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  1. #1
    dragoon0369 is offline New Member
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    Exclamation First Cycle (Typical Questions), Peace of Mind.

    Hey guys its my first post and I already know Im going to get the classic "this has already been asked" etc…, but I just want a place with all of the answers I'm looking for in one cohesive page. So…here it goes.

    Age: 20
    Height: 5'9
    Weight:176 (starting, last tuesday. Now its 11 days later and I'm 189…lol Mostly water I'm assuming.)
    Keeping my calories around 2700-3k, training is on-point. [Take my word for it]

    Heres where I come off as a DUMBASS.
    I did my research before this cycle and pushed it off for a year because I'm a *****. Well, I took the leap and turns out I was still not prepared.

    I got 2 questionable bottles of Sust 300 and 120 20mg tabs of nova, also some Anavar [Var 25, 25mg per ml, 100ml bottle). (Liquid… I didn't order it in this form so theres that).

    So injections - I did my first injection last tuesday (the 4th). I'm using a 23 gauge needle and following procedure yada yada yada… The shot of course hurt in the days following, but subsided by the time for my second shot. Again, pain subsided 4-5 days later. Now I'm worried however… I did my third shot in my right glute (forgot to mention I'm swapping off from cheek to cheek). Its been 5 days and I got the lump hard as hell and a little bigger then a golf ball, red on my cheek. I did my fourth shot last night and it was my cleanest yet - no blood, and its not even lumped now. (What I did differently was heat the tip of the needle in warm water, sterilized the top of the sust vial, and injected a lot slower then previous times. Ok, so we go to the root of how to avoid so much pain. But my right glut (3rd shot)…when should I start to worry? Is/was it a faulty shot, is that possible?

    Also…as far as PCT…Ive heard so much shit I feel completely unprepared and well, properly ****ed. I only have the nolvadex thinking that was all I needed. But now I'm hearing a lot of arimidex during cycle and nolvadex post cycle.

    ^^To compensate for this, I asked a friend of mine (he's a pro but a little taboo on the subject) what I should do. He said run 10mg of nova every other day to minimize the gyno [I'm prone to it]. So, from here - do I still order the arimidex? And also, HCG is up for question seems I am just now learning about that at the time of this writing…

    Last point… Made the novice mistake of not really setting in stone how long Im going to run the cycle - but I don't want it to be insane. I'm looking to test out gear and thats why its such a light cycle (comparatively). Any suggestions on how to go about tackling this predicament.

    It has been quite the learning experience and now I'm just doing some risk assessment and management - trying to get through it with no side effects that are long lasting. (Safety of course is the priority).

    All I ask is that you spare the verbal beratement because I know I was only half-assed prepared. But I thought I had my bases covered - ordering the nolva via the mail is not something I would like to do again but if it means coming out of this 100% or close to it, then I'll take the risk again.

    Thanks again guys in advance.

  2. #2
    dragoon0369 is offline New Member
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    Forgot to mention (again, like a novice) I'm doing 1cc each sust shot, but PLANNED on going to 1.5cc next week. And I originally also planned on taking the var during the cycle - but now I'm being told save it for PCT because taking it on cycle will be like pissing in the wind.

  3. #3
    Cody95's Avatar
    Cody95 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragoon0369 View Post
    Hey guys its my first post and I already know Im going to get the classic "this has already been asked" etc…, but I just want a place with all of the answers I'm looking for in one cohesive page. So…here it goes.

    Age: 20
    Height: 5'9
    Weight:176 (starting, last tuesday. Now its 11 days later and I'm 189…lol Mostly water I'm assuming.)
    Keeping my calories around 2700-3k, training is on-point. [Take my word for it]

    Heres where I come off as a DUMBASS.
    I did my research before this cycle and pushed it off for a year because I'm a *****. Well, I took the leap and turns out I was still not prepared.

    I got 2 questionable bottles of Sust 300 and 120 20mg tabs of nova, also some Anavar . So, from here - do I still order the arimidex ? And also, HCG is up for question seems I am just now learning about that at the time of this writing…

    Last point… Made the novice mistake of not really setting in stone how long Im going to run the cycle - but I don't want it to be insane. I'm looking to test out gear and thats why its such a light cycle (comparatively). Any suggestions on how to go about tackling this predicament.

    It has been quite the learning experience and now I'm just doing some risk assessment and management - trying to get through it with no side effects that are long lasting. (Safety of course is the priority).

    All I ask is that you spare the verbal beratement because I know I was only half-assed prepared. But I thought I had my bases covered - ordering the nolva via the mail is not something I would like to do again but if it means coming out of this 100% or close to it, then I'll take the risk again.

    Thanks again guys in advance.
    Well first off you should be eating well above 3k calories more like 3,700+ to make your cycle worth it or you won't gain much, how does your diet look? Second you still need an ai on cycle, so go ahead and order that asap. Third, some swear by HCG, personally I don't see the need for it unless you're running a really strong/long cycle. I'm guessing this is your first cycle right? I would keep it around 6 weeks and you should be fine. "Should" depends on the person of course.

  4. #4
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragoon0369 View Post
    Forgot to mention (again, like a novice) I'm doing 1cc each sust shot, but PLANNED on going to 1.5cc next week. And I originally also planned on taking the var during the cycle - but now I'm being told save it for PCT because taking it on cycle will be like pissing in the wind.
    Also, test only for your first cycle, so don't take the var. You'll make plenty of gains off test, that is if your diet is 100%, and I mean 100% how you should diet not what you feel like eating.

