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Thread: Is clen working?

  1. #1

    Is clen working?

    Hey guys, I've been cutting for the past 17 weeks naturally, dropped 49lbs and am still looking to drop roughly 13lbs. I'm cutting until maximum december 31st, so rougly 5 weeks left. My diet is on point, so is my weight lifting and cardio.

    I have just completed my first week on clen. I took 50mcg for the first 4 days, then upped to 100mcg the next 3 days.

    The first 2 days I felt kind of shaky/jittery and cramp very slightly during legs workout, tho I'm thinking that might have all been placebo. I didn't feel anything the following 2 days, so I decided to up to 100 mcg. 3 days on 100mcg so far and I feel absolutely nothing. My heart rate is normal, so is my body temperature. I don't feel jittery/shaky anymore and I feel no cramping, tho I'm taking 6g of taurine a day.

    I'm confused. Should I be feeling any sides to know that clen is working? I haven't seen or felt a difference while on it, in fact, my weight stalled for 5 days. Usually it drops between 0.2-0.4lbs per day, but this past week I've only gone down 0.8lbs

    Also for reference, my friend and I are sharing the same bottle and he's felt the sides and is already seeing results.
    Last edited by Powerofgains; 11-26-2014 at 12:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    You don't necessarily need to feel the sides of clen to see it work, instead your body probably built some tolerance to it.
    How about trying some ketotofin to help up regulate your beta 2 receptors or even taking a week off and do a 1 week on - 1 week off approach.

  3. #3
    Well my approach was 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. The odd thing is that I haven't felt a difference this whole week while on clen, just the jitteriness which i believe is from placebo. Ketotofin might not help me at this point, since this is the first time taking anything for my b-2 receptors

  4. #4
    it will definatly still help I'm bout to do my first try with clen and am absolutly geting keto with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Half Nattyville
    OP, I felt the same way.

    I think we just get used to it quick, the jitteriness/shakes are not a placebo.

    Sounds like its working fine.

  6. #6
    I might try keto, I'm on 100g of carbs/day atm, I'll stick to this for the next 7 days, and after i take 2 weeks off, I'll start back on keto

  7. #7
    Yea, I might be getting used to it. Seems really fast to me, only felt the effects on the first day or two. It's odd that my weight loss diminished though.

  8. #8
    that could be diet how many calories a day are you taking in. it's a caloric intake deficit your looking for to loose weigh not necessarily carbohydrate intake

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Stop upping the gear, and pay attention, on the sides and keep your receptors clean

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