweats were very light, and got only as I started T3. Fat loss, was quiet non-existent. Normally on tren, I loose tons of fat. Masteron, last year I got extremely shredded, this year, I felt like not taking masteron at all (maybe due the weak fat loss of the tren too).
    Insomnia was the biggest loss for tren, I normally need 2 valiums x night, but on kalpa tren I sleeped like a baby.
    And for masteron, I normally get crazy Prostate hyperplasia, I can’t literally pee if I don’t take at least saw palmetto, but on kalpa, I did not take even 1 saw palmetto pill during the whole cycle.
    So that being said, I’m shure, there was something in it, but I think, it wasn’t exactly what I spent money for. Next time Labmax!!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Does labmax test for insulin

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    All Labmax is is another safety net. We are taking some serious risks injecting substances into our bodies. If the Labmax test comes back with the right colors and everything looks good it gives us piece of mind. It isn't a tell all by any means but it is an extra precaution we can take. What we are all doing is very risky and can have serious consequences so knowing what we are injecting is coming up exactly as it should helps make a decision if we should use it or not. Nothing more nothing less.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Yeah, for sure - LabMaxing everything is damn near a joke.

    But, it's nice knowing your source isn't just playing around with random powders and oils. Like the cheap UGL guys I have been using now. I was like, let me check this shit a bit. Got BW, test is GTG. LabMaxed both of the other sauces I use & both are what they are. Along with the feel of what they should be < but, going by feel is just not enough.

    So, I'm down with sticking to them as long as nothing seems new, odd or changes. But, in the UGL world is like a rock dealer switching corners.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Agreed that labmax everything is pointless. I also agree using labmax has it's place but when I read a post of someone getting free orals and not being sure about it just to go and spend 300 bucks on a labmax kit to test the orals. Well to me it's not that serious. But my gripe is with the overuse that seems to be going on in every thread where people are telling everyone to labmax gear. But whatever works for you guys.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Again......the labmax anavar test is under 20$

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    okay, I understand that one test kit. But its more economical to buy the kit. Even if you don't buy the kit if you don't have a UV light you would need to buy that too. Maybe not from their site but thats an extra 15-20 bucks there. Most people are going to want to test more than one thing. thats 20 bucks each time you want to test something.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    LOL..... dude must be a scam UGL brewer.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiiLifr
    LOL..... dude must be a scam UGL brewer.

    Your not making a lot of sense man. Dude got some free var so I suggested to test it. Personally I would rather spend 20$ that take a chance taking mystery pills, is it just me? Then you flame me, even start a thread about it saying the anavar test is 300$? I correct you, and I say it's under 20$ a couple times, and you say it's more economical to buy the whole kit? Well, no it's not more economical to spend an extra 280$ on tests you don't need. Again, your not making a whole lot of sense. Unless you are a bunk ugl lab passing off crap gear.

    Also, an ultra violet light is not needed to test anavar.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiiLifr View Post
    LOL..... dude must be a scam UGL brewer.
    Maybe he's the one with the free var jk

  21. #21
    This is one of the most asinine posts I have ever read. You labmax to at the very least get an idea of what your injecting; I still wouldn't even say that's enough. Not even some of the biggest junkies will just inject any random thing they see. With got at attitude you will soon find yourself either seriously hurt or dead. Do you also share needles with your friend up the block?

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