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Thread: question about the usage/shelf life of winstrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    question about the usage/shelf life of winstrol

    This is regarding Winstrol (stanozolol). Apex brand

    I have a bottle of 20ml and i stored it in a cabinet for about 1 year.. when i took it out. The white stuff seperated from the water part. But after a few shakes its all good and mixed together already.

    My question is. Can i still use it? The exp date is next yr ofcourse. Im just concerned.

    Next question. I saw a lot of cycles with this. However what if this is the only one im going to cycle with? How long and how much is the dosage?

    Pct? Is it still required?

    I am 5'11.
    202 lbs.
    Bf around 15%
    I have done 2 12week cycles already with 500test/wk and after that did a proper pct of nolva and clomid.

  2. #2
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    Oct 2012
    First of all I am not fan of winstrol, the sides on joints and liver toxicity is not balanced enough with benefits.

    Winstrol is either run with strong athletes for strength benefits or with bb competitors for last dry out before competition.

    It is usually dissolved in water so if you leave it for som time even shorter it will separate from each other. So its normal.

    If u wanna run it add testosterone as a base.

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    The above is correct. It is normal for that to happen, it should be fine, and make sure you have a test base if you run it.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    First of all I am not fan of winstrol, the sides on joints and liver toxicity is not balanced enough with benefits.

    Winstrol is either run with strong athletes for strength benefits or with bb competitors for last dry out before competition.

    It is usually dissolved in water so if you leave it for som time even shorter it will separate from each other. So its normal.

    If u wanna run it add testosterone as a base.
    Thank you. If my next test cycle is 750/wk. For 12 weeks how can i incorporate the winstrol for the last part ?
    There's this body builder who mentioned that after 8 weeks i should take winny for 1 month before the competition. (Physique comp not bodybuilding) go get ripped as hell..well. i think thats what he did when i saw his picture. Whats your take on this?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    The above is correct. It is normal for that to happen, it should be fine, and make sure you have a test base if you run it.
    Sir. Thanks

    Btw i would love to hear your take on my last comment

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerjereni View Post
    Thank you. If my next test cycle is 750/wk. For 12 weeks how can i incorporate the winstrol for the last part ?
    There's this body builder who mentioned that after 8 weeks i should take winny for 1 month before the competition. (Physique comp not bodybuilding) go get ripped as hell..well. i think thats what he did when i saw his picture. Whats your take on this?
    I always run winny with nandrolone in the mix BUT I like the idea of using it the last 4-6 weeks of your cycle. Remember your diet and training etc will be the key. Winny is not a miracle but it will help IF the diet and training are on point. I used to not really like winny but when used at lower bf it really does make a diff and for me it is a good addition.

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