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Thread: best all time cycle.....

  1. #1
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    best all time cycle.....

    I am about to start a testosterone e,eq,and turinabol cycle. Nothing major but my next cycle I was going to test e, trenbalone e,and dbol . High amounts for twelve weeks. Would this be a super cycle or does anyone have a better one for going beast mode? Need opinions...

  2. #2
    Haydenz's Avatar
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    Cycle history please, and stats...

  3. #3
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Normally the best combinations are Test deca winstrol for beginners or if you can afford it, and test tren masteron if you are experienced and you need higher doses and you are not rich, so you pay the sides with your health instead with money.

  4. #4
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Have u ever tried the winstrol with the dragon on it 50 Mg dragon pharma
    Last edited by jolter604; 11-13-2014 at 07:57 PM.

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Beast mode
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  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    As once stated "grow into your dosages " the idea is to use as little as possible to get good results .
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  7. #7
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Eating, lifting, and taking your meds should be normal and a no brainer. Avoiding sides should be the major thought process. I put way more effort into giving blood, monitoring my labs, and watching my sides.
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    As once stated "grow into your dosages " the idea is to use as little as possible to get good results .
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  8. #8
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    test tren dbol has nothing major in itself.

    but high dose can screw you...

    if you are going to run highdose of tren e I hope for your sake that youve already did high dose tren a...

    i went up to 700mg/weeks of tren a and didnt last 3 weeks due to the sleeping issue and sweating and death of my cardio...
    seriously I had difficulty having sex cause I was so out of breath and I was sweating all over her even If she was on top and I was doing nothing...
    I dropped it and it took 7-10 days to return to a normal sleep pattern.

    if you are having difficulty with tren-e and you drop it youll have a hard time for a long time...

    I advise Tren-A

    I hope that you dont talk about high dose test-e cause(for alot of people) it increase sides of tren...

    running 500mg test + 350tren
    was worst than 250mg test and 525mg tren-a

    I advice low test with tren...

    and dbol I have no experience with it yet but I dont see any problem with it other than Blood pressure...
    tren increase blood pressure dramaticly... you have to keep it in check...

    the best result Ive got was on 250mg test and 350mg tren...
    i had nothing from 700mg I was way too lethargic...

    next week im trying
    75mg EOD tren-a for 6 weeks with 150mg E4D of test-e
    I have high expectation of low dose tren...

    I advice you
    1-14 test-e 200-250mg/week
    1-4 dbol 20-50 mg/day
    5-12 tren-A 350mg/week

    just my .02 take it of leave it
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 11-14-2014 at 08:29 AM.

  9. #9
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
    I am about to start a testosterone e,eq,and turinabol cycle. Nothing major but my next cycle I was going to test e, trenbalone e,and dbol. High amounts for twelve weeks. Would this be a super cycle or does anyone have a better one for going beast mode? Need opinions...
    High amounts aren't going to do any good. You don't need to run high amounts for good or great results, your diet is going to determine if you get good results or not.

  10. #10
    jolter604's Avatar
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    what if i ran it at 2oo mg of tren e with winstrol and some test?for like 12 weeks?

  11. #11
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
    what if i ran it at 2oo mg of tren e with winstrol and some test?for like 12 weeks?
    What are your stats, and is this your first cycle?

  12. #12
    jolter604's Avatar
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    I have not hit any juice in over fifteen years. My first cycle I was twenty I did sustonon 250 and dbol . For two months. Gained twenty five pounds. Second cycle was two bottles of cypinate 200.gained fifteen pounds. And my last one was a bottle of test e and and a bottle of test Decca 200..gained fifteen pounds. Right now I am 6'4" 223. I have only been using lots of creapure creatine and aakg. I go for rep's and the lean look. Im a union carpenter so I get paid to burn calories all day. But I eat like a horse. No soda or any crap. I want to hit a couple of cycles to get up to 250.solid.

  13. #13
    pavlenko's Avatar
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    If you havent juiced in so long you dont have to run something harsh like tren to get really good results, just do what you did before your receptors are so fresh you can run test and deca like you did before and get really good results IMHO
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  14. #14
    bifda's Avatar
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    use the same compounds as before if they worked.
    why fix it when it works?
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  15. #15
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolter604
    I have not hit any juice in over fifteen years. My first cycle I was twenty I did sustonon 250 and dbol. For two months. Gained twenty five pounds. Second cycle was two bottles of cypinate 200.gained fifteen pounds. And my last one was a bottle of test e and and a bottle of test Decca 200..gained fifteen pounds. Right now I am 6'4" 223. I have only been using lots of creapure creatine and aakg. I go for rep's and the lean look. Im a union carpenter so I get paid to burn calories all day. But I eat like a horse. No soda or any crap. I want to hit a couple of cycles to get up to 250.solid.
    I hadn't hit the sauce in 15 years either a few years back and I started with a tes only cycle as a jumping off point mainly because I wasn't sure how my body was going to respond side effect wise. You will be suprised how well you do keeping it simple .
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  16. #16
    jolter604's Avatar
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    i have some geneza turinabol 10mg 50 pills.i heard 20 mg is pointless i just added turinabol 20 mg 70 i can run 50 biomex labs any good?and who is better geneza or quality labs?should i take 20 mg morning and 30 mg before work out?and aromison 25 mg,should that be taken with my turinabol before workout or like before bed?someone told me right when i pin....

  17. #17
    jolter604's Avatar
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    why do so many people hate on sauce,i liked that dirty mexican juice,ha.i have heard alot of people on here say it sucks.i use to pin every 7 i am going to try every 3 days lower dose.and i use to pyramid my doses on here they say start high end much different now.i just remember the pills with the horse were takin for a week after last pin.completely whole new senerio.and will hcg make my loads potent my wife is hoping for some non pulling out sections ,haaaa.

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