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Thread: low free test treatment

  1. #1
    DAAS's Avatar
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    low free test treatment

    SO my test levels are normal range mid 600's, but my free test is 8.9 and normal range starts at 9 and goes to 30ish if i remember.

    Are there any medications for freeing testosterone ?

  2. #2
    DrewZ's Avatar
    DrewZ is offline Productive Member
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    if your SHBG is high you can use Vitamin d3 to lower it and increase free test.
    Do you have your SHBG numbers?

    Here's what d3 did for me over 5 months @ 5000iu a day.

    January 2014;
    Testosterone , Serum 673 (Range 348-1197 ng/dL)
    Testosterone,Free 13.53 (Range 5.00-21.00 ng/dL)
    % Free Testosterone 2.01 (Range 1.50-4.20%)

    May 2014;
    Testosterone, Serum 862 (Range 348-1197 ng/dL)
    Testosterone,Free 29.22 HIGH (Range 5.00-21.00 ng/dL)
    % Free Testosterone 3.39 (Range 1.50-4.20%)

    Yep, Free test was flagged as HIGH

    Edited; I also take 300mg Magnesium & 50mg Zinc right before bed.
    If you Google 'lower shbg' the first hit has a top 10 things list, good read.
    Last edited by DrewZ; 11-17-2014 at 12:47 AM.
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  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Good stuff Drew. Was there any change in your protocol other than D3 as your serum T took jumped almost 200 pts as well?
    Here's something related to D as well. My BW from six months ago had my D in the low 80's while on 5K per day and tanning twice per week. Cold now so I stopped all tanning a couple months ago but obviously maintained the same D regimen. BW last week showed my D dropped to 47. Interesting to note the effect tanning had on my D level. Free T dropped about 4 pts.....
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  4. #4
    DrewZ's Avatar
    DrewZ is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Good stuff Drew. Was there any change in your protocol other than D3 as your serum T took jumped almost 200 pts as well?
    Here's something related to D as well. My BW from six months ago had my D in the low 80's while on 5K per day and tanning twice per week. Cold now so I stopped all tanning a couple months ago but obviously maintained the same D regimen. BW last week showed my D dropped to 47. Interesting to note the effect tanning had on my D level. Free T dropped about 4 pts.....
    Just dug up what I had logged for changes, here they are:

    Changes from then to now;
    - 10lbs lighter(loss in BF/water)
    - Consistently taking 5000iu's of D3 with a fatty meal every day
    - Added Acidophilus upon waking
    - Added Digestive Enzymes a few meals a day
    - Added NAC 600mg before bed
    - Creatine intake has been a little higher, 10g a day.
    - Bumped up my Arginine and Citrulline dose a bit, take it religiously before workout. 2g Cit, 5g Arg
    - Cut protein powder consumption down from 2-3 servings a day to half a serving a day. (more real food!)
    - Last 3 weeks I've been giving myself a rest day after legs, sometimes after back, never used to do that.
    - Replaced sublingual B12 with B12 shot EW for 3 weeks prior to new bloods

    Also I just realized that I was taking ZMA during that period of time, not 50mg zinc/300mg mag (thats what I do now)

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    That's good stuff Drew. When it comes to rest days, as I've gotten older I switched to eod training. Absolutely the best thing I've done. Always fresh for my workouts and no doubt it's helping me maintain mass.
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  6. #6
    DrewZ's Avatar
    DrewZ is offline Productive Member
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    ^^Yes, I'm starting to think my body needs this too.
    I am definitely guilty of over training in the past.
    Problem is I don't know what to do with myself on a rest day and the next thing you know I'm at the gym. haha

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