A few weeks ago I had some gyno-type sides, they were most likely prolactin related but to be sure I started letrozole 2.5mg ED to "crush" estrogen levels. (caber was run as well) I had read people having issues with fatigue, lethargy, or feeling generally unwell while on letro. I keep reading about the negative effects of too low estrogen levels.
4 weeks on letro at this point, the sides have completely cleared up. I feel 100% great, no lethargy or other issues. In addition to this, my ACNE/skin has improved 100% as well- Yes, my acne completely cleared up after about week 2 on letro. Gains are still excellent, no perceived effect on gains.
We all know girls/women with acne. Like most guys I had moderate acne while on cycle. I am considering how my acne could have been entirely contributed to elevated by Estrogen levels while on cycle?
Right now I am on test/mast making gains with 100% clear skin!