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody95
    Well first off you should be eating well above 3k calories more like 3,700+ to make your cycle worth it or you won't gain much, how does your diet look? Second you still need an ai on cycle, so go ahead and order that asap. Third, some swear by HCG, personally I don't see the need for it unless you're running a really strong/long cycle. I'm guessing this is your first cycle right? I would keep it around 6 weeks and you should be fine. "Should" depends on the person of course.
    really? 3000 calories if that's what you really are eating should be enough to gain if you are training properly. An ai is important yes cause you need to keep estrogen at an acceptable range. Hcg yes you should be running it to maintain testicular function during your cycle making pct much easier. 250 iu 2x EW should be enough. Get either Adex or aromasin for your so. Adex .25 eod or aromasin at 12.5 mg Ed are good starting points. Yes you should have done your research and had everything on hand before starting. How far are you into your cycle? At 20 are you aware of the risks involved? Are you willing to risk being on trt for the rest of your life?

  6. #6
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    Anavar during PCT could be one of the dumbest things I've heard in a long time.

  7. #7
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    really? 3000 calories if that's what you really are eating should be enough to gain if you are training properly. An ai is important yes cause you need to keep estrogen at an acceptable range. Hcg yes you should be running it to maintain testicular function during your cycle making pct much easier. 250 iu 2x EW should be enough. Get either Adex or aromasin for your so. Adex .25 eod or aromasin at 12.5 mg Ed are good starting points. Yes you should have done your research and had everything on hand before starting. How far are you into your cycle? At 20 are you aware of the risks involved? Are you willing to risk being on trt for the rest of your life?
    Why are you asking me all this? Lol you replied to the wrong person. Also no 3,000 calories is not enough for a 20 year old taking steroids , not at all. I'm 19 and I'm clean bulking on 3,800. My maintenance is 3,300, so I'm sure someone one year older isn't going to be much difference, well that is if he has the slowest metabolism in the history of bodybuilding, or if he only works out 3 days a week. Then again I work out 6-7 days a week and 192. That just seems like a waste for a 20 year old taking steroids to only consume 3,000 calories. I would understand if he wasn't taking steroids and only workout 3-4 days a week.

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody95
    Why are you asking me all this? Lol you replied to the wrong person. Also no 3,000 calories is not enough for a 20 year old taking steroids, not at all. I'm 19 and I'm clean bulking on 3,800. My maintenance is 3,300, so I'm sure someone one year older isn't going to be much difference, well that is if he has the slowest metabolism in the history of bodybuilding, or if he only works out 3 days a week. Then again I work out 6-7 days a week and 192. That just seems like a waste for a 20 year old taking steroids to only consume 3,000 calories. I would understand if he wasn't taking steroids and only workout 3-4 days a week.
    I wasn't asking you all that. The quote was directed at your response. I disagree he can gain on 3,00 calories ad and hcg is important to his cycle. A 6 week cycle would not be long enough to make gains either. If he was to run an 8 weeker on prop esters maybe

  9. #9
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    I wasn't asking you all that. The quote was directed at your response. I disagree he can gain on 3,00 calories ad and hcg is important to his cycle. A 6 week cycle would not be long enough to make gains either. If he was to run an 8 weeker on prop esters maybe
    You're confusing me, you quoted me yes, but then at the end of your paragraph you asked a bunch of questions as if they were toward me. Also you said that he "can" gain on 3,000 calories, now your saying you disagree that he can gain from 3,000 calories? The reason I told him to stick with 6 weeks is because he's young, most people would bash him for taking aas in the first place, I did 6 weeks of Test prop at 700mg when I was 18 and made good gains.

  10. #10
    DrewZ's Avatar
    DrewZ is offline Productive Member
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    You heated the tip of the needle with warm water?
    You're going to get an infection...
    Plus you have no idea about proper AI, hCG or PCT...not to mention you're 20.
    You should stop what you're doing immediately and educate yourself before you hurt yourself.

    First read THIS

    And then read everything in HERE

    Be safe

  11. #11
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody95
    You're confusing me, you quoted me yes, but then at the end of your paragraph you asked a bunch of questions as if they were toward me. Also you said that he "can" gain on 3,000 calories, now your saying you disagree that he can gain from 3,000 calories? The reason I told him to stick with 6 weeks is because he's young, most people would bash him for taking aas in the first place, I did 6 weeks of Test prop at 700mg when I was 18 and made good gains.
    sorry for the confusion. I think he can gain on 3,000 calories. 6 weeks still is not long enough considering his blood levels will not stable out for the first 4-5 weeks then he would be coming off. Yes he is young and shouldn't be running gear

  12. #12
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    sorry for the confusion. I think he can gain on 3,000 calories. 6 weeks still is not long enough considering his blood levels will not stable out for the first 4-5 weeks then he would be coming off. Yes he is young and shouldn't be running gear
    Fair enough. And no problem.

  13. #13
    dragoon0369 is offline New Member
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    Yeah I didn't have that idea any real merit or thought... That was more of a general question I'm not that naive.

  14. #14
    dragoon0369 is offline New Member
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    No water actually touched the needle sorry worded ambiguously. Cap was on and I only submerged the tip

  15. #15
    dragoon0369 is offline New Member
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    As far as the young aspect I thank all of you for your expressed concern, but again I did risk assessment and the gain/loss evaluation and my decision is pretty clear given I'm on my third week and now on a steroid forum, so at this injunction I don't think slapping me on the wrists would work.

    Thank you for all of your replies again, placed
    An order for the ai and as of this writing that initial bump I was concerned about {post 3rd injection} the pain has subsided and redness is withdrawing.

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