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Thread: Quad pin went easy but fay after.. OMG

  1. #1

    Quad pin went easy but fay after.. OMG

    Pinned in the quad yesterday and it went way smooth especially given that I don't like needles. About 3 hours after pinning I did heavy leg day.

    I was happy to have found a place that pinned so well, but 8 hours after my workout my quad was sore like crazy. Was it because I did heavy legs or because a quad pin will cause that kind of soreness? I kind of look like I'm walking with a limp if I get up from sitting down too long.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    First time pinning quads?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    With quad it may even take 2-3 days before the real pain kicks in.. Then eventually starts going away at the one week mark. Inject slowly, switch legs upon each new injection. Massage leg after injection for a good few minutes..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    /Whats the compound and dosage? Is it Pharm grade, UGL or home brew. Pin size?? U can get more accurate feed back with more details.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112
    /Whats the compound and dosage? Is it Pharm grade, UGL or home brew. Pin size?? U can get more accurate feed back with more details.
    23g one once 1.25ml, Alpha Pharma Test E. I pinned one inch away from the center to the outer side. Went slow, maybe more than minute.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I would say its just sore from being virgin muscle. Also, if the E is high concentrate that can add to the soreness. Give 25g pins a try, seems like a small difference but make a big diff.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    What was the outcome of this?

    I am in the same exact situation. Injected upper outer third Tuesday morning. Injection was smooth and painless. Pain worsened starting last night. Woke up 3 hours early, it is Thursday morning now, and the pain spread and is mostly in middle quad down to knee. Can barely move the mo fo and can't sleep. Feels like a damn Mack truck hit my leg! I can't move anywhere or bend knee without excruciating pain. I

    222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.

  8. #8
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    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    What was the outcome of this?

    I am in the same exact situation. Injected upper outer third Tuesday morning. Injection was smooth and painless. Pain worsened starting last night. Woke up 3 hours early, it is Thursday morning now, and the pain spread and is mostly in middle quad down to knee. Can barely move the mo fo and can't sleep. Feels like a damn Mack truck hit my leg! I can't move anywhere or bend knee without excruciating pain. I

    222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.
    If you have a foam roller - get on that - it's gonna hurt like hell but I had to do it a few times w/quads(but by the next day I was golden)

    Note*** it was very very painful to get that oil to disperse but well worth it

    Just started my TRT dose(test e I'm using) that shit hurts worse than prop imo lol

  9. #9
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    If you have a foam roller - get on that - it's gonna hurt like hell but I had to do it a few times w/quads(but by the next day I was golden) Note*** it was very very painful to get that oil to disperse but well worth it Just started my TRT dose(test e I'm using) that shit hurts worse than prop imo lol
    Already tried, and you're right, that shit killed. Will hit it again. Thanks Nach

    222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311
    Already tried, and you're right, that shit killed. Will hit it again. Thanks Nach 222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.
    I get that every once in a while and just pop a couple ibuprofen

  11. #11
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    Oct 2014
    Did that 3 hours ago. Then rolled very lightly and briefly....painful. Now about to start leg day! That ought to get it dispersed!

    222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311
    Did that 3 hours ago. Then rolled very lightly and briefly....painful. Now about to start leg day! That ought to get it dispersed! 222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465. won't though! Tomorrow will most likely be tough for you. I am going through the same thing as we speak and I walk like a pirate sorta. You are just going to have to ride it out . It's not my gear bcuz everything else is smooth. I find the lower I pin on my quads the more like pip will occur (this time around anyway).

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    North Central U.S
    All of this^^^ is why I stick to pinning just my glutes. I should grow a set and just try the quads an the shoulder once. I'm scared like a little girl.LOL

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joco71
    All of this^^^ is why I stick to pinning just my glutes. I should grow a set and just try the quads an the shoulder once. I'm scared like a little girl.LOL
    Don't be......the upper outer sweep seems to be the most friendly and it's nice to not have to twist around looking at your glute. I use 25 ga 1" on everything .

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Don't be......the upper outer sweep seems to be the most friendly and it's nice to not have to twist around looking at your glute. I use 25 ga 1" on everything .
    Yup... Quads are are a love it or hate it spot(I love em) on upper outter say 7" down from hip bone(pockets on pants) too low will cause more PIP & nerves in way...

    Also very easy to have steady hands...

    @Joco delts are very easy... Little room for error

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Don't be......the upper outer sweep seems to be the most friendly and it's nice to not have to twist around looking at your glute. I use 25 ga 1" on everything .
    I should order some of those pins a give it a run it seems like pining the quad would be much easier. Doing me left glute is a pain in the arse. I sometimes cramp before the injection is over. I think if I could get past the pip in the quad I would prefer it. I will let you know if and when this go's down. LOL

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joco71
    I should order some of those pins a give it a run it seems like pining the quad would be much easier. Doing me left glute is a pain in the arse. I sometimes cramp before the injection is over. I think if I could get past the pip in the quad I would prefer it. I will let you know if and when this go's down. LOL
    I use 25 gauge 5/8

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I use 25 gauge 5/8
    I think im gonna start using 5/8ths now lol I didjust switch to 25g I was using 23g for a while but no need lol

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I use 25 gauge 5/8
    No issues with getting into the muscle or the oil moving down your leg?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    I think im gonna start using 5/8ths now lol I didjust switch to 25g I was using 23g for a while but no need lol
    if your low enough by which I think you are. It should be fine. I do 3cc of gear through it and never have had an issue

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    if your low enough by which I think you are. It should be fine. I do 3cc of gear through it and never have had an issue
    Nice... Yeah I think I'm low enough(my legs are leaning out too so I did get a pack of the 5/8 spikes so it should be g2g

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joco71
    No issues with getting into the muscle or the oil moving down your leg?
    I even use 5/8 in my glutes besides quads and never have an issue.

  23. #23
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    Sep 2014
    If its a virgin muscle you're gonna get PIP no matter the muscle i noticed.

    Ive been told that 23g is best to avoid pip
    i rest my syringe of oil on a heat pack for a minute to warm the oil (allows it to disperse easier once injected)
    slow pin 30-45s per ml
    Quick massage after and then train.

    according to the lady at the needle exchange place 25" has a greater risk of absess.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeingSwole View Post
    Pinned in the quad yesterday and it went way smooth especially given that I don't like needles. About 3 hours after pinning I did heavy leg day.

    I was happy to have found a place that pinned so well, but 8 hours after my workout my quad was sore like crazy. Was it because I did heavy legs or because a quad pin will cause that kind of soreness? I kind of look like I'm walking with a limp if I get up from sitting down too long.
    First time or not quad for some are unbearable..

    I pinned several.times and it never felt OK afterward...

    It is painfull as ****...

    Some I know lives it and t is painless.
    Good for them.

    Give it a few more try but it might never be painless so find somewhere else.

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