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Thread: How long

  1. #1

    How long

    How long had you been training with intent, stuck to your diet, etc. before jumping on? Just curious to see some people's inputs on this!



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    Before my first cycle in 01 I had been training hard for 2-3 years, strict diet and good routine. I could get super lean but never couldn't gain a significant amount of muscle. I jumped on with mainly test with a bottle or 2 of deca, and over an 8 month period went from 212 to 265. I probably looked my best at 250-255, I started partying too much and my physique suffered a bit even though I was still getting bigger. I was 29 with a fair bit of experience over the years training on and off since I was 13 with a few solid years leading up to that cycle. I wish I had known then what I have learned here over the last couple months, I also wish I was more mature then. It is hard to keep grounded when you feel like a super hero and look like one too, the bar scene being as a bouncer was insane. Good times, but led to some dark times down the road, just lucky I pulled through without anything to devastating happening. One of the things not talked about too much are the mental sides of AAS, from extreme highs to extreme lows and all the mind games in between. Another reason for the youngsters to wait until they are a little older to deal with those emotions and feelings.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Before my first cycle in 01 I had been training hard for 2-3 years, strict diet and good routine. I could get super lean but never couldn't gain a significant amount of muscle. I jumped on with mainly test with a bottle or 2 of deca, and over an 8 month period went from 212 to 265. I probably looked my best at 250-255, I started partying too much and my physique suffered a bit even though I was still getting bigger. I was 29 with a fair bit of experience over the years training on and off since I was 13 with a few solid years leading up to that cycle. I wish I had known then what I have learned here over the last couple months, I also wish I was more mature then. It is hard to keep grounded when you feel like a super hero and look like one too, the bar scene being as a bouncer was insane. Good times, but led to some dark times down the road, just lucky I pulled through without anything to devastating happening. One of the things not talked about too much are the mental sides of AAS, from extreme highs to extreme lows and all the mind games in between. Another reason for the youngsters to wait until they are a little older to deal with those emotions and feelings.
    Thanks for sharing bro. You must have been a monster at 255. I'm currently 23 and just trying to become better informed. Had the option a few months ago but told my coach it wasn't time yet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    I am back up to 255 @ 6'6" around 15%bf, I am trying to leanish bulk naturally, pushing pretty hard through some nagging injuries. I was almost as strong before cycle as I was after my cycle, and in my mid 30's I was the strongest I have ever been, or ever will be, and that was all natural.

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