Hey guys, I've been cutting for the past 17 weeks naturally, dropped 49lbs and am still looking to drop roughly 13lbs. I'm cutting until maximum december 31st, so rougly 5 weeks left. My diet is on point, so is my weight lifting and cardio.
I have just completed my first week on clen. I took 50mcg for the first 4 days, then upped to 100mcg the next 3 days.
The first 2 days I felt kind of shaky/jittery and cramp very slightly during legs workout, tho I'm thinking that might have all been placebo. I didn't feel anything the following 2 days, so I decided to up to 100 mcg. 3 days on 100mcg so far and I feel absolutely nothing. My heart rate is normal, so is my body temperature. I don't feel jittery/shaky anymore and I feel no cramping, tho I'm taking 6g of taurine a day.
I'm confused. Should I be feeling any sides to know that clen is working? I haven't seen or felt a difference while on it, in fact, my weight stalled for 5 days. Usually it drops between 0.2-0.4lbs per day, but this past week I've only gone down 0.8lbs
Also for reference, my friend and I are sharing the same bottle and he's felt the sides and is already seeing results.