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  1. #1
    airbornereams is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    second cycle questions

    This will be my second cycle for anabolic steroids and I have done a few ph cycles.
    I have my pct all set aside but I have some questions for my cycle.

    Ill be doing
    Weeks 1-8 100mg test prop every other day.
    Weeks 3-8 40mg stan oral an hour before workouts.
    1-8 weeks .5mg anastrozole per day.
    Id like to add oral tren in there for no more then 3 weeks of the 8 week cycle.
    Should it be the first 3 or last 3 or should I just pass on the tren for this cycle. Any advice appreciated and I already have my pct plan so no help on that.

  2. #2
    4linked's Avatar
    4linked is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2012
    What are your stats ?that's a lot of orals and oral tren is pretty harsh. I wouldl not run it

  3. #3
    Sergio727 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Forget the tren bro.. Or atleat just pick one or the other. And i dont think anyone would advise orals for more than 6weeks

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Mar 2006
    And post up your pct plan anyway.

    Also why 0.5mg azole every day on only 350mg test per week, you know you need that much from bloodwork on previous cycle?

    Any hcg ?

    What are your stats?

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