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Thread: liquidex dosage.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    liquidex dosage.

    hey yall keeping it short and sweet. I am def gyno prone, mid cycle my estro got out of control. Been trying to dial in my adex dosage. I ran .5 eod for a week or so then lowered a tad bit to .30 eod. I have a good day wa=here i know my levels are good my libidos great and i feel that good strong head and body feeling that test 3 gives then ill have a day where i feel my estrogen is up my libido is down a bit. bodys more sore. sore left nipple etc. Im afraid of upping my dose because the symptoms of high and low estro are so similar. Since im feeling that roller coaster of hormones would running .25 ed be any different with keeping levels constant. ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    IMO I would go with Stane while on cycle. Jimmy has some good into on this board about why stane is a good choice

    To quote Jimmyinkedup -
    Exemestane (Aromasin,Stane), although often touted as weaker than letrozole but stronger than anastrozole, is probably in all likelihood, the mildest or most forgiving ai. It is commonly dosed at 25 mgs/ tab or ml of liquid. It has a fairly safe profile having at the very least no negative impact on igf and possibly increasing it slightly. It has no adverse impact on lipid (cholesterol) profiles as well. While Exemestane is very effective at lowering estrogen it is very difficult to “crush” or lower estrogen too much while taking this ai. These factors make this ai a very desirable choice for on cycle use. For a common testosterone cycle, say between 500-600mgs/week the starting dosage for this ai would be from 12.5mg-25mg/day.

    Anastrozole (Arimidex,Dex) is a fairly potent ai. It is commonly dosed at 1mg/tab or ml of liquid. It, like exemestane, also has a relatively safe profile and may have either no adverse effect, or a slightly adverse effect on igf levels and lipid profiles if dosed properly. It is easier to lower estrogen levels too much while taking anastrozole than it is when taking exemestane. Anastrozole is a more potent ai than many people give it credit for. It also has a longer active life than exemstane so daily dosing is not required. Every other day use is fine with anastrozole. For a common testosterone cycle say between 500-600mgs/week the staring dosage for this ai would be from .25mg-.5 mg Every Other Day.

    Letrozole (Femara, Letro)is by far the most potent ai available. It is most commonly dosed at 2.5mg/tab or ml of liquid. It has the largest negative impact on both igf and lipid profiles of any ai (probably due to its strength). It can be very easy to lower estrogen levels too much when taking letrozole. For this reason I recommend only those with serious estrogen/aromatization issues of those doing very heavy cycles consider using letrozole to manage estrogen levels. Often I see people recommend letrozole for the treatment of Gyno, I do NOT recommend this In order for an ai to effectively treat gyno your estrogen levels must essentially be reduced to zero. While letrozole is very capable of this, some estrogen is essential for basic bodily function, health and wellbeing. For a common testosterone cycle say between 500-600mg/week the staring dosage for this ai would be approximately .25mg every other day or every third day. Be warned even at these low doses it is fairly easy to lower estrogen too much while using letrozole. Use it with caution if it is the ai you choose.
    To sum it up an ai should be used on cycle, to manage estrogen levels, keeping them within the clinically normal range. Their use should start upon the start of your cycle and stop when you begin your Post cycle Therapy protocol. Blood work is essential to determine proper ai dosage for you while on your cycle. Ai’s are not meant to treat or reverse gyno, simply manage estrogen levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    thanks i only have 4 or 5 weeks left in this cycle so ordering it will take too long.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I don't see how Jimmy wrote that exemestane is stronger than arimidex. That's just not true. IMO. Jimmy is a very knowledgable member!! but after he said that, he then said it is very hard to crush estrogen with stane? That is contradicting in and of itself. If you are gyno prone I would run arimidex on cycle. And even possibly low dose nolvadex or ralox as well. Also you need to get bloodwork to know what you ai dose is even doing for you. You don't know whether you estrogen is high/low.!

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