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  1. #1
    smashingbox's Avatar
    smashingbox is offline Associate Member
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    So I am wondering what are the different oils people have tried when making their gear. I have heard of grapeseed oil, cotton seed oil, safflower, sesame seed oil, and even apricot kernel oil...

    Has anyone used any others? I ask because I'm interested in using cranberry seed oil for its favourable omega fatty acid ratio.

    Does anyone have a good reason not to try it?


  2. #2
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    if I remember well my brewer use safflower for test-e/deca or any other pain free injectable. cause it is a thin oil and can be injected fast with few pain.

    tren -a/npp/prop or any other "painfull" mixture he put grapeseed oil cause it is thicker therefor force use to inject slower to reduce PIP.

  3. #3
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    I use GSO for everything. It's cheap and readily available. I see no reason to mess around with different oils unless you are trying to make super concentrated stuff, which I don't do. I never have a problem with PIP but I only make long esters.

  4. #4
    smashingbox's Avatar
    smashingbox is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys. I have had experience with GSO and Cotton seed. The reason for my question is that I am primarily concerned with omega 6 to omega 3 ratios. These essential fatty acids cannot be made by your body and have to come from dietary sources, they are also extremely important for cell functions as they make up the lipid bilayer of cell walls. It is also worth noting that omega 6 fatty acids are inflammatory while omega 3s are anti-inflammatory. I won't go into all the benefits of omega 3s, I am sure most ppl know them by now - its the reason fish oil tablets sell. But it has been said (sorry I don't have references but it's well documented) that the ratio of the omega 6 to omega 3 is as important as the total intake.

    It has been determined that humans evolved on a diet with ratios close to 1:1 of omega 6 and 3s. However our diets today are skewed to include a far greater amount of omega 6s, which are found in grains, breads, etc which are a far greater part of our diets these days. Add to that the fact a lot of the meat wrest is now grain fed, further increasing the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3.

    So with that in mind, the idea of injecting more omega 6 rich oil into my body is not appealing. Cranberry seed oil has a 1:1 ratio omega 3 to 6, so if it can be used I can see the benefit in doing so.

  5. #5
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    When you stop and think about it you're really only injecting a few milliliters of oil into your body a week. How much do you think this will really help get you the ratio you're looking for? Your better off just using that oil to cook or prep food with bc you'll be taking in an appreciable amount that way at least.

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    DocD is right. Omega acid ratios don't matter here.
    I use gso or mct oil.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 11-15-2014 at 09:47 AM.

  7. #7
    smashingbox's Avatar
    smashingbox is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, cheers guys

  8. #8
    Cody95's Avatar
    Cody95 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smashingbox View Post
    So I am wondering what are the different oils people have tried when making their gear. I have heard of grapeseed oil, cotton seed oil, safflower, sesame seed oil, and even apricot kernel oil...

    Has anyone used any others? I ask because I'm interested in using cranberry seed oil for its favourable omega fatty acid ratio.

    Does anyone have a good reason not to try it?

    Grapeseed oil.

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