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Thread: test e/dbol strenth gains

  1. #1

    test e/dbol strenth gains

    on my 6th week of test e and my 2nd week dbol. i have not reAlly had a and jumps in strenth that im expecting at all maybe a few more reps here and there but nothing major. the gear is def legit i have the acne on my back and other sighns i know gears legit from a top source. ive had a issue with lumps behind the nips had them from About A year ago from a d-zine ph cycle. i have it controlled i was doing 25mg aromisen i brought that down to 12.5 about a week ago with 20mg nolva everyday now. joint are no longer sore so im guessing my estro is fine. i am eating house 3k plus in calories, hasnt ben exactly ben 100% clean id think the gear should still ramp my strenth. im going to clean up the diet eat clean and frequent see if that helps. ive done 4 cycles of d-zine and msten with much more strenth gains. this is my first go around pinning in expecting much more then when im seeing anybody give me some opions??

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by mikegilbert1986
    on my 6th week of test e and my 2nd week dbol. i have not reAlly had a and jumps in strenth that im expecting at all maybe a few more reps here and there but nothing major. the gear is def legit i have the acne on my back and other sighns i know gears legit from a top source. ive had a issue with lumps behind the nips had them from About A year ago from a d-zine ph cycle. i have it controlled i was doing 25mg aromisen i brought that down to 12.5 about a week ago with 20mg nolva everyday now. joint are no longer sore so im guessing my estro is fine. i am eating house 3k plus in calories, hasnt ben exactly ben 100% clean id think the gear should still ramp my strenth. im going to clean up the diet eat clean and frequent see if that helps. ive done 4 cycles of d-zine and msten with much more strenth gains. this is my first go around pinning in expecting much more then when im seeing anybody give me some opions??
    oh im running the test at 600 a week and dbol at 40mg a week

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Well......usually around week six if your training and eating is up to snuff and your gear is legit then the strength starts to really do its thing and your in the optimal window for growth. Hard to say what is happening without bloodwork with your e2. Was it crashed? Hard to really say without the numbers other then you should be gaining like crazy.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown
    Well......usually around week six if your training and eating is up to snuff and your gear is legit then the strength starts to really do its thing and your in the optimal window for growth. Hard to say what is happening without bloodwork with your e2. Was it crashed? Hard to really say without the numbers other then you should be gaining like crazy.
    well i ramped up my aromisen to 25 And added in letro until i got sore joints and felt like shit and then brought it bAck down

  5. #5
    are you even training for streangth or r you training for hypertrophy how many reps aND how much rest do you do between sets.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    You should be seeing gains by now if your aren't then your training might not be good enough, your diet may not be good enough or your gear is bunk or vastly underdosed.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead
    are you even training for streangth or r you training for hypertrophy how many reps aND how much rest do you do between sets.
    for big muscle groups i work in the 5-12 range i do alot of pryamid typ sets. i just havent had that on beast strenth jumps in the gym that im still waiting for, ever since i ramped the ai i feel like like when i get in on the gym floor i dont have that beast in me that ive always had even when off cycle. i think im gonna drop fown the aromisen lower to maybe 6.25 for a few days see if that helps that nolva ahould protect the nips i would hope still have lumps there.

  8. #8
    if your looking for streangth gains you need to do 1 to 5 reps with 2 to 3 minutes of rest

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