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Thread: Blast and cruise dosing question

  1. #1

    Blast and cruise dosing question


    My question is purely for educational purposes, i do not plan on doing this.
    Anyways, i have read that the higher the cruise dose, the more aggressive the blast needs to be...

    So my question:
    Person 1 = cruise 250mg test -- Blast 1g test
    Person 2 = cruise 500mg test -- Blast 1250mg test

    Both have added 750mg above their baseline, would they both get equal results, despite one has more test in total?

    (and presuming they both responded the same to aas + same diet + same genetics)

    Thanks for any replies

  2. #2
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    Jun 2009
    They will both be on TRT for life and taking 1250mg/Test or even a gram of test is unnecessary and the sides will be difficult to manage. All around a terrible idea. Issues with high Hematocrit levels are almost a given and E2 management issues will be certain.

  3. #3
    But from a muscle building standpoint,
    a someone who jumps on cycle at 500mg test p/w Would be the same as someone on 1g test p/w, had he cruised on 500mg? I know this wouldnt be healthy...

    Just curious because both would be +500mg above baseline..

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    More is not better in this game so no it does not matter what way round these two ppl do it it is all about food and training

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Wish shit worked like this

    I'm running 250-300mg a week for TRT - I feel stronger & better than when I run a g of test

    It's just how our bodies react. Some(like the big ass body builders) cruise on a g of test.

    Just depends - not all can do what others do

  6. #6
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    I personnnally believe that the ONLY real health risk with running high testosterone(if E2 an blood pressure is in check) for life is hematocrite. which is easely prevented.

    for that reason in january I start cruising at 500mg/week.
    but keep in mind that is a very heavy dose to cruise on.

    When ill blast I wont up the test to 1g or more...
    I will just add another compound.
    Im thinking of adding some anavar, some anadrol, some.dbol, tbol, masteron, deca(gotta try all anabolics!!!)
    adding more test wont necessarly yield better results...

    I personnally believe that cruising at 500mg/week I can reach my physic goal and maintain it without ever having to blast over that.
    Gain will be steady and wont stop.

  7. #7
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    That's a tough statement to make - possible? Maybe

    I am just watching myself real close

    When I cruise at 400mg I feel quite a bit better. But, staying on that much can't be that good for my health - why, exactly? I can't say

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    I personnnally believe that the ONLY real health risk with running high testosterone(if E2 an blood pressure is in check) for life is hematocrite. which is easely prevented.

    for that reason in january I start cruising at 500mg/week.
    but keep in mind that is a very heavy dose to cruise on.

    When ill blast I wont up the test to 1g or more...
    I will just add another compound.
    Im thinking of adding some anavar, some anadrol, some.dbol, tbol, masteron, deca(gotta try all anabolics!!!)
    adding more test wont necessarly yield better results...

    I personnally believe that cruising at 500mg/week I can reach my physic goal and maintain it without ever having to blast over that.
    Gain will be steady and wont stop.
    I can certainly see the temptation for sure. I'm on TRT at a high dosage of 200mg/week. Would be interesting to see what harm this would do to you long term (if any-provided E2, and Hematocrit are in check). I hope you start a log with pics etc. for this journey. I just wonder if it will harm your receptors running that high for so long and then you'll need crazy doses of AAS to see any improvement.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
    I personnnally believe that the ONLY real health risk with running high testosterone(if E2 an blood pressure is in check) for life is hematocrite. which is easely prevented. for that reason in january I start cruising at 500mg/week. but keep in mind that is a very heavy dose to cruise on. When ill blast I wont up the test to 1g or more... I will just add another compound. Im thinking of adding some anavar, some anadrol, some.dbol, tbol, masteron, deca(gotta try all anabolics!!!) adding more test wont necessarly yield better results... I personnally believe that cruising at 500mg/week I can reach my physic goal and maintain it without ever having to blast over that. Gain will be steady and wont stop.
    I personally believe you are kidding yourself if you think cruising at 500mg/week is healthy.
    E2 meds have side effects.
    Blood pressure meds have side effects.
    Donating blood to get hematocrit into range isn't as healthy as having hematocrit always in range.
    Also the testosterone will negatively affect lipids.
    I am sure there are other effects I am not listing.

    Am I against steroids. No.
    I think many other things are far worse for you.
    However, I do think it is wrong to assume that cruising isn't bad for you since a 21yr old has been cruising for less than a year with no PERCEIVED side effects.

  10. #10
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    Lipids is pretty much the number one issue that I see.

    I have started on a regimen of things of trying to bring it back down along with running the lower test dose.

    It wasn't all too high, but right above normal maximum.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post

    I personally believe you are kidding yourself if you think cruising at 500mg/week is healthy.
    E2 meds have side effects.
    Blood pressure meds have side effects.
    Donating blood to get hematocrit into range isn't as healthy as having hematocrit always in range.
    Also the testosterone will negatively affect lipids.
    I am sure there are other effects I am not listing.

