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Thread: What to run for first time cycle? I wanna cut some fat

  1. #1

    What to run for first time cycle? I wanna cut some fat

    Age 23
    Weight 170.
    Recently lost 55 pounds and now hit a plateau
    Height 5"9

    I have a bit of belly fat left I still need to burn but not much. Ive hit a plateau and havnt lost or increased in muscle in months. I don't wanna hit the juice super hard or for very long. I was thinking maybe 4 week cycles of anavar with one month brakes in between. For a total of 3 cycles. I've read that 40mg a day will not really give many side effects at 1 month increments. I'm not looking for massive immediate gains but I do want to fill up some of this extra skin I have from the weight loss, along with shedding this last layer of fat. I was also thinking of maybe doing 200mg of test 2 times a week by itself. I would obviously do a pct afterwords. I've done a lot of research and I'm getting mixed reviews on all of this. So. Advise? Opinions? Different options? Remember I don't wanna go too hard on the juice I wanna keep side effects down.

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    I would look to switching up training and some diet changes first and foremost to break through the plateau. You have done great so far and congrats on your progress to thins point. Learn how to break through these without relying on juice, it isnt the go to solution for this and I honestky think you should wait a couple more years before taking that step. Learn your body and how to handle these situations without relying on a steroid to do so. Down the road that knowledge when you do take the step and combine it with juice will yeild some amazing results.

  3. #3
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    I agree that you should spend some more time in the gym building a natural base first. You are still young and have the ability to make solid gains through diet and training. Learn how to build naturally and down the road you can apply that knowledge to a cycle and get some serious gains. I'm sure we are all guilty of being impatient, but take it one step at a time. I was 29 when I did my first cycle with a few solid years of training that led up to it, and some spurts of serious training throughout my late teens and 20's. Break this plateau naturally first at least, then reassess your desires.

  4. #4
    Is a low dose of anavar for a month really going to produce long term side effects if done properly? And I have become more than impatient. I've tried switching up my workout and trying to brake this plateau but I can't seem to get through it. It's becoming very discouraging. My family is primarily overweight. Actually everyone in my family is overweight and has been all their life, so maybe genetics are holding me back.

  5. #5
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    I doubt a low dose of anavar for a month will do much of anything, good or bad, not worth the money spent. Have you done blood work to see where your free test and e2 are? Being overweight will cause low t, high e in a lot of cases. Have you tried a preworkout drink to give you a little extra kick, if not I would try that first.

  6. #6
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    Waiting another couple of years will also (almost) ensure your HPTA is fully developed. Otherwise using gear now can cause erratic functioning later.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I would look to switching up training and some diet changes first and foremost to break through the plateau. You have done great so far and congrats on your progress to thins point. Learn how to break through these without relying on juice, it isnt the go to solution for this and I honestky think you should wait a couple more years before taking that step. Learn your body and how to handle these situations without relying on a steroid to do so. Down the road that knowledge when you do take the step and combine it with juice will yeild some amazing results.
    ^^^^ There's your answer

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