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  1. #1
    Ch0pp3r is offline New Member
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    May 2011

    Powerlifting cycle. Strength gains but no mass gains

    Hey folks

    My mate is a power lifter who has a comp coming up end of January. He's asked me to do him a cycle for as stated above strength gains but no mass so keep him round about the same weight.

    He's had numerous cycles under his belt and I've put him on a few cycles with some hiccups.

    He can't do tren unfortunately. Makes him mental.
    Can't do halo. Makes him breathless.

    So idea I have for comp end of January is start his cycle in December.
    1ml of test prop a day. Until the new year and then start him on 100mgs of anavar a day. So my thinking is he will maintain current mass but his strength will go up and he should b dried out by throwing in 0.5mgs of arimidex every 3 days. And then on the day of the comp throw in 1ml of methyl tren and he should be sweet?
    What do you guys think? Any help of advice appreciated.

  2. #2
    Baxter35's Avatar
    Baxter35 is offline Member
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    Unless he has a lot of fat to lose, its going to be tough to build much muscle without gaining weight. But, that being said, the biggest factor is going to be diet. Keep calories at or under tdee to avoid adding much bulk. Idk how that will play out for strength though, only time will tell.

  3. #3
    Ch0pp3r is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    Cheers for the reply mate. The muscle and strength is there already so it's really about maintaining him at his current weight or just over and then something to give him an extra kick start leading up to the comp.

  4. #4
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Cycle is an absolute mess, hopefully someone with more knowledge can come in and fix the catastrophe.

    Weight gain will purely depend upon diet.

  5. #5
    Ch0pp3r is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    How is it an absolute mess?

  6. #6
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Aug 2014
    1ml of prop? What's that? Drying out by adding adex? 1 day of 1ml (what's that?) of tren ? Probably don't advise him on how to cycle at all, he should be learning how to do it himself and your layout (if that's what you'd call it) is a mess.

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