    Am I against steroids. No.
    I think many other things are far worse for you.
    However, I do think it is wrong to assume that cruising isn't bad for you since a 21yr old has been cruising for less than a year with no PERCEIVED side effects.
    sice I started steroids my lipids are better than they were before, and they already was excellent. so I dont believe that testosterone affect lipids.
    tren surely did crash my HDL, winstrol did crash my HDL too.
    but even on tren and LDL improved, cholesterol stayed the same and triglycerine also stayed the same...

    so I think its way more diet dependant...(which BTW was less great than before steroids...)
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 11-15-2014 at 09:31 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post

    I can certainly see the temptation for sure. I'm on TRT at a high dosage of 200mg/week. Would be interesting to see what harm this would do to you long term (if any-provided E2, and Hematocrit are in check). I hope you start a log with pics etc. for this journey. I just wonder if it will harm your receptors running that high for so long and then you'll need crazy doses of AAS to see any improvement.
    the receptor upregulated by.prolonged use of high dose. therefore im becoming more sensible to steroids(less dose for equal results).
    and I do have BW done every two months now, BP taken regularly, so if anything is going out of wack In ready to react.

    next week I jump on low dose tren again to finish what I have, after this test and some.mild oral will be mostly everything I use.

    I put great effort in keeping my lipids in check.

    Plus I did a post where I compare my 1 years time lapse transformation from natty till now.

    great result I think.

    but to returns to OP:

    cruising at 500mg for a while wont require bigger blast...

    the thing is people. are misinform on gains they have...
    increasing test will yield more wster retetion + better carb repartitioning + better neural efficiency(more strengh) fast. but only in the first few weeks.
    after that, obviously, gain will get slower. but the gains after thst initial boost gonna be real gain.

    so by staying at 500mg you will gains for a LONGTIME. until you get so big for your genetic than you need more to grow.

    plus, receptor upregulate meaning that the more you use the more you are sensible. so the effect from 500mg will increase overtime.

    IMO truly stalling at 500mg require a considerable mass. which very few have.
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 11-15-2014 at 09:28 AM.

  13. #13
    IMO I think running test that high is asking for side effects and issues controlling estrogen and prolactin, without much of a real benefit.

    I think a cruise at 200-250 and a blast at 500/week would probably have MOST of the muscle building benefits of the above, with probably 80% reduction in estrogen and side effects. You can always add other non-aromatizing compounds to the test for a larger overall dose, if that is your desire.

    1g test a week ASKING for GYNO IMO.

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Blasting and cruising at those doses should be a temporary thing at best.
    Testosterone does effect lipids, especially HDL, LDL, Total and HDL-C which deals with reverse cholesterol transport. For some, more test will improve lipids when compared to someone with low testosterone. Excessive doses over longer periods normally will have a negative impact. I'd suggest you all consider pulling either an NMR or VAP lipo profile and see what's really going on. Not a basic profile as that's like using TSH alone to evaluate your thyroid. Weak at best.
    Test is also a CNS stimulant in large doses and needs normalcy after time.
    Agree that diet is crucial, especially the elimination of sugar. But heredity and family genetics play a part as well.

    my .02
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Blasting and cruising at those doses should be a temporary thing at best.
    Testosterone does effect lipids, especially HDL, LDL, Total and HDL-C which deals with reverse cholesterol transport. For some, more test will improve lipids when compared to someone with low testosterone. Excessive doses over longer periods normally will have a negative impact. I'd suggest you all consider pulling either an NMR or VAP lipo profile and see what's really going on. Not a basic profile as that's like using TSH alone to evaluate your thyroid. Weak at best.
    Test is also a CNS stimulant in large doses and needs normalcy after time.
    Agree that diet is crucial, especially the elimination of sugar. But heredity and family genetics play a part as well.

    my .02
    VAP lipo profile you say...
    interesting, Ill surely do
    and agreed on the CNS stimulant effec, I think dropping to 100mg/week for a while cant be detrimental to longterm health.

    what frequency and time would you recommend??

    example: low dose for a months every years or low dose for 6months every 3 years.
    or maybe as much as needed every 2 years??

    Considering every other health aspect are in check.

    thanks kelkel

  16. #16
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    VAP or NMR. Labcorp has both. It's eye opening. LDL particle size is what's important. You want large fluffy buoyant ones as opposed to small, dense ones that won't clear your system. I started with small, dense ones labeled "abnormal" (WTF) on my BW. Simple changes in diet and supplements reversed mine to the good ones within one year. I did a thread on it titled My Cholesterol Experiment or something like that showing all results.

    Frequency? Can't really answer that as we're all different. What might hurt me may not you and vice versa. Just let common sense dictate, along with BW. Remember, long term health is important. If you have the time pick up and read "The Great Cholesterol Myth" by Dr. Stephen Sinatra. Google or youtube him for ton's of info.
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  17. #17
    Wow some very good answers thankyou everyone
    qsc, so you have a constant dosage of 500mg test p/w, and then just add another compound for your blast?

    Edit: qsc, when you add another compound, do you feel like you need to dose higher because of your higher cruise dose?

    I've read that your body will attempt to reach homeostasis so your catabolic hormones will equal your 500mg test over time.. thats why i was curious if you'd need a higher blast dose
    Last edited by zombiekillas; 11-15-2014 at 11:29 AM.

  18. #18
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    Good luck maintaining 500mg/wk for a long period of time without having some sort of issue. Reading between the lines, you're trying to shortcut and substitute larger doses of Test for hard work/diet, but it doesn't work like that.

    Cruising is just that, cruising, at optimal free/total blood levels with minimal sides. Dial in traing and diet at optimal T levels and result will come, over time. If you're about instant gratification, you're in the wrong game.

  19. #19
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by zombiekillas View Post
    I've read that your body will attempt to reach homeostasis so your catabolic hormones will equal your 500mg test over time.. thats why i was curious if you'd need a higher blast dose
    That's not what catabolic hormones means. Unless you're dieting / training for a comp that doesn't apply.